Piz digl Gurschus

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Piz digl Gurschus
Piz digl Gurschus, taken from the Pass da Schmorras

Piz digl Gurschus, taken from the Pass da Schmorras

height 2880  m above sea level M.
location Canton of Graubünden , Switzerland
Mountains Oberhalbsteiner Alps
Dominance 3.38 km →  Piz Grisch
Notch height 250 m ↓  Between Pass da Surcarungas and Pass Colmet
Coordinates 757 488  /  158 585 coordinates: 46 ° 33 '36 "  N , 9 ° 29' 34"  O ; CH1903:  757 488  /  158 585
Piz digl Gurschus (Canton of Graubünden)
Piz digl Gurschus
Summit head of the east summit, taken from the northwest

Summit head of the east summit, taken from the northwest

Template: Infobox Berg / Maintenance / BILD1

The Piz digl Gurschus is a rocky ridge east of Ausserferrera in the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland with an altitude of 2880  m above sea level. M. The map lists three peaks: the east summit ( 2880  m ), the middle summit ( 2844  m ) and the west summit ( 2753  m ).


The name Gurschus probably goes back to gruscha ( Rhaeto-Romanic in the idiom Sutselvisch for mange, rash, scabies ), which was carried over to bad pasture etc. In the first edition of the guide, Piz digl Gurschus was still referred to as the gruesome one. The mountain is chopped up and crumbly and its flanks are furrowed by several gullies. The extensive scree slopes at the foot of the mountain reveal the poor quality of the rocks and make the approach difficult. The climbing in the brittle, loose rocks in many places no longer corresponds to today's taste.

Location and surroundings

The Piz digl Gurschus belongs to the Piz Curvér group , a subgroup of the Oberhalbsteiner Alps . The summit is located in the municipality of Ferrera GR . The Piz digl Gurschus is located between the Alp Lambegn in the north and the Alp Mos in the south. To the east of the summit are the saddles Furcletta digl Gurschus and Furcletta dil Carpeder ( 2703  m ), to the southeast the Pass da Schmorras ( 2564  m ).

The neighboring peaks include the Sur Carungas , the Piz Settember , the Piz Alv , the Piz Grisch , the Nolla and the Piz la Tschera .

The valley location is Ausserferrera . Frequent starting points are Bärenburg, Andeer and Radons in the Val Nandro .

Routes to the summit

East summit

Over the northeast slope

  • Starting point: Andeer ( 982  m ), Bärenburg ( 1047  m ) or Ausserferrera ( 1300  m )
  • Via: Alp Lambegn
  • Difficulty: WS
  • Time required: 5¼ hours from Andeer, 5 hours from Bärenburg or 4¾ hours from Ausserferrera

Over the east ridge

  • Starting point: Andeer ( 982  m ), Bärenburg ( 1047  m ), Ausserferrera ( 1300  m ) or Radons ( 1866  m )
  • Via: Furcletta dil Carpeder
  • Difficulty: ZS
  • Time required: 6 hours from Andeer, 5¾ hours from Bärenburg, 4¾ hours from Ausserferrera, 3¼ hours from Radons or ½ hour from the Furcletta dil Carpeder

Central summit

Through the southeast wall

  • Starting point: Ausserferrera ( 1300  m ) or Radons ( 1866  m )
  • Via: Pass da Schmorras
  • Difficulty: WS +
  • Time required: 5 hours from Ausserferrera, 3½ hours from Radons or 1 hour from Pass da Schmorras

West summit

Through the north flank

  • Starting point: Andeer ( 982  m ), Bärenburg ( 1047  m ) or Ausserferrera ( 1300  m )
  • Via: Nolla ( 2641  m )
  • Difficulty: WS
  • Time required: 6 hours from Andeer, 5¾ hours from Bärenburg, 4½ hours from Ausserferrera or ¾ hours from Nolla


360 ° panorama from Piz digl Gurschus



  • Manfred Hunziker: Club Guide, Bündner Alpen, Volume 3 (obverse) 1st edition. Verlag des SAC, 1994, ISBN 3-85902-140-0 , pp. 289-291.
  • National map of Switzerland, sheet 1235 Andeer, 1: 25000, Federal Office of Topography, 2009 edition

Web links

Commons : Piz digl Gurschus  - collection of images, videos and audio files