Sherlock - his final oath

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Episode of the Sherlock series
title His last vow
Original title His last vow
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
length 89 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Season 3, episode 3
9th episode overall ( list )
First broadcast Jan 12, 2014 on BBC
first broadcast
June 9, 2014 on Das Erste
Director Nick Hurran
script Steven Moffat
production Sue Vertue
music David Arnold
Michael Price
camera Neville Kidd
cut Yan Miles

  Main article: Synchronization

His last vow (original title: His Last Vow ) is the third episode of the third season of the British television series Sherlock . The title comes from the original book His Last Bow (Original title: His Last Bow to German: His final bow ) and refers to Sherlock's oath from the previous episode , to protect the couple Watson and her unborn child especially.


After a hearing, Lady Alicia Smallwood wants to stop the media mogul Charles Augustus Magnussen, as he exerts a great influence on the British Prime Ministers. But after he blackmailed her with letters containing intimate details from her husband's life, she turned to Sherlock.

A neighbor asks John to fetch her dependent son from a drug hangout, but not only finds him there, but also Sherlock. Watson also met Bill Wiggins in the house. John forces Holmes to take a drug test on Molly and contacts Mycroft Holmes, who has the fan club search the apartment on Baker Street. Sherlock explains that he is using the drugs as bait for his investigation into Magnussen. When Mycroft hears the name, he threatens the secret services and demands that Sherlock stop the investigation.

After Mycroft has left the apartment, Janine suddenly emerges from Sherlock's bedroom, with whom Holmes, much to Watson's astonishment, appears to be in a relationship. When Janine left, Sherlock tells John that Magnussen has great fortune, power and sensitive information about all people and uses them to blackmail important people. Everything was recorded in files under his Appledore estate. Holmes arranged a meeting with Magnussen in his office for the same day to act as an intermediary between the media mogul and Lady Smallwood. But Magnussen suddenly shows up with two bodyguards in Sherlock's apartment, ignoring Smallwood's attempts to mediate and openly threatens that he can do and control whatever he wants in England.

After Magnussen showed the letters, Sherlock and John break into his London penthouse. As it turns out, Janine is Magnussen's personal assistant, and only she can let someone into his heavily guarded penthouse. So Sherlock proposes marriage to her, which she lets him and Watson in. John realizes that Sherlock has taken advantage of the relationship with Janine and her feelings only to gain access to the apartment. In the apartment they find Magnussen's employees depressed. Due to a perfume smell, Sherlock suspects Lady Smallwood to be behind the assassin, but Magnussen is threatened by John's wife Mary, who shoots Sherlock and knocks Magnussen down. In agony, Sherlock has visions of his friends and thereby suppresses a shock. He also has delusions of Moriarty under pain.

After Sherlock is halfway through his strength again, he flees the hospital. He lures Mary, who is looking for him like John and Lestrade, into a lair and reveals that Mary is most likely a former secret agent. Besides, your name is just an alias. Mary admits this and explains to Sherlock that John must never find out because she fears that she will lose him otherwise. However, John was hidden in the room the whole time and overheard everything.

Watson can't believe it, and when the three are back on Baker Street, John begins to confront Mary with everything. Sherlock explains to John that he is looking for danger and that his wife also follows this pattern. He also realizes that Mary did not want to kill him in Magnussen's penthouse, only had to incapacitate him, since her planned murder of Magnussen, who has information about Mary's old life, could no longer work because Sherlock and John's presence made the two of them could have held for the murderer.

Mary gives John a USB stick with information about her true identity, but asks him not to read it in her presence, as he would probably no longer love her afterwards. After Sherlock is back in the hospital, he meets with Magnussen. The media mogul wants information from Sherlock about his brother Mycroft, which Sherlock promises him if he gets to see Magnussen's Appledore estate and the secret files.

At Christmas, Sherlock, John, Mary, Mycroft and Bill meet at Sherlock's parents' country house. There, John burns the USB stick in front of Mary without opening it and makes up with her.

Sherlock has Mycroft, Mary and his parents stunned by Bill and takes his brother's laptop. Then he lets himself and John fly to Appledore. There Magnussen shows them that he put John in mortal danger in order to find out a "pressure point" from Sherlock. He's also blackmailed Mary to get Mycroft's data. Sherlock wants to exchange the laptop for the material; However, Magnussen reveals that he has no files, but that all information is kept in his "memory palace" and that he only agreed to the exchange in order to have Sherlock arrested for treason. Magnussen humiliates John by flicking his face. When Mycroft, guided by the GPS transmitter in his laptop, comes in with a special unit and asks Sherlock to move away from Magnussen, the latter realizes that there is only one way to protect John and Mary from the media mogul: because Magnussen tells him has that all the information is only in his head, in a moment of inattention, Sherlock pulls John's pistol out of his jacket pocket and shoots Magnussen in the head. He explains to the stunned John that he and Mary are now safe.

Fearing that if Sherlock is jailed there will be riots, Mycroft sends him on a no-return mission that Sherlock will most likely not survive. Sherlock and John say goodbye at the airport. Shortly after the plane took off, Moriarty's face suddenly appeared on all screens in the country with the words "Do you miss me?" Mycroft immediately calls Sherlock and explains that he will not be sent on the mission as England needs him now. With John and Mary under observation, the plane turns around and lands again.

Video publications

This episode, together with the two other episodes of the third season, was released on June 10, 2014 in Germany on both DVD and Blu-ray Disc .

Canon references

  • The episode is based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's short story "Charles Augustus Milverton". However, after their break-in, Holmes and Watson do not prevent the murder by a blackmailed noblewoman and allow the perpetrator to escape.
  • At the beginning, a neighbor asks John and his wife to get their son, not as he suspects husband, out of a drug den where he also finds Sherlock. In “The Man with the Disfigured Lip”, Watson brings a husband out of an opium den and finds Holmes, who is undercover there, too.
  • Sherlock describes Magnussen as "Napoléon of blackmail". Holmes describes Moriarty in " The Last Problem " as "Napoléon of crime".
  • Janine plans to use the money she earned from articles on Sherlock to buy a cottage in Sussex Downs and have the beehives removed. Watson describes in "The Second Spot" that Holmes has retired to Sussex Downs for study and beekeeping.
  • Sherlock notes that John has put on weight since his wedding, as in " A Scandal In Bohemia " Watson says it would be less than Sherlock estimated.
  • Mary's real initials are on the USB stick, which contains everything about her true identity, and read AGRA "Daszeichen der Vier " / "The Sign of the Four", in which Mary Morstan appears for the first time, the plot revolves around the missing person Agra treasure.

Awards and nominations

The episode was nominated in four categories at the 2014 Critics' Choice Television Awards : Best TV Movie , Best Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries for Benedict Cumberbatch , Best Supporting Actor in a TV Movie or Miniseries for Martin Freeman, and Best Supporting Actress in a TV Movie or Miniseries Miniseries for Amanda Abbington .

At the Primetime Emmy Awards 2014 , the film won three awards for Best Miniseries or TV Movie ; for Best Actor (Benedict Cumberbatch), Best Supporting Actor (Martin Freeman) and Best Screenplay (Stephen Moffat).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Third season "Sherlock" on Blu-ray. Entertainment portal, June 5, 2014, accessed on June 6, 2014 .