Parish church Oberndorf near Salzburg

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Parish church hl. Nicholas (2011)

The parish church of St. Nikolaus is a Roman Catholic church in the municipality of Oberndorf near Salzburg in the Salzburg-Umgebung district in the state of Salzburg . It is a listed building .


The Schifferkirche St. Nikola, consecrated in 1798

A church that can be documented in 1120 was first put on record in 1160 as the Nikoleikirche. It is later referred to as the "highly regarded 'Schifferkirche'" St. Nikola (also: St. Ni c ola) and is run as a branch of the parish church of Laufen .

The church also fell victim to a fire on April 1, 1769, in which 79 houses, 20 outbuildings, the sacristan's house and the water tower were destroyed. In the years after the Trostberger master mason built Franz Alois Mayr (1723-1771) and his son Franz Joseph Lindmayr the Church new on, it was on 28 October 1798 from the Chiemsee Bishop Sigmund Christoph von Waldburg to Zeil and Trauchburg consecrated . From 1816 this served as a pastoral care station in Österreichisch-Laufens, from 1850 as a parish church until it was closed in 1903 and demolished in 1906. On Christmas Eve 1818, the song Silent Night, Holy Night was heard for the first time .

Floods had repeatedly threatened St. Nicola, in particular a consequence of the river regulation carried out in 1851–1873 , which Carl von Schwarz had carried out in the upper course of the Salzach . After the floods in 1899, the decision was made to create a new town center at a higher point upstream and, through Matthäus Schlager, a new parish church dedicated to St. To build up Nicholas. Although it was already under construction, the official laying of the foundation stone did not take place until March 19, 1906, by Cardinal Johannes Baptist Katschthaler . On November 25, 1907, she was consecrated by Auxiliary Bishop Balthasar Kaltner . The Silent Night Chapel, consecrated in 1937, now stands on the rubble cone of the demolished old church .


Parish church Oberndorf, interior

The church is a single nave building with a tower in the north. A retracted choir with a straight end connects to the nave with a gable roof. The facade is uniformly structured with double pilasters and large round-arched double windows. The west facade with a triangular gable carries the figure of St. Rupert from the second half of the 17th century. The main portal has bronze handles by the sculptor Josef Zenzmaier (1968). The arched side portals in the north and south are protruding and crowned with a triangular gable. The five-storey tower with a tent roof connects directly to the choir to the north. To the east of the choir is a single-storey sacristy.

The four-bay nave under a barrel vault with stitch caps with an organ gallery in the west has side pillars with round-arched passageways protruding far into the room. Behind the round-arched triumphal arch is the one-yoke groin-vaulted choir.

The church is almost identical to the Kleinmünchen parish church in Linz, which was also built by Schlager .

The church is a single-nave building with a length of approx. 54 m and a width of 19 m in a west-east direction. The tower of the church consists of five floors of different heights, each of the individual floors is separated by cornices on the outside. This gives the tower with the cross a total height of 59 m. The fourth floor houses a four-part bell.


On the fourth floor of the tower hang a total of 4 bells of the sixth bell type , they hang on 2 levels and are made of steel.

The bells of the parish church: Bell 1 Ø140 cm, approx. 1620 kg Bell 2 Ø110 cm, approx. 810 kg Bell 3 Ø91 cm, approx. 480 kg Bell 4 Ø83 cm, approx. 340 kg



Some of the furnishings come from the former parish church. The high altar from 1829 shows the altarpiece St. Nikolaus kneeling in front of the Trinity with pleaders beneath them who implore the saint by the painter Christian Wink (1775) and carries console figures of Saints Peter and Paul by Johann Giner (1829) and shows the upper image of the Sacred Heart by the painter Josef Gold (1905). The tabernacle from 1819, standing to the side in the arched fields, shows adoring angels by Josef Gold (1906). The side altar structures from 1827 show the altarpiece Miracle of St. Rupertus by the painter Franz Ignaz Oefele (1775) and the cafeteria picture Maria vom Guten Rat from the late 18th century and on the right the altarpiece St. Maximilian baptizes the Gentiles by Christian Wink (1775) and the cafeteria picture St. Joseph the painter Isfried Jaud (1872).

The pulpit bears statuettes of the four church fathers ( Ambrosius , Hieronymus , Augustinus and Gregorius ) by the sculptor Johannes Piger (1908). There is a crucifix and the figure of Christ on the scourge column from the early 19th century and the group of figures Pietà from 1906. The console figures of St. Anna Selbdritt and St. Michael are from the second half of the 18th century. Johann Giner created four evangelist figures in 1827. The reliefs of the Cross were created in the workshop of Jakob Adlhart the Elder (1906). Three pictures from around 1775 show the weather saints Johannes, Paul and Donatus.

The font, benches and confessionals are from 1906.


Silent Night Organ 1982

The original organ from 1913 was built by Albert Mauracher , it has not been preserved. Like the church, the organ case was designed by Matthäus Schlager, made by the Salzburg master carpenter Josef Ripper and painted by the Oberndorf painter Ripper. In 1982 the so-called Silent Night organ from the Rieger Orgelbau company was built into this case . The three central empty fields, only structured by columns, were included in the organ prospectus, so the three yellowish glazed windows had to be covered. The plans for the new organ, under the direction of Pastor Josef Erharter, envisaged a crown work or a carillon in the silent uppermost pipe field , but this could not be realized for cost reasons. The silent night organ , inaugurated in autumn 1982 , could be heard and seen in a radio and television broadcast by ORF on the occasion of Christmas mass in 1982 throughout Austria.

Disposition 1982:

I Hauptwerk C – g 3
Bourdon 16 ′
Principal 8th'
Reed flute 8th'
Octav 4 ′
Coupling flute 4 ′
Sesquialtera II 2 23 ′ + 1 35
Super octave 2 ′
Mixture IV 2 23
Trumpet 8th'
II Swell C – g 3
Copel 8th'
Gamba 8th'
Principal 4 ′
recorder 4 ′
Nazard 2 23
Gemshorn 2 ′
third 1 35
Scharff IV 1'
Dulcian 8th'
Pedals C – f 1
Sub bass 16 ′
Octave bass 8th'
Dumped 8th'
Choral bass 4 ′
Back set IV 2 ′
bassoon 16 ′
  1. fifth 2 23 ′ as a half move
  2. C – H together with the Copel 8 ′


  • Dehio Salzburg , Vienna 1986.
  • Austrian art topography 10 : The monuments of the political district of Salzburg. Vienna 1913.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Personnel status of the world and religious clergy of the Archdiocese of Salzburg for 1957 (Schematismus 1957), ed. from the Archbishop's Ordinariate Salzburg 1957, p. 185.
  2. ^ Gerhard Walterskirchen : A "Silent Night Organ" for Oberndorf. In: Leaves of the Silent Night Society , volume 6, year 1980, p. 4.

Web links

Commons : Parish Church of St. Nikolaus, Oberndorf near Salzburg  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 47 ° 56 ′ 22.8 "  N , 12 ° 56 ′ 35.8"  E