Per Berthelsen

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Per Berthelsen (born February 12, 1950 in Qeqertarsuaq ) is a Greenlandic politician , rock musician , teacher and journalist .

Family and life

Per is the son of Nuuk's former mayor Rasmus Berthelsen (1905–1980) and Ane Sofie Egede († 1981). His ancestors include Hans Egede (1686–1758), Christian Alexander Platou (1779–1827), Jørgen Nielsen Møller (1801–1870) and Rasmus Berthelsen (1827–1901). Christian Berthelsen (1916–2015) is his uncle. He himself married the teacher Helene Broberg (* 1953) on May 28, 1988. Among other things, she brought her daughter Julie (* 1979) into the marriage, who is a well-known pop singer.

Per Berthelsen graduated from secondary school in Nuuk in 1967, then attended the Sorø Akademi and passed his teacher's examination in Holbæk in 1975 . He then became a teacher in Nuuk for five years. In the following years he was secretary at the Inuit Circumpolar Conference , worked as sub-chief and editor for Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa and as head of marketing and information at Nuna Bank . In 1988 he started his own business.

He was awarded the silver Nersornaat on June 23, 2004 .

Political career

Per Berthelsen's political career began in the Akulliit Partiiat center party , for which he was elected to the Nuuk Municipality Council in 1993 . He ran in the 1995 general election but did not receive enough votes to enter parliament.

In 1997 he became a member of the Siumut after leaving the Akulliit Partiiat. In the same year he was able to move into the local council again and was appointed vice mayor. He ran again in the 1999 parliamentary elections and was able to move into the Inatsisartut for the first time .

In 2002 he was expelled from the Siumut and then founded the Demokraatit , of which he became chairman. In the same year he received the most votes of all candidates in the parliamentary elections in 2002 and thus defended his parliamentary seat. In the 2005 local elections, he was also a member of the Nuuk Municipality Council. In the parliamentary elections in 2005 he again received the most votes of all candidates and entered parliament for the third time in a row. In the local elections in 2008 he moved into the council of the new Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq .

In July 2008 he fell out with his party and was replaced as party chairman by Jens B. Frederiksen and then left the party to rejoin the Siumut in September. A few days later he was elected Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs and then took a leave of absence from the local council. In the 2009 parliamentary elections , he received significantly fewer votes than four years earlier, but was still able to get a seat in parliament. At the same time he took up the local political work in the Kommuneqarfik Sermersooq. In 2011 he was admitted to Rigshospitalet for a life-threatening spinal cord infection , but recovered.

In the parliamentary elections in 2013 , he could only reach parliament via the third successor seat. In the local elections in 2013, however, he was able to move into the local council for the sixth time in a row. In the 2014 parliamentary elections , however, he was barely able to achieve any votes and left parliament. In spring 2017 he fell out again with his party, left the Siumut and did not run again in the local elections.

Music career

Per Berthelsen was a child star in Greenland even as a child. At the age of five he was already giving out records. During his stay in Sorø in 1970 he founded the rock band Sumé with Malik Høegh . In 1973 they made their debut at the Roskilde Festival . They were perceived as John Lennon and Paul McCartney in Greenland, and their music addressed the desire for Greenlandic independence and shaped subsequent generations of musicians. The band broke up in 1977, but still performs on special occasions today. In 1980, Per Berthelsen founded his own recording studio and music publisher.


  • Per Berthelsen: Sume - en grønlandsk rock legend . Milik Publishing, Nuuk 2010. ISBN 9788791359859 . Greenlandic edition: Sume - rockertarnermikkut tusaamasarsuit .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Torben Lodberg : Grønlands Grønne Bog 1988 . Ed .: Grønlands hjemmestyres informationkontor. Copenhagen 1988, ISBN 87-982902-9-0 , pp. 8 .
  2. Pedigree of his uncle Christian Berthelsen in the Tidsskriftet Grønland
  3. a b Julie Berthelsen's dreary summer: Far var døden nær at
  4. ^ A b c d Jan René Westh: Ordenshistorisk Tidsskrift . Ed .: Ordenshistorisk Selskab . tape 36 , December 2010, ISSN  0904-5554 , p. 16 .
  5. Local election results 1993 in the Atuagagdliutit of April 7, 1993
  6. ^ Parliamentary election results 1995 in the Atuagagdliutit of March 7, 1995
  7. Ny Siumut'er in the Atuagagdliutit of February 20, 1997
  8. Local election results 1997 in the Atuagagdliutit of April 10, 1997
  9. Candidates elected in the 1999 parliamentary election in the Atuagagdliutit of February 23, 1999
  10. a b biography in Den Store Danske
  11. a b c election results in Greenland at
  12. Per Berthelsen he færdig som partiformand at
  13. Per Berthelsen melder sig ud af Demokraterne at
  14. Per Berthelsen bliver Siumutter - igen at
  15. Per Berthelsen officielt valgt som nyt landsstyremedlem bei
  16. Per Berthelsen: Orlov fra kommunen, men ikke fra Landsting at
  17. Per Berthelsen tilbage til municipal policy at
  18. Per Berthelsen he fortid i Siumut at
  19. Sume at