Parish church Maria Rain

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East view
North elevation
Christophorus fresco
inside view

The parish and pilgrimage church of Maria Rain in the same community bears the patronage of the Assumption . The double tower complex is the third largest church in Carinthia and is visible from afar above the Rosental .


The church probably goes back to a Salzburg foundation . A "curtis ad Trahove" document mentioned in 860 and the church "sancta maria ad dravum" mentioned in 927 refer to today's Maria Rain. In 1144 a “Maria scalach” came to the Viktring monastery . 1313 "Ze our trust in the Rain" is mentioned. From 1445 to 1456 there was a late Gothic new building with a north tower, which has been preserved in the western part of today's church. The Marienkapelle was added in the middle of the 17th century. In 1658 the construction of the free-standing Holy Sepulcher Chapel on the east side of the church took place , but it was demolished again in 1692 and rebuilt in 1696 as a right side chapel when the nave was extended to the east. The north tower with a pointed helmet was built before the year, the south tower was not completed until 1719. The church received its present form through the renovation in 1729. Maria Rain, which was a subsidiary of the Köttmannsdorf parish until 1788, was elevated to an independent parish in the course of the Josephine reforms . In 1906 a fire destroyed the church to the ground, in 1909 the church was consecrated again after restoration. In 1985/86 the church was renovated, in 1995 the interior was painted and the furnishings rearranged.

Building description

The complex is a Baroque-style hall church with side chapels and oratorios above, as well as a choir with a cloverleaf closure. The twin towers are crowned with onion helmets and lanterns. The baroque west facade with a curved gable is structured by four pilasters . The late Gothic profiled keel arch portal is protected by a canopy on two profiled pillars. Next to the portal is a hexagonal sacrificial table with a Jerusalem cross , which probably comes from the former Holy Sepulcher Chapel, as well as the coat of arms of Abbot Wilhelm von Viktring from 1658 in the southern entrance porch. A large St. Christopher fresco from 1706 can be seen on the north wall, another Gothic St. Christopher fresco on the north wall of the nave is only partially visible in the attic.

The single-nave interior with side chapels and galleries has a barrel vault with stitch caps. In the narrower western part of the nave, the ribs of the Gothic net rib vault were cut off around 1700. An organ created by Franz Colaric around 1850 stands on the single-axis organ loft with a pressed choir arch. In 1984 baroque decorative paintings were uncovered in the choir vault, in 1984 a coat of arms with angels in the nave above the sacristy doors and the depiction of the Arma Christi above the door to the former Holy Sepulcher chapels . In 1991, in the semicircular niche of the blind window on the east side of the main apse, a fresco of a standing Madonna and Child, who both bear ruler's attributes, from the end of the 17th century was discovered.


High altar

The high altar in the choir room

The monumental high altar from 1694 with three-zone architecture and a high plinth has side sacrificial portals . The central zone consists of a concave curved triumphal arch with two side niches and has an oval frame in the central part. The top is formed by a small aedicula with a staggered double column position, oval central field and lateral figures on pedestals. In the center of the altar is a Gothic statue of grace of Mary with child from the middle of the 15th century. It is flanked by the life-size figures of Saints Benedict , John the Baptist , John the Evangelist and Bernhard . The statues created in 1690/94 are closely related to the work of Marc Anton Claus. The top picture shows God the Father and was painted by Ferdinand Stainer in 1692. The two inner figures in the essay represent Saints Catherine and Barbara , the outer Mary and the Annunciation Angel . The coat of arms of the Counts of Dietrichstein can be seen at the top of the altar.

Side chapels

Mary Sepulcher Chapel

The baroque altar in the Maria-Grab-Chapel was made around 1650 and shows the popular depiction of an enthroned Maria in the altar sheet. The niche in the altar hall contains the depiction of the death of the Virgin .

In the first chapel there is a baroque figure of the Mother of God with a child and a scapular , in the second an alabaster relief in a wooden canopy frame from the mid-18th century depicting a Pietà . Next to it is a chalice-shaped chalice capital from the end of the 13th century.

The cross altar in the third chapel was donated by Abbot Benedikt von Viktring in 1736. The carved figures show the crucified, the Mater dolorosa and the hll. John and Mary Magdalene . The statues were likely carved by Carolus Dult. In the top picture you can see Veronica 's handkerchief.

The Anna Altar in the fourth chapel was donated by Abbot Benedikt in 1736 and is marked with "BAZV 1736" on the coat of arms. The altar sheet painted by Ferdinand Steiner in 1699 gives the hll. Anna and Maria as well as the Holy Trinity again. The top picture shows the holy Agatha , the flanking statues the hll. Ursula and Agnes . The figures are probably the work of Carolus Dult. The panel from 1680 hanging opposite the altar shows Our Lady in heaven with all the saints.

The altar in the Joseph Chapel was donated by Abbot Benedict and is marked 1736 on the coat of arms. The altar painting painted by Ferdinand Stainer in 1691 shows Saint Joseph with child, the top picture Judas Thaddäus . A holy main picture is placed on the cafeteria.

The Apollonia altar in the second chapel on the left was donated by Abbot Benedikt Türk in 1695. The middle picture shows the martyrdom of St. Apollonia , flanked by the statues of St. Valentin and Blasius . The top picture depicts Saint Lucia , surrounded by the hll. Isidore and Notburga . Opposite the altar hangs a picture of St. Christopher from the 17th century in a rococo frame from the middle of the 18th century.

The main picture of the altar in the Flagellation or Rosalia Chapel shows the flagellation of Christ with a rich stucco frame from the beginning of the 18th century. The niche of the Altarmensa contains the carved figure of St. Rosalia .

The ethnically remarkable lattice to the Holy Sepulcher Chapel was forged in 1658. It shows the five holy wounds in painted sheet metal cuts. The carved figure of the holy corpse from the 17th century is located in the niche of the altar in the chapel. The altarpiece with a rich baroque stucco frame and the depiction of the risen one comes from the same period. In the anteroom to the Holy Sepulcher Chapel there is an angel stone with crosses and a Gothic spoil as an offering box as well as several baroque votive pictures. Two stones attached to the exit to the nave are labeled “Ecce homo mensura Christi”.

Further facility

The pulpit was donated in 1709 by the Vikring Abbot Johann Moser. The basket is structured by flattened pillars with Ionic capitals that rest in the base zone on bulbous, ornamented consoles, which are also located under the pedestals of the shell niches. The statuettes of the Apostles Peter and Paul and Salvator Mundi are set in the niches . The painted sermon of John the Baptist can be seen in a cartouche on the front. The coat of arms of Abbot Johann Moser is attached to the sound cover. On the underside of the sound cover there is a three-dimensional Holy Spirit dove in a halo.

To the left of the high altar is the top of a Roman tomb altar with a relief depicting a dolphin and two panthers next to a kantharos tree of life . There is an unassigned capital on it. On the north pillar of the triumphal arch is a console statue of St. Hemma attached. A baroque group of carvings on consoles shows the holy walk, the walk of the Holy Family over the mountains, with the baby Jesus from the 20th century. The nine images of the apostles on the north and south walls are attributed to Ferdinand Stainer. The painting from the end of the 17th century, hanging on the south wall of the nave, shows St. Anthony with child in front of Mary. The two console figures on the north wall represent Saints John Nepomuk and Franz Xavier .

In the entrance hall there is a picture with the family tree of Christ, opposite a votive picture marked 1744 depicting a sea storm. A holy water bowl with a hand in relief from the 17th century is attached to the south-facing entrance.



  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia . Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , pp. 507-509.
  • Barbara Neubauer -Kienzl, Wilhelm Deuter and Eduard Mahlknecht: Baroque in Carinthia. With a contribution by Eva Berger. Carinthia University Press, Klagenfurt 2000, ISBN 3-85378-489-5 , pp. 54, 63, 74, 117 f. and 204.
  • Barbara Kienzl: The baroque pulpits in Carinthia. Verlag des Kärntner Landesarchivs, Klagenfurt 1986, ISBN 3-900531-16-1 , p. 324 f.

Web links

Commons : Assumption of Mary (Maria Rain)  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 33'15.4 "  N , 14 ° 17'43.9"  E