Sebastian Friedrich Zobel

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Sebastian Friedrich Zobel (also Zobell ; born October 11, 1617 in Kassel ; † January 12, 1671 in Regensburg ) was a German lawyer , state official and comitial envoy .


Zobel's father Johann Zobel (* 1576/78 in Bremen ; † January 20, 1631 ibid) was an advisor and envoy, from 1608 as a private councilor to Landgrave Moritz von Hessen-Kassel . In 1625 he became a councilor and in the same year mayor of Bremen. The grandfather, the merchant Heinrich Zobel (* before 1558 in Bremen; † around 1615), was councilor from 1583 and then from 1597 mayor of Bremen. Zobel's mother Juliane b. Heugel was a daughter of the landgrave chamber councilor and chamber master Johann Heugel in Kassel, who at the end of 1600 became chief magistrate of the Lower County of Katzenelnbogen at Rheinfels Castle . Her grandfather was the Kassel composer and court conductor Johann Heugel .


Zobel spent his childhood first in Kassel, from 1625 in Bremen, where his father was elected councilor and then mayor, and finally from 1628 until his father's death in January 1631 in Paris , where his father was a diplomat in the Danish service was active. After completing his schooling, he studied from 1635 to 1641 law at the High School in Kassel and the University of Strasbourg .

After completing his studies, he entered the service of the Landgrave widow Amalie Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel, who from 1637 to 1650 was regent for her still underage son Wilhelm VI. officiated. As secretary of the legation he took part in the negotiations for the Peace of Westphalia in Münster and Osnabrück from 1645 and was then, in the rank of legation councilor , for a year an envoy in Paris, where he tried, among other things, to claim the outstanding French subsidies , the 1635 and 1639 / 40 had been agreed. In further diplomatic missions he traveled to Münster in 1649 and to Vienna in 1651 , and in 1653 he represented Hessen-Kassel as ambassador in Frankfurt in negotiations on controversial Hessian inheritance issues and at the Reichstag in Regensburg , which was supposed to clarify the questions that had remained open during the Peace of Westphalia.

After that, Zobel, now a councilor, was commissioned by Landgrave Wilhelm VI. involved in the negotiations for the formation of the Rhenish Federation , which were successfully concluded in August 1658. Zobel and Regner Badenhausen , the two Kassel negotiators, did not confirm the Rhine Confederation Treaty and the French accession treaty until the fourth week of August, after the French representatives had made a payment of 1,169,434 livres (approx. 400,000 Reichstaler ) of outstanding subsidy payments (plus Interest) from previous alliances.

In 1659 Zobel was appointed to the Privy Council , and after further diplomatic missions he was sent to the Perpetual Reichstag in Regensburg in 1662 as Comitial Envoy for Hessen-Kassel , where he served until 1669 and died on January 12, 1671.

Marriage and offspring

Zobel married Sabine Christine Antrecht on May 1, 1653 (* 1632, † May 23, 1664 in Regensburg), daughter of the Hesse-Kassel government councilor Johann Antrecht the Younger and Anna Catharina Hund . He had six children with her.


  1. ^ Johann Zobel, at German Biography
  2. Landgrave Wilhelm V founded a high school in Kassel in 1633. It existed until 1653 when the university in Marburg was reopened.
  3. Hessen-Kassel already belonged to the Hildesheim Alliance, which was founded on February 19, 1652 and was influenced by Protestants, together with Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Sweden for Bremen and Verden, and later Paderborn.

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