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Coordinates: 49 ° 38 ′ 27 "  N , 11 ° 10 ′ 38"  E
Height : 402  (400–409)  m above sea level NHN
Residents : (1987)
Postal code : 91077
Area code : 09192
The Neunkirchen district of Saarmühle
The Neunkirchen district of Saarmühle

The Saarmühle is a Franconian wasteland that belongs to Neunkirchen am Brand .


The wasteland in the north-west of the Graefenbergerflächealb is one of eleven officially named parts of the municipality of Neunkirchen am Brand in Upper Franconia . It is located about five kilometers northeast of the center of Neunkirchen at an altitude of 402  m above sea level. NHN .


Until the beginning of the 19th century, the mill had Saar as part of the manor Ermreuth the sovereignty of reaching immediate subordinate to nobles, located in the the Frankish knights circle belonging Ritter Canton Gebürg had organized. The bailiwick , which is decisive for the successful claim of sovereignty in the Franconian region , was exercised by the barons of Künßberg-Ermreuth . The perception of high jurisdiction was the the Bishopric of Bamberg belonging Office Neunkirchen in his capacity as cents Office to this, however, restricting the limited cents . When the imperial knighthood territories in the area of Franconian Switzerland were mediated as a result of the imperial deputation main conclusion , the Saarmühle was annexed by the electorate Palatinate-Baiern on November 1, 1805, in violation of the imperial constitution . Thus the place finally became part of the New Bavarian territories that were taken over during the "Napoleonic land consolidation" , which was only legalized in July 1806 with the Rhenish Federal Act .

By managing reforms in the Kingdom of Bavaria in the early 19th century, the Saar mill with was the Second Gemeindeedikt 1818 a community of the rural community Ermreuth , which also includes the former hamlets Gleisenhof belonged. In the course of the municipal regional reform in Bavaria in the 1970s, the Saarmühle was incorporated into the market in Neunkirchen am Brand at the beginning of 1972 together with the municipality of Ermreuth. In 1987 the Saarmühle had seven residents.


A spur road from Ermreuth connects the wasteland to the road network. The Saarmühle is not served by public transport , the next stop for bus lines 211 and 223 of the VGN is in Ermreuth. The nearest train stations are in Erlangen on the Nuremberg – Bamberg railway line and in Mitteldorf on the Graefenberg railway .


Web links

Commons : Saarmühle  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Data Processing (Ed.): Official local directory for Bavaria, territorial status: May 25, 1987 . Issue 450 of the articles on Bavaria's statistics. Munich November 1991, DNB  94240937X , p. 303 ( digitized version ). Retrieved November 3, 2019
  2. ^ Saarmühle in the local database of the Bavarian State Library Online . Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, accessed on November 3, 2019.
  3. Geographical location of the Saarmühle in the Bayern Atlas , accessed on November 3, 2019
  4. Ingomar Bog : Forchheim (=  Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Part Franconia . I, 5). Komm. Für Bayerische Landesgeschichte, Munich 1955, DNB  450540367 , p. 81 ( digitized version ).
  5. ^ Ingomar Bog: Forchheim . In: Commission for Bavarian State History (Hrsg.): Historischer Atlas von Bayern . Munich 1955, map supplement 1 ( [accessed on November 3, 2019]).
  6. a b Ingomar Bog : Forchheim (=  Historical Atlas of Bavaria, Part Franconia . I, 5). Komm. Für Bayerische Landesgeschichte, Munich 1955, DNB  450540367 , p. 115 ( digitized version ).
  7. Gertrud Diepolder : Bavarian History Atlas . Ed .: Max Spindler . Bayerischer Schulbuch Verlag, Munich 1969, ISBN 3-7627-0723-5 , p. 35 .
  8. Gertrud Diepolder : Bavarian History Atlas . Ed .: Max Spindler . Bayerischer Schulbuch Verlag, Munich 1969, ISBN 3-7627-0723-5 , p. 106-107 .
  9. ^ Federal Statistical Office (ed.): Historical municipality directory for the Federal Republic of Germany. Name, border and key number changes in municipalities, counties and administrative districts from May 27, 1970 to December 31, 1982 . W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Mainz 1983, ISBN 3-17-003263-1 , p. 682 .