Paul R. Executioner

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Paul R. Henker with Inge Keller on April 26, 1960

Paul R. Henker (born February 21, 1898 in Suhl , † June 15, 1960 in Berlin ; actually Paul Ernst Wilhelm Henker ) was a German actor and director .


Paul R. Henker was born the son of a gunsmith and first learned his father's craft. His acting career began at the theater in Meiningen , where he had previously taken acting lessons from Max Grube . Engagements at various stages in Germany followed, so u. a. in Remscheid, Würzburg and Mainz. During this time, Henker also began directing.

After the war he was director of the Eisenach State Theater from 1948 to 1950 . From 1950, executioner worked at the Deutsches Theater in Berlin. From 1952 he stood in front of the camera for DEFA , and later also for television . He also worked extensively in radio and as a voice actor .

Executioner died suddenly and unexpectedly of a heart condition.

Filmography (selection)


Radio plays

Web links

  • (Broadcasting of the GDR)
Commons : Paul R. Henker  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files