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Live reconstruction of Orthacanthus senckenbergianus

Live reconstruction of Orthacanthus senckenbergianus

Temporal occurrence
Pennsylvania to Upper Cretaceous
315.2 to 66 million years
Superclass : Jaw mouths (Gnathostomata)
Class : Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)
Subclass : Plate gill (Elasmobranchii)
Order : Xenacanthiformes
Family : Orthacanthidae
Genre : Orthacanthus
Scientific name
Agassiz , 1843

Orthacanthus is an extinct cartilaginous fish species , which is about 250 million years, from the early Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) to the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary at the end of the Mesozoic fossil can be detected. It is one of the plate gills and had a predatory lifestyle as a nectic carnivore.

First description and origin of name

The name Orthacanthus is a combination of the Greek words ortho (ὀρθός) - 'straight', 'right' - and acanthos (ἄκανθος) - 'thorn'. It can therefore be reproduced as an arrow straight , which describes the external appearance of the animal very clearly. This cartilaginous fish was scientifically described for the first time by Louis Agassiz in 1843 .


The genus Orthacanthus is part of the superiority of the Euselachii belonging family of Orthacanthidae within the order xenacanthida . Ginter et al. (2010) now count them among the Diplodoselachidae . Carroll (1988) placed it in the Xenacanthidae family .

The type species is O. milleri . There are also numerous other species such as O. arcuatus , O. bohemicus , O. buxieri , O. compressus , O. cylindricus , O. donnelljohnsi , O. gibbosus , O. kounoviensis , O. meridionalis , O. minor , O. pinguis , O. platypternus , O. pustulosus , O. senckenbergianus and O. texensis . Also Didymodus platypternus , acinaces Diplodus , D. minutus , D. parvulus and D. tenuis are as species of Orthacanthus viewed. Sister taxa are Dicentrodus , Diplodoselache , Hagenoselache and Lebachacanthus .


Orthacanthus kept in the Natural History Museum in Vienna

The main characteristics of Orthacanthus were its highly specialized fins and the elongated, straight spine that began behind the skull . A dorsal fin ran almost over the entire back , which was only separated from the diphycercic caudal fin by a notch and gave the animal an eel-like appearance. In front of the dorsal fin was a long, hollow dorsal spine made of dentine , which was often fossilized along with the teeth. The animal also had two stalked anal fins lying one behind the other . The two pectoral fins were provided with an archipterygium - a long, centrally located, segmented axis from which the radials (bones) emanated both pre- (relatively short) and postaxial (long). This seemingly ancient structure may still come from the Symmoriids. The specializations in the structure of the fins are interpreted by Dick (1981) in such a way that the flapping side movements of the tail end were supported and the animals experienced a more powerful propulsion, which allowed them to glide more effectively through swamps rich in plants.

A tricuspid tooth of Orthacanthus from Whitehaven in Cumbria

Orthacanthus reached a length of nearly three meters. Its teeth were tricuspid (three pointed cones) with two long side spines and a tiny central spine. There could be other very small thorns in between. The side spines were bent slightly horn-shaped and their tips pointed away from each other. The side mandrel positioned further forward was slightly larger than the one set back a little. The tooth base was flat, but made a rough impression due to small punctiform indentations; behind a coronal elevation it also had a clear, central opening.

Way of life

As a nectobenthic predator, Orthacanthus was at the top of the food chain at the time. Aodhán Ó Gogáin et al. (2012) examined coprolites of Orthacanthus and found in them, among other things, teeth from young animals of this genus. This proves a cannibalistic way of life of the genus, which obviously did not spare its younger conspecifics in times of need. Orthacanthus fossils are found in a wide variety of facies , ranging from shallow marine to continental. Orthacanthus obviously not only lived in the open sea, but also sought out coastal areas , lagoons , estuaries , estuaries , bayous and freshwater swamps , so it could live in water with different salinity ( euryhalin ).

Fossil record

Orthacanthus dentition with tricuspid teeth

Sites of Orthacanthus are:


  • Hampe, O .: About the dentition of the Orthacanthus (Chondrichthyes: Xenacanthida; Oberkarbon-Unterperm) . In: Paleontological Journal . tape 62 , 1988, pp. 285-296 .

Individual evidence

  1. L. Agassiz: Recherches sur les poissons fossiles . Tome III (livr. 15-16). Imprimérie de Petitpierre, Neuchatel 1843, p. 157-390 .
  2. M. Ginter, O. Hampe and CJ Duffin: Chondrichthyes, Paleozoic Elasmobranchii: Teeth . In: HP Schultze (Ed.): Handbook of Paleoichthyology 3D . 2010, p. 1-168 .
  3. ^ Robert L. Carroll: Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution . WH Freeman and Company, New York 1988, ISBN 0-7167-1822-7 .
  4. Rodrigo Soler-Gijón: Development and growth in xenacanth sharks: new data from Upper Carboniferous of Bohemia . In: G. Arratia, MVH Wilson and R. Cloutier (Eds.): Recent Advances in the Origin and Early Radiation of Vertebrates . Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, Munich 2004, ISBN 3-89937-052-X .
  5. Kimberly G. Beck et al: Morphology and histology of dorsal spines of the xenacanthid shark Orthacanthus platypternus from the Lower Permian of Texas, USA: Palaeobiological and palaeoenvironmental implications . In: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica . tape 61 (1) , 2016, pp. 97-117 .
  6. Gogáin, Aodhán Ó, Falcon-Lang, Howard J., Carpenter, David K., Miller, Randall F., Benton, Michael J., Pufahl, Peir K., Ruta, Marcello, Davies, Thomas G., Hinds, Steven J. and Stimson, Matthew R .: Fish and tetrapod communities across a marine to brackish salinity gradient in the Pennsylvanian (early Moscovian) Minto Formation of New Brunswick, Canada, and their palaeoecological and palaeogeographical implications . In: Palaeontology . ISSN  1475-4983 .
  7. Dick, JRF: Diplodoselachi woodi gen. Et sp. nov., an early Carboniferous shark from the Midland Valley of Scotland . In: Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Earth Sciences . tape 72 , 1981, pp. 99-113 .
  8. D. Heyler and C. Poplin: Systematics and relationships among the Xenacanthiformes (Pisces, Chondrichthyes) in the light of Carboniferous and Permian French material . In: Acta Musei Reginaehradecensis SA: Scientiae Naturales . tape 22 , 1989, pp. 69-78 .
  9. M. Manabe, Y. Hasegawa and T. Takahashi: A hadrosaurid vertebra from the Ashizawa Formation, Futaba Group, Fukushima, Japan . In: Bulletin of the Gunma Museum of Natural History . tape 7 , 2003, p. 7-10 .
  10. J. Liszkowski: The Selachierfauna of the shell limestone in Poland: Composition, stratigraphy and paleoecology . In: Muschelkalk, Schöntaler Symposium 1991. Special volumes of the Society for Natural History in Württemberg . tape 2 , 1993, p. 177-185 .
  11. Soler-Gijón, R .: Orthacanthus meridionalis, a new xenacanth shark (Elasmobranchii) from the Upper Carboniferous of the Puertollano basin, Spain . In: New Yearbook of Geology and Paleontology, Treatises . tape 204 , 1997, pp. 141-169 .
  12. Zidek, J .: Juvenile Orthacanthus platypternus (Cope 1883) (Elasmobranchii: Xenacanthiformes) from the Upper Carboniferous near Hamilton, Kansas, USA In: U.- HJ Heidtke, New Research on Permo-Carboniferous faunas (Ed.): Pollichia- Book . tape 29 , 1993, pp. 53-65 .
  13. Donelan, C. and Johnson, GD: Orthacanthus platypternus (Chondrichthyes: Xenacanthida) occipital spines from the Lower Permian Craddock Bonebed, Baylor County, Texas . In: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology . 17 (Supplement), 1997, p. 43A .