Peter Salm

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Peter Salm (born August 14, 1892 in Aachen ; † July 9, 1981 there ) was a German architect and preservationist .

Live and act

At the age of 17, Peter Salm passed his apprenticeship carpenter exam at the Kuetgens-Nellessen'schen Institute in Bergstrasse. From 1911 to 1913 he studied at the building trade school in Aachen and graduated with honors. After working in the architectural office of the Heusch brothers, he became technical city secretary in the city administration in 1914. During the First World War , Salm was appointed to the Department of Monument Preservation and Conservation of Historic Buildings of the General Government of Warsaw . From 1922 to 1925 he worked as a community builder in Kornelimünster .

As early as the Second World War , Salm repaired the Marienhospital in Burtscheid and, together with the architect Hans Kuepper, re-roofing the parish church of St. Michael (Aachen-Burtscheid) , its restoration and that of St. Johann (Aachen-Burtscheid) among his main works counting. He carried out the restoration of the abbey church from 1946 to 1966, only interrupted from summer 1948 to May 1949 due to the currency reform of June 20, 1948 . At around the same time, from 1949 to 1960, the abbey gate was repaired.

Around 1936 Peter Salm lived in house Barbarossaplatz 3 in Aachen's southern district and ran his architecture office at Peterstraße 56 until 1975. The architect Peter Geulen had been his employee since 1952 and later his successor.


Works (selection)

  • Substation in Kornelimünster
  • Mortuary at the Breinig cemetery (together with Buchkremer)
  • Residential and office building Yorkstrasse 11 in Aachen
year image place object state comment
1925 Ulm Competition design for the development of the Münsterplatz in Ulm Baden-Württemberg Competition draft, not executed, together with Joseph Buchkremer
1928 Aachen Competition design for the Lütticher Straße housing estate in Aachen North Rhine-Westphalia Competition design together with Joseph Buchkremer
1928 Cologne Catholic parish church

St. Jakob (Aachen)

North Rhine-Westphalia Competition draft not carried out (together with his father; awarded 2nd prize)
1936 Korschenbroich- Steinforth-Rubbelrath Catholic parish church

St. Joseph

North Rhine-Westphalia Extension building, demolished in the 1960s
1936-1937 Old Seminary Aachen.jpg Aachen Aachen seminary North Rhine-Westphalia New building, together with Franz Wildt
1937-1938 St. Josef Düren.JPG Düren Catholic branch church

St. Joseph

North Rhine-Westphalia New building
1939 Chapel of St. Bernhard Walheim.jpg Aachen- Friesenrath Catholic chapel

St. Bernhard

North Rhine-Westphalia New building, designed in 1933
1939 Waldfeucht-Braunsrath Monument no.  110, Clemensstrasse 35 - 37 (5087) .jpg Braunsrath school Extension of the school from 1878
1942-1944 Abteistraße 7-9.JPG Aachen Marienhospital North Rhine-Westphalia extension
1947-1949 Mönchengladbach- Günhoven Catholic branch church

St. Matthias

North Rhine-Westphalia Used as Church of the Holy Sepulcher since 2013
1948-1954 Erkelenz St. Lambertus Church.JPG Erkelenz Catholic parish church

St. Lambertus

North Rhine-Westphalia New building
1951 Kall, Sankt Nikolaus church foto6 2015-04-16 14.31.jpg Call Catholic parish church

St. Nicholas

North Rhine-Westphalia New building
1952 Jülich monument no.  6, Kirchplatz (748) .jpg Jülich Catholic Provost Parish Church

St. Mary of the Assumption

North Rhine-Westphalia New building
1953 Mechernich, St.-Johannes-Baptist-Kirche.jpg Mechernich Catholic parish church

St. John Baptist

North Rhine-Westphalia New building
1957, 1962-1964 Marienkapelle Aachen-Burtscheid.jpg Aachen- Burtscheid Catholic Lady Chapel North Rhine-Westphalia Restoration of the chapel built by Peter Friedrich Peters in 1902/1903
1959 St. Johann organ.jpg Aachen- Burtscheid Organ prospectus for the parish church

St. Johann Baptist

North Rhine-Westphalia Organ work by the organ building institute Karl Bach , Aachen
1959-1961 Aachen Apollinakirche.jpg Aachen- Eilendorf Catholic branch church

St. Apollonia

North Rhine-Westphalia New building
1960–1962 Oberforstbach Church.jpg Aachen- Oberforstbach Catholic parish church of St. Rochus North Rhine-Westphalia New building
1964 St Johann 2.JPG Aachen- Burtscheid Catholic parish home of St. Johann Baptist North Rhine-Westphalia New building


  • Contemporary church building in the diocese of Aachen. 1933
  • with Franz Wild: The new seminary in Aachen, Festschrift. Edited by the building commission for the establishment of the seminar. Aachen 1937


  • Holger A. Dux : The architect Peter Salm and his work in Burtscheid. In: Helmut Doerenkamp (ed.): Contributions to the history of Burtscheid. Volume 1, Aachen-Burtscheid 2003, pp. 211-281.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Address book Aachen 1936.