Oleksandr Moros

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Oleksandr Moros in 2003

Oleksandr Oleksandrowytsch Moroz ( Ukrainian Олександр Олександрович Мороз , scientific transliteration Oleksandr Oleksandrovyč Moroz ; born February 29, 1944 in Buda , Kiev Oblast ) is a Ukrainian politician . From 1991 to 2010 he was chairman of the Socialist Party of Ukraine (SPU) and was a member of the Verkhovna Rada and its president several times .


Moros comes from a large family from the village of Buda south of Kiev; his father was a carpenter, his mother a kolkhoz farmer . He graduated from the Agricultural Academy in 1965 as an engineer / mechanic. After completing his military service in 1966, he taught at the technical center in Tarashcha in the mechanization department until 1974 . 1974 to 1976 he worked in various agricultural engineering companies, in 1976 as a senior engineer in the Kiev Silhosptechnika ( Сільгосптехніка ). In the same year he also held a first party function in the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU).

Until 1983 Moros studied at the party college of the KPU, which he graduated as a political scientist. In the following years he worked as a trade union secretary and in various party functions - mostly in agricultural work areas.

Since 1990 Oleksandr Moros has been elected four times as his party's list candidate in the Verkhovna Rada , the Ukrainian parliament; from 1994 to 1998 as its chairman. In 1994, 1999 and 2004 he took part as a candidate in the presidential elections and came in third place, with 13.04 percent, 11.29 percent and most recently 5.81 percent in 2004. From 1994 to 1996 he was also vice chairman the Constitutional Commission.

Since August 3, 2004 Moros has been chairman of the civil association Protection of Children of War ( Захист дітей війни ).

For years, Moros was a staunch opponent of President Leonid Kuchma ; in 2000 he released tapes showing Kuchma's alleged involvement in the murder of journalist Heorhiy Gongadze . He has always been committed to removing power from the presidency in favor of parliament. In 2001 he became spokesman for the citizens' committee for the protection of the constitution "Ukraine without Kuchma" ; in the same year he founded the Forum for National Salvation (Форум національного порятунку) together with Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko . He was one of the main supporters of Yushchenko and the Orange Revolution during the protests after the 2004 presidential election, in which he came back third in the first round .

After the parliamentary elections in 2006, in which no party had achieved a majority capable of governing, Moros and his party SPU initially joined an alliance of the presidential party Our Ukraine and the Yulia Tymoshenko bloc (BJUT). After almost four months, however, he dropped out of the negotiations; One of the reasons is his rejection of Yushchenko's plan for Ukraine to join NATO. After some hesitation, Yushchenko proposed his former opponent Viktor Yanukovych as prime minister, who was confirmed by parliament the following day.

In the parliamentary elections in 2007 , the SPU failed at the three percent hurdle , so that Moros lost his parliamentary mandate. Despite demands for his resignation, which were addressed to him shortly after the election defeat from the ranks of his party, the XIII voted. At the SPU party congress in November 2007 he was again party chairman. In July 2010, the Ukrainian Minister of Economic Affairs, Vasyl Zuzko , a confidante of President Viktor Yanukovych , was elected as the new chairman of the SPU.


  • Kudy jdemo? ("Where are we going?" - Куди йдемо? ... 1993)
  • Wybir ("Selection" - Вибір , 1996)
  • Tema dlja rosdumiw ("Subject for reflection" - Тема для роздумів , 1996)
  • Doroha, s jakoji ne sijty ("Road with no way out" - Дорога, з якої не зійти , 1999)
  • Misch witschnymy polyussamy ("Between Eternal Poles" - Між вічними полюсами , 1999)
  • Pro semlju, Konstituziju i ne tilky ("About the Earth, the Constitution and ..." - Про землю, Конституцію і не тільки , 2000)
  • Chronika odnoho slotschynu ("Chronicle of a Crime" - Хроніка одного злочину , 2001)


Web links

Commons : Oleksandr Moros  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2095394,00.html
  2. Archived copy ( Memento of the original from November 18, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / rus.newsru.ua
  3. NEWSru.ua : Председателем СПУ избран Василий Цушко, доверенное лицо Виктора Януковича ( Memento of the original April 8, 2014 Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link is automatically inserted and not yet tested. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / rus.newsru.ua