Reinhard Scheibe

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Reinhard Scheibe as laudator in 2013 at the celebrations for the Hanover City Culture Prize awarded by the Friends of Hanover

Reinhard Scheibe (born April 29, 1943 in Reichenbach , Silesia ) is a German politician ( SPD ). Among other things, he was a member of the Lower Saxony State Parliament and State Secretary .


Born in 1943 in Silesia in the middle of World War II , Reinhard Scheibe did not come to what was then the Federal Republic of Germany until 1958 . He attended schools in Laasphe and Espelkamp until he obtained his university entrance qualification in 1964. He then did military service in the German Armed Forces until 1966; only then was he recognized as a conscientious objector .

Scheibe studied in Hanover at the local teacher training college and was involved as AStA chairman in student self-administration.

Reinhard Scheibe joined the SPD while still a student in 1967. He took on various honorary posts for this party, for example was chairman of the local association of Wennigsen (Deister) . He passed the teaching qualification in the subjects of education, history and sociology in 1969.

From 1970 to 1974, Scheibe worked as a parliamentary advisor to the parliamentary group of the Lower Saxony SPD, and from 1974 to 1990 as managing director of the SPD group. From 1972 to 1977 he also served as an elected councilor for the Wennigsen community. At times parallel to his activities, he was involved in the supervision of public broadcasting: From 1975 to 1990 he was a member of the Broadcasting Council at the North German Broadcasting Corporation . In addition, Scheibe was a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament during the 9th and 10th electoral periods from June 21, 1978 to June 20, 1986.

With the election of Gerhard Schröder as Prime Minister of Lower Saxony in the summer of 1990, Reinhard Scheibe moved to the Lower Saxony State Chancellery and became its head in the role of State Secretary. In the fall of 1991, he was given leave of absence as a civil servant and moved to the management of Toto-Lotto Niedersachsen GmbH .

From 1992, Scheibe was a member of the ZDF television council and was elected to the ZDF board of directors on July 1, 2002 . There he switched between chairing the investment committee and the finance committee over the next decade. Disk is no longer a member of the ZDF governing bodies.

Reinhard Scheibe (left) with Roger Cericius from the Friends of Hannover 2014 at the Hannover Volunteer Center

In addition, Reinhard Scheibe was and is involved in numerous organizations, positions and honorary offices. He was a member of the Education and Science Union , the Humanist Union and the Workers' Welfare Association , is a member of Hannover 96 , the Kunstverein Hannover , the Friends of the Sprengelmuseum and - from the start - the Board of Trustees of the Friends of Hannover .

Currently (as of June 2016) Reinhard Scheibe is on the board of the Hanover volunteer center . Chairman of the church council of the Hanoverian market church and chairman of the sponsoring association of the gallery “Vom Zufall und vom Glück” in the building of the municipal gallery KUBUS .

On June 16, 2016, the honorary commitment of Reinhard Scheibe was honored by Mayor Stefan Schostok in the New Town Hall of Hanover with the award of the Hanover city plaque.


Reinhard Scheibe is married and has one child.


  • Reinhard Scheibe (responsible): Privatization in Lower Saxony. More freedom through a return to the night watchman state? Contributions of the SPD parliamentary group against the privatization campaign of the Lower Saxony state government (= topics, theses, arguments , issue 8), 3rd edition, publisher: Lower Saxony. Parliament. Group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Hanover: SPD parliamentary group in the Lower Saxony state parliament, 1981
  • Reinhard Scheibe (responsible): Orientation level . A reform and its opponents. SPD parliamentary group , 30 pages, 1st edition, publisher: Lower Saxony. Parliament. Group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Hanover: SPD parliamentary group, 1988
  • Lienhard von Monkiewitsch , Reinhard Scheibe, Giso Westing (eds.): Ludwig Zerull . Mediator, designer, chronicler, bon vivant , overall production: ArtnetworX GmbH, Hanover, 2012


  • ARD yearbook (different years), Hamburg: Hans Bredow Institute
  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 326.
  • Sabine Göttel: Reinhard Scheibe , in Tigo Zeyen, Anne Weber-Ploemacher (eds.), Joachim Giesel (photos): 100 Hanoverian Heads , Hameln: CW Niemeyer Buchverlage, 2006, ISBN 978-3-8271-9251-6 and ISBN 3 -8271-9251-X , pp. 170f.

Web links

Commons : Reinhard Scheibe  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Sabine Göttel: Reinhard Scheibe , in Tigo Zeyen, Anne Weber-Ploemacher (ed.), Joachim Giesel (photos): 100 hannoversche Köpfe , Hameln: CW Niemeyer Buchverlage, 2006, ISBN 978-3-8271-9251-6 and ISBN 3-8271-9251-X , pp. 170f.
  2. ZDF homepage; Retrieved September 2, 2012
  3. des ZDF  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed January 8, 2018@1@ 2Template: Toter Link /  
  4. Compare the imprint on the association's website , last accessed on June 9, 2016
  5. Andreas Krasselt: Stadtplakette shows: Volunteering is not an obsolete model , in: [[Neue Presse (Hannover) |]] of June 17, 2016