Rudolf von Stengel

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Rudolf Anton Wenzislaus von Stengel (born July 19, 1772 in Rybnik , † June 28, 1828 in Breslau ) was a Prussian major general .



His parents were Johann von Stengel and his wife Anne, née von Kloch († 1806). The father was Rittmeister a. D. , most recently in the hussar regiment "von Möhring" and gentleman at Radoschau .

Military career

Stengel visited the school in Breslau and entered on February 1, 1788 Corporal Corporal in the Infantry Regiment "Borch" the Prussian army one. In the First Coalition War he fought in the sieges of Mainz , Verdun and Longwy, the cannonade of Valmy and the battle of Pirmasens . In Kostheim he was severely wounded. By September 1794, Stengel was promoted to second lieutenant and in 1795 was adjutant of the grenadier battalion. Due to his injury from the battle near Kostheim, Stengel received his farewell on September 6, 1797 .

With the outbreak of the Fourth Coalition War , he volunteered and on December 8, 1806, he became leader of a rifle company in Glatz with the light infantry in Silesia . In 1807 he fought in the battles near Kanth , Königswalde, Glatz and Frankenstein.

After the war, Stengel was promoted to staff captain on July 27, 1808, and from March 22, 1809 he served as captain and company commander in the 2nd Silesian Infantry Regiment . In the campaign of 1812 he took part with his regiment on the side of France in the battles at Ruhenthal, St. Annen and Baust and received the order Pour le Mérite on October 18, 1812 .

On March 28, 1813, Stengel came as a commander in the 1st Reserve Battalion of the 2nd West Prussian Infantry Regiment and on May 26, 1813 became major . On June 22, 1813, he was transferred to the 7th Reserve Infantry Regiment . During the Wars of Liberation , Stengel fought in the battles near Dresden , Kulm , Ligny as well as the battle near Wavre and the sieges of Glogau and Avesnes. Stengel received the Iron Cross II. Class for Dresden and the I. Class Cross for Ligny. He was seriously wounded again near Kulm and spent a long time relaxing at home.

On March 29, 1815, Stengel was entrusted with the command of his regiment, with which he distinguished himself on June 18, 1815 in the battle near Limale. On October 3, 1815 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and on June 9, 1817 appointed commander of the 1st Infantry Regiment (East Prussian) . On April 3, 1820, he was promoted to colonel with a patent from April 13, 1820 . Under awarding of the character as a major general Stengel received on June 18, 1825 due to his war wound with the statutory board his resignation. Three months later he was awarded the service cross . On April 6, 1826, Stengel received a gift of 300 thalers from the king. He died of the long-term effects of his injuries and was buried on July 1, 1828 in the military cemetery in Breslau.

Lieutenant General von Wrangel wrote in his assessment in 1819: “If his regiment is kept in good order and good discipline, it has risen greatly for a short time due to its doubled eagerness to serve. Is a useful and experienced practical soldier, without extensive theoretical knowledge, but he is particularly suitable for this command, his health has improved. "


Stengel married Maria Hedwig Baroness von Hundt (born June 11, 1773 - November 17, 1831) from the Schützendorf family on September 29, 1796 in Kamnig . The marriage resulted in the daughter Maria (* July 8, 1797; † October 26, 1867), who married Wilhelm Friedrich Ferdinand Bohl von Montbach (* September 16, 1791; † October 11, 1870) in 1816.


Individual evidence

  1. Rothenburg: The battles of the Prussians and their allies from 1741 to 1815. Volume 1, p. 51.