Ostap Luzkyj

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Ostap Luzkyj before 1939

Ostap Mychajlowytsch Luzkyj ( Ukrainian Остап Михайлович Луцький ; born November 8, 1883 in Luka , Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria , Austria-Hungary ; † October 8, 1941 in Kotlas , Arkhangelsk Oblast, Soviet Union ) was a Ukrainian writer, writer, journalist and literary critic Politician.


Ostap Luzkyj was born into a small aristocratic family in Luka in what is now Sambir Rajon in the Ukrainian Lviv Oblast . He attended high schools in Butschatsch , Stanislau and Sambir , where he graduated from high school in 1901. He then studied law at the University in Lviv , philosophy at the Charles University in Prague and literature at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow , where he Vasyl Stefanyk and Bohdan Lepkyj met.

Luzkyj's first works were published in Ruslan magazine in 1902 . In 1903 he published the collection of poems " Без маски " ( Without a mask ) in Kolomyja . The following year he published " З моїх днів " ( From my days ) in Lviv and in 1906 there " В такі хвилі " ( In such waves ). He has also written several literary and critical articles dealing with the literary development of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was an active advocate of modernist tendencies in literature. Between 1906 and 1909 he was co-organizer of the modern literary group " Young Muse " (Ukrainian Молода муза Moloda Musa ) and from 1907 to 1914 he was co-editor and editor of the magazine Bukovina in Chernivtsi . There he was also active in the local cooperative movement .

During the First World War he served as a lieutenant in the Austrian army and in 1918 became adjutant to Archduke Wilhelm von Habsburg . At the beginning of the Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918-19 Luzkyj was Sotnyk in the Galician Ukrainian Army ( Українська Галицька армія (УГА) ) of the West Ukrainian People's Republic and then staff officer at the army headquarters of the Ukrainian People's Republic , where he in the Soviet Polish war as a liaison officer for communication between the leaders Symon Petljura and Józef Piłsudski was responsible.

After the end of the war he lived in Stryj and was a leader in the Ukrainian cooperative movement in Galicia. Between 1928 and 1939 he was on the party executive of the Ukrainian National Democratic Union ( Українське національно-демократичне об'єднання ; UNDO). From 1928 to 1935 he was a member of the Polish Sejm and from 1935 to 1939 he was a senator in the Polish Senate , where he was on the Committee on Foreign Relations and campaigned for the normalization of Ukrainian-Polish relations . He also wrote articles on economic and social topics.

Ostap Luzkyj with his son Jurij Luzkyj , 1936

After the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland , he was arrested by the NKVD in Lviv on October 2, 1939 and died two years later at the age of 57 in a gulag near Kotlas in the RSFSR .


Ostap Luzkyj was married to a daughter of Stepan Smal-Stozkyj . The couple were the parents of the Ukrainian-Canadian literary scholar and translator Jurij Luzkyj .


His son Jurij Luzkyj examined and published in 1968, together with Bohdan Rubchak ( Богдан Рубчак ; 1935-2018), the literary work of his father. Ostap Luzkyj's correspondence, which he conducted with Iwan Franko and Olha Kobyljanska , among others , was published in 1994.

Web links

Commons : Ostap Luzkyj  - collection of images

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Entry on Ostap Luzkyj in the Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine ; accessed on March 9, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  2. a b c d e Entry on Ostap Luzkyj in the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ; accessed on March 9, 2019 (Ukrainian)
  3. a b c Entry on Lutsky, Ostap in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine ; accessed on March 9, 2019 (English)
  4. ^ Family history of the "good man" on litakcent.com from August 9, 2009; accessed on March 8, 2019 (Ukrainian)