Siegfried Altmann (engineering scientist)

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Siegfried Altmann at a lecture (2011)

Siegfried Altmann (born July 20, 1936 in Riesa ) is a German engineer and professor of general and theoretical electrical engineering . His professional competence lies in the areas of electrical power engineering , overhead contact line systems for electric railways , electrical safety , reliability , safety and accident research .


Siegfried Altmann was the second son of the bricklayer Richard Altmann (1912–1985) and his wife Anna Altmann, b. Frank (1914–1963) was born in Riesa, Saxony. From 1942 to 1950 he attended a primary school in Riesa and then, until 1953, he completed his professional training as a company electrician in the Riesa steel and rolling mill, as well as a brief activity as a training instructor. In 1953 he went to study at the engineering school for electrical engineering in Mittweida , where he studied electromedical devices and X-ray technology . He graduated as an engineer in 1956.

Since 1958 he has worked with the industrial clerk Johanna Altmann , geb. Fegert married; the couple has a grown daughter (clinical psychologist).

Electrical engineer in industry and universities

Altmann initially worked from 1956 to 1960 as an assembly and project planning engineer in the field of catenary construction for the Reichsbahn electrification in the heavy current plant construction company in Halle (Saale) . During this activity he worked as an assembly engineer for the electrification of Leipzig Central Station and the adjacent routes to Dessau-Rosslau-Meinsdorf , Magdeburg and Probstzella . As a project planning engineer, he planned the routes including the respective train stations:

Here he gained practical experience, which at the same time formed an essential basis for his later research in the university sector.

In the period from 1960 to 1972 he was a research assistant and later senior assistant at the Institute for Electric Railways and Systems (Director: Helmut Koch ), later renamed the Transport Electronics Technology Working Group (Head: Rudolf Schulze ) at the "Friedrich List" University of Transport in Dresden (HfV). During this time, from 1960 to 1967, in addition to his professional activity, he completed a distance learning course in electrical engineering at the HfV, specializing in electrical railways and systems, specializing in "Energy supply for electrical railways". Here he achieved his first academic degree in engineering with a thesis on the subject of "A contribution to the reduction of maintenance work in the catenary network" (expert: Helmut Koch ).

Immediately following thereto was made in 1970 his promotion to Doctor of Engineering (Dr.-Ing.) At the same institution with the thesis "A Contribution to practical calculation important rope constructions in catenary systems for higher speeds, suggestions on uniform methods of calculation and the experimental determination of the above the trailer in the DC contact line network flowing currents when loaded by the electric traction vehicle ”(Reviewer: Rudolf Schulze and Paul Kahler , HfV Dresden).

During his activity at the HfV Dresden he was entrusted with the following courses: Energy supply for electric railways by means of converters (1960 to 1962) and project planning with the calculation of contact line systems for electric railways (1960 to 1971), coupled with associated research activities. During this time he supervised over 30 diploma theses. Altmann successfully completed a further training course in the field of electronic data processing (EDP) at the HfV Dresden in 1970 . As a conclusion, the subject-specific problem “Calculations for tightly tensioned contact lines” was worked on (computer system Minsk 22 and FEL-ALGOL) and a course in the field of systematic heuristics .

From 1972 to 1976 he switched back to the industrial sector and took over the establishment and management of the research group "Electrical Safety " at the Central Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (ZIAS) of the GDR in Dresden (Director: Horst Rehtanz ), today's branch of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health . The first work in the field of “quantitative evaluation of electrical safety and protection quality” was carried out on the basis of objective and subjective probabilities, coupled with models of fuzzy logic and qualimetry . He later continued this field of work at the TH Leipzig and the HTWK Leipzig .

During this time he acquired the Facultas Docendi (university teaching qualification) in 1975 for “practical electrical engineering”. In 1975 he successfully completed a correspondence course “Reliability in Electrical Engineering / Electronics” at the KDT district association in Dresden (course leader and mentor of the thesis: Kurt Reinschke ). From 1971 to 1975 Altmann taught business mathematics and the application of mathematical methods in economics as a part-time job at the company academy for electrical engineering in Sachsenwerk Dresden .

University lecturer

In 1976 Altmann received an appointment as a university lecturer for the basics of electrical engineering at the Leipzig Engineering University .

It was during this time that his B doctorate for Dr. sc. techn. (Electrical engineering) at the HfV Dresden in 1977 on the topic of "Problems of reliability and protection quality in special electrotechnical products and the derivation of long-term priority tasks for electrical safety " (Reviewer: Rudolf Schulze, HfV Dresden; Paul Wolowczyk, TU Dresden and Walter Frischmann, TH Leipzig ), which was recognized as a habilitation after reunification .

Working as a professor of electrical engineering

Leipzig, Wächterstraße 13, building of the former THL for the two sections automation systems and electrical power systems ; today Wiener-Bau : Faculty building of the HTWK

In the autumn of 1979 Altmann was appointed full professor to the chair for the basics of electrical engineering and head of the scientific department "Operation of electrical energy systems" at the Technical University of Leipzig (THL), section electrical energy systems (Director: Friedrich-Wilhelm Kloeppel ). In the spring of 1980 he was appointed director of the electrical power equipment section and he held this position until the fall of 1990. At the TH Leipzig, in close cooperation with the automation systems section (director: Werner Richter ), the technological profile line systems of electrical engineering in training and research developed as a unique specialization in the German-speaking area.

Altmann carried out academic teaching on a larger scale. In addition to his major in fundamentals of electrical engineering, he also taught theoretical electrical engineering, non-linear electrical networks, the theory of lines and electrical safety. He has sustainably stabilized the training of qualified engineers in the specialization of electrical energy systems through his courses for the fundamentals and significantly expanded it through his special subjects. Altmann was also a member of the Faculty of Technical Sciences and the Senate of the TH Leipzig (1980 to 1990). In this role, he managed over 50 doctoral procedures.

During his activity as Section Director, Altmann also paid particular attention to establishing international contacts with colleges and universities in Kiev (Ukraine), Wrocław and Poznań (Poland) and Budapest (Hungary), where he himself gave several guest lectures and participated in doctoral procedures. Mention should also be made of his cooperative contacts with the ETH Zurich and the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg in the areas of promoting young scientists and in doctoral procedures.

In his role as director, he initiated, in close cooperation with the Vice-Rector for Natural and Technical Sciences Dietrich Balzer , the formation of a university-industrial research group for electrical energy systems (HIFOG-EEA). It formed the basis for an even closer cooperation with the practice partners, in particular the Institute Test Field and High Voltage Technology (IPH) Berlin. The HIFOG-EEA was headed by Wolfgang Löschner . The main goal was the rapid introduction of CAD / CAM solutions in electrical system construction. She was funded and supported by the Kombinat Elektroenergieanlagenbau (KEA) Leipzig and the KDT district board Leipzig ( Werner Kriesel as vice chairman).

In 1986, as a professor, he founded a “Technical Student Society for Electrical Engineering / Electronics” in the section. The duration of this pre-university course was four years.

With a workforce of around 100 employees, numerous doctoral positions, around 30 staff positions in the HIFOG-EEA as a transfer facility and around 300 students, one of the largest university institutions in the German-speaking region with an exclusive specialization in electrical power systems was created. This enabled Altmann, as section director, together with all 5 chairs for the main components of electrical energy systems, to undertake extensive research projects with the industry, focusing on the focus on “preparation for a future generation of electrical energy systems”. As a member of the electrical engineering advisory board (chairman: Gerhard Linnemann , at that time rector of the TH Ilmenau ) at the Ministry of Higher Education and Technical Schools since 1980, Altmann was able to profile the scientific branch "Technology of electrical energy systems" as a teaching and research area.

With the dissolution of the sections in the course of an alignment of the East German universities after German reunification , he was elected director of the Institute for "General Electrical Engineering" at the TH Leipzig and was responsible for the training in the diploma course of the same name. In 1991 his academic degree “Doctor of Science” (Dr. sc. Techn.) Was converted into the degree “doctor habilitatus” (Dr.-Ing.habil.) By the Senate of the HfV Dresden. From spring to autumn 1992 he took over the management of the newly founded department of energy technology as acting department director.

Altmann received an appointment at the University of Technology, Economics and Culture Leipzig (HTWK) in the winter semester 1992 as professor for fundamentals of electrical engineering and theoretical electrical engineering and at the same time as spokesman for the specialist group general electrical engineering.

Under his influence, the "Industrial Engineering / Electrical Engineering" course was set up in 1995 at the Electrical Engineering Department of the HTWK Leipzig with great success. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Medical Faculty of the University of Leipzig, he introduced training in the fields of "Electromedical devices and processes" and "Medical statistics / computer science". This training was supplemented by own lectures in the field of electropathology / electrical safety. A special laboratory internship at the HTWK Leipzig in cooperation with the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences in Köthen was used to deepen the subject .

Through his participation in the “Industry and Technology Location” working group of the Leipzig Regional Council, Altmann contributed to the development of a founding concept for an electrical engineering science center in Leipzig. Thanks to his cooperation with the steering committee, it was achieved that in spring 1997 the research and transfer center Leipzig e. V. (FTZ) at the HTWK Leipzig. Since then, the FTZ has developed successfully and has found broad recognition among its practice partners. His election as the first Scientific Director of the FTZ was an expression of his successful efforts to establish this, in which position he worked until 2001.

Altmann was also involved in founding a sponsorship association of the HTWK since 1994 and in founding the university magazine "Podium". From 1997 to 2005 he was the first chairman of the Friends' Association of the HTWK Leipzig. Klaus-Peter Schulze was elected as his successor and handed over this office to Markus Krabbes in 2019 .

In the period from 2000 to 2011, he also held a teaching position for electrical engineering at the University of Telecommunications in Leipzig . When he reached the age limit, Altmann retired in 2001.

Altmann has given numerous lectures at scientific events, some of which he initiated and helped to organize himself. His scientific publications also reflect his teamwork and comprise more than 140 papers, several of which are in book form with repeated editions. He has prepared reports on over 50 dissertations and habilitation theses (11 of them for his own doctoral students) as well as on 5 major problem cases in industry. During his work in higher education, he supervised over 130 diploma and master's theses as a mentor until 2015.

The following professors emerged from his academic environment : D. Schlayer (Leipzig), J. and G. Otto (Dresden), T. Heimbold (Leipzig), F. Illing (Leipzig), J. Wenge (Leipzig), D. Haentzsch (Magdeburg), L. Kieltyka (Częstochowa / Poland), Brigitte Obst (Leipzig), M. Sturm (Leipzig), W. Mierke (Leipzig), I. Neumann (Leipzig), P. Baier (Leipzig), M. Reichel (Leipzig), W. Uhlmann (Leipzig), R. Grohmann (Leipzig), W. Hähle (Leipzig), D. Heinze (Leipzig), B. Oswald (Hanover), P. Kahler (Dresden), B. Hellige ( Dresden), H. Hänisch (Berlin), P. Iancu (Senftenberg), M. Amos (Dresden), K. Kabitzsch (Dresden), M. Triandafilidis (Kavalla / Greece) and Wolfgang Tiefensee (Leipzig: Lord Mayor, Honorary Professor; Berlin : Federal Minister, Member of the Bundestag; Erfurt / Thuringia: Minister of Economics).

Altmann has done pioneering work in the field of quantitative evaluation of electrical safety and reliability of electrical equipment . He has also dealt intensively with the measurement and evaluation of quality, which is known as qualimetry . However, he does not consider these subject areas to be closed. This is also supported by the fact that in 1988 the first German chair for production metrology and quality management was established at RWTH Aachen University and filled with Tilo Pfeifer , and in 2004 it was refilled with Robert Schmitt . Furthermore, there is now a Society for Quality Science (GQW) as an association of German-speaking university professors for quality management.

To avoid electrical accidents, especially in construction, Altmann at the TH and HTWK (1978–1999) worked in his research team on the development of high-voltage warning devices for mobile machines. The following scientific results should be mentioned: two dissertations and 18 diploma theses. This work was carried out in the context of application research on behalf of the industry ( TAKRAF-Kombinat Leipzig ) and the FTZ e. V. of the HTWK Leipzig.

The research work started in 1998 at the HTWK Leipzig in the field of electronic orientation aids for visually impaired people was completed in 2006 and recommended for further processing. As a member of the FTZ of the HTWK Leipzig, however, he continued the safety and accident research and from 2013 also in cooperation with the University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf , Clinic and Polyclinic for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine.

Memberships and honors (selection)

  • In October 1975 Altmann was entered in the book of honor of the Central Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in Dresden, now the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Dortmund, Dresden location.
  • During his activity as section director he was a member of the Scientific Council and the Senate of the TH Leipzig.
  • Altmann was actively involved in specialist committees of the Chamber of Technology . Mention should be made among others: Board member of the Scientific Section Electrical Power Transmission and Conversion (WS-EE) in the Electrical Engineering Association of the GDR.
  • From 1980 to 1990, he and Günter Stein headed the KDT district electrical engineering / electronics section in Leipzig.
  • In 1983 and 1986 he received the badge of honor of the KDT Presidium Berlin (bronze; silver).
  • From 1981 to 1990 Altmann was an appointed member of the Scientific Council for the main research area in electrical engineering in the GDR.
  • In 1984 he was awarded the Order of Labor , Level II.
  • As a long-standing member of the advisory board and, after 1990, as spokesman for the scientific and technical journal ELEKTRIE, he was, among other things, guest editor of the specialty issues electrical safety (4/80, 6 / 82,9 / 85, 4/95) and the specialty issues HTWK Leipzig, Department of Electrical Engineering (8/92 , 12/92, 11/93, 10-12 / 95, 7-8 / 97).
  • In 1990 he was appointed to the VDE “Accident Research” committee in Frankfurt a. M., which he also headed from 1994 to 2002, succeeding Gerhard Hosemann and Helmut Zürneck . In order to meet the increasing importance of risk and safety assessments, he renamed it "Safety and Accident Research (SUF)" in 1994.
  • He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Arnold Sommerfeld Society . V. Leipzig, honorary chairman of the VDE committee "Safety and Accident Research" and honorary member of the Research and Transfer Center (FTZ) e. V. of the HTWK Leipzig.
  • Altmann was awarded the Jakob Leupold Medal in 2005 for his services in teaching and research as well as in the development of the HTWK Leipzig.
  • In 2011 Altmann was awarded the Alvensleben-Jellinek Medal of Honor in Vienna as the sixth international prize winner.
  • In 2012 he was awarded the Albert Geutebrück Medal for special services to the development of the HTWK Leipzig's development association .
  • In 2015 Altmann was honored with the silver badge of honor from the VDE Association of Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies of Frankfurt am Main.

Publications (selection)

  • with Helmut Koch: Mechanical calculation of contact line systems. Instructional letter in the series "Energy supply for electric trains" at the "Friedrich List" University of Transport in Dresden. Transpress Publishing House for Transport, Berlin 1965.
  • Mechanical calculation of contact line systems for electric railways - collection of formulas. Deutsche Eisenbahntechnik 1965, no. 8 and 10, pp. 363-374, 462-463 and Expressinformation No. 43, Moscow 1965, pp. 1-16 in Russian.
  • Options for the design and arrangement of catenary contact lines under bridges. Knowledge Journal of the University of Transport “Friedrich List” Dresden, separate prints (A 4) 1966, part 1, issue 1, pp. 113-126; Part 2, H. 2, pp. 235-241 with 3 construction systems (A 4); Part 3, H. 3, pp. 403-410.
  • Possibilities and arrangement of overhead lines in tunnels for main and underground railways. Knowledge Journal of the University of Transport “Friedrich List” Dresden, separate print (A 4) 1967, issue 2, pp. 403–419.
  • Constructive measures to improve the operational safety of contact line systems. Knowledge Journal of the University of Transport “Friedrich List” Dresden, separate print (A 4) 1969, issue 3, pp. 559-568.
  • The sag behavior of composite catenary catenaries for 200 km / h. Deutsche Eisenbahntechnik (1970), no. 12, pp. 583-585.
  • Calculation of the contact wire position and the system heights in the bridge area, the critical span and critical temperature as well as the wind force with the digital computer Minsk 22 and LEL-ALGOL. Mathematical basics with application examples. The VEM-Elektro-Anlagenbau 1972, no. 3, pp. 135-143, scientific journal of the University of Transport “Friedrich List” Dresden 1973, no. 3, pp. 491–507 and ELEKTRIE 1974, no. 6, p. 330-333.
  • Contact lines. In: VEM handbook energy supply for electric railways. Verlag Technik, Berlin 1975, pp. 365-453.
  • Tolerance limit reliability of electrical power transmission systems. ELEKTRIE 31 (1977), H. 3, pp. 126-138 and Scientific Reports of TH Gliwice (Poland) 23-24 (1986), pp. 181-187.
  • Application of the reliability theory in the quantitative evaluation of maintenance-appropriate constructions in high-voltage systems from the point of view of occupational safety. Scientific reports from TH Wrocław (Poland), 1977, No. 44/9, pp. 3–10.
  • Qualimetric evaluations of electrotechnical systems (examples). Der Elektro-Praktiker, Berlin 33 (1979), no. 5, pp. 148-151; H. 6, pp. 203-205; H. 7, pp. 247-251 and ELEKTRIE, Berlin 34 (1980), H. 4, pp. 171-176.
  • with Shishkow, WS, Russalowski, AW (TU Kiew): Application of qualitative and quantitative methods for the evaluation of the safety status of electrical equipment. Scientific journal of the TH Leipzig 6/1982, issue 2, pp. 93-101 and ELEKTRIE, Berlin 36/1982, issue 6, pp. 328–331.
  • Calculation of electrical safety in electrical power plant construction on the basis of function-oriented models - calculation of the hazard due to arcing faults. Knowledge Journal of the TH Ilmenau, No. 6, 1984, pp. 101–110, ... as a result of damaged circuit breakers. Scientific journal of TH Wrocław (Poland), No. 18, 1984, pages 21–30, … as a result of surges. (with Lothar Apel). Scientific journal of the TH Leipzig 8/1984, issue 4, pp. 205–215.
  • Statistical evaluation of the expert survey to determine the subjective probability of "electrical safety" including interpretation variants. Knowledge Reports of the TH Leipzig 1985, Issue 13, pp. 1-15, ISSN  0138-3809 .
  • with Detlef Schlayer: Voltage warning devices for portable, permissive work machines with movable arms. 2. Colloquium of the Section on the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases (ISSA), May 1985 in Bonn-Honnef / Sieg, Report, pp. 85–94.
  • with Shishkow, WS, Capovski, NI (TU Kiew): The influence of the operating regime of electrical energy systems on the reliability of electrical energy distribution. ELEKTRIE, Berlin 39/1985, issue 9, pp. 339–341.
  • Mathematical methods for assessing the safety of electrical engineering systems. 2. Colloquium of the Research Section at the International Research Section on the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases (ISSA), Bonn-Honnef / Sieg 8. – 10. May 1985, Volume 1985, pp. 262-275.
  • Mathematical methods and algorithms for determining the level of electrical safety in electrical engineering systems - excerpt from a lecture at the TH Poznan (Poland), Institute for Electrical Energy in October 1985 in German. Knowledge Journal of the TH Poznan, No. 33, 1986, pp. 147–169 (abstracts in Polish, English and Russian).
  • with Peter Zahn and Pawel Kuraszkiewicz (Poland): Qualimetrical Expert Method - A tool for determining the safety level of nuclear power plants. 9th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 1987, Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Volume M, Verlag AA Balkema / Rotterdam / Boston / 1987, pages 173-176.
  • with Novothny, F. (TH Kando Kalman Budapest, Hungary): Villamosenergetikai berendezesek villamos biztonsaganak mennyisegi becslese. (Quantitative estimation of the electrical safety of electric power equipment. Quantitative estimation of the electric safety of electric power equipment.) Elektroenergetika 80, evf. 1987, No. 5, pages 165-169 and 164, HU ISSN  0367-0708 . PDF
  • Evaluation of the electrical safety of electrical engineering systems - An introduction to the theory of electrical safety. Scientific reports of the TH Leipzig 1988, Issue 9, ISSN  0138-3809 .
  • with Pawel Kuraszkiewicz (Poland): Mathematical Methods in the Qualimetrical Determination of Safety Level of Nuclear Power Plant. SMiRT 10 Los Angeles, 1989, Volume P, pp. 13-17 and Safety Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants, Scientific Reports of the TH Leipzig 1989, Issue 16, pp. 1-8, ISSN  0138-3809 .
  • with Kieltyka, L. (TH Częstochowa, Poland): Use of amorphous tapes as shielding layers against alternating electromagnetic fields. Scientific reports of the TH Leipzig 1989, volume 16, pp. 83–91 and 98–106, ISSN  0138-3809 , communications technology / electronics, Berlin 39, volume 6, pp. 226-228 and ELEKTRIE, Berlin 43, 1989, volume 5 , Pp. 179-182.
  • An introduction to the quantitative assessment of electrical safety in electrical engineering systems: Univ.Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Hosemann , Chair for Electrical Power Supply at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on his 70th birthday. Publishing house Dr. Heide & Partner, Berlin 1992.
  • Evaluation of fatal electrical accidents in the home and leisure area in the former GDR and in the new federal states. ELEKTRIE, Series 2, Dr. Heide & Partner GmbH Berlin 1992.
  • An analysis of the "electrical accidents in the former GDR and today". VDE-Fachbericht 43. VDE-Verlag, Berlin / Offenbach 1993, pp. 5–17.
  • with Frank Butzmann: Investigations into the application of fuzzy logic in the qualimetric assessment of the safety of electrical equipment. ELEKTRIE, Berlin 51 (1997), issue 7/8, pp. 257-267.
  • Electrical accidents - analysis of the home and leisure area. Yearbook of electrical practitioners "Opportunities in the electrical industry". Huss Media, Berlin; Verlag Technik, Berlin 1999, pp. 423-426, ISBN 3-341-01207-9 .
  • with Detlef Schlayer: Electrical engineering text and exercise book. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig-Cologne 1995, 2nd edition 2001, 3rd edition 2003, 4th edition: Fachbuchverlag im Carl Hanser Verlag, Leipzig 2008, ISBN 978-3-446-41426-6 .
  • Safety of electrical equipment - decision aids for a quantitative assessment. VDE-Fachbericht 50. VDE-Verlag, Berlin / Offenbach 1996, pp. 43–64.
  • Investigations into fatal electrical accidents in the home and leisure sector as well as in trade in the new federal states. VDE-Fachbericht 53. VDE-Verlag, Berlin / Offenbach 1998, pp. 115–135.
  • The electric railroad operation in the occupation zones, in the GDR and in the FRG - the construction of overhead lines after 1945. History of electrical engineering, volume 17. VDE-Verlag, Berlin / Offenbach 2002, pp. 211-252, ISBN 3-8007-2732-3 . PDF
  • Optical information system - glasses for the visually impaired. Symposium of the Arnold Sommerfeld Society (ASG) Leipzig eV (2003): "Modeling in physics and information systems and in information technology". Dr. Wolfgang Vörkel-Verlag in the Wiss. Zentrum, Leipzig 2004, ISBN 3-933531-29-2 .
  • Spectacular electrical accidents. Lecture on the occasion of the symposium “Mensch-Strom-Felder” of the Research Center for Electropathology (FfE) Munich in November 2005 in Berlin on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.
  • Electrical Safety - Quantitative Assessment Methods. Self-published by Siegfried Altmann, Leipzig 2011, ISBN 978-3-00-035816-6 . [1]
  • Electrical Safety - Quantitative Assessment Methods. Specialization volume and workbook (qualimetry and subjective risk probability). Self-published by Siegfried Altmann, Leipzig 2016, ISBN 978-3-00-035816-6 . [2]
  • with Georg Schwach: order to dismantle the central German railway energy systems in 1946. eb-Elektro Bahnen 99 (2001), H. 3, pp. 130-135.
  • The reconstruction of the 15 kV overhead line network in Central Germany after 1945. Self-published by Siegfried Altmann, Leipzig 2013, ISBN 978-3-00-035817-3 . [3]
  • Catenary systems for electric railways - calculation bases. Self-published by Siegfried Altmann, Leipzig 2014, ISBN 978-3-00-045375-5 . [4]
  • 10 years of the Electrical Power Systems Section at the TH Leipzig. ELEKTRIE, Berlin 38 (1984) 3, pp. 84 and 113-116.
  • with Scheffel, H., Löschner, W .: Effective research by industry-university research group. ELEKTRIE, Berlin 38 (1984) 11, p. 403.
  • 10 years of application research at the Chair of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering at the TH Leipzig. ELEKTRIE, Berlin 44 (1990) 5, pp. 163-164.
  • The study in the field of general electrical engineering at the TH Leipzig, Institute of General Electrical Engineering. ELEKTRIE, Berlin 45 (1991) 12, pp. 443 and 444.
  • The electrical engineering department of the HTWK Leipzig introduces itself. ELEKTRIE focus issues 11/93, 10 to 12/95 and 7 to 8/97, guest editor S. Altmann.
  • Electromedical processes and devices - a new profile-defining subject in general electrical engineering at the HTWK Leipzig. Journal of the HTWK (1995) 1, pp. 27 and 28.
  • with Jens Jühling, Dieter Kieback and Helmut Zürneck : Electrical accidents in Germany. Series of publications by the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Dortmund, Fb. 941, 2002 edition with 140 pages, ISBN 3-89701-798-9 and 2006 edition with 152 pages, ISBN 3-86509-541-0 .
  • History of the founding of the Research and Transfer Center Leipzig e. V. (FTZ). "Podium" magazine of the HTWK Leipzig, special issue (2003) 1, pp. 5–7.
  • Development of electrical railway operations in Germany. DVD video, running time 68 minutes, OCLC 315797710 , camera: Lothar Tittelbach , Sächsisches Eisenbahnmuseum Chemnitz. Publishing house Hengst, Chemnitz 2005
  • Subjective risk probability as a characteristic of electrical safety and a decision aid for the preparation of safety reports. PDF
  • Qualimetry - A brief history of development and literature research related to applications in electrical engineering. DOC


  • Operating history of the VEB Rohrkombinat Stahl- und Walzwerk Riesa, part II 1946-1955, p. 32 (Siegfried Altmann is mentioned as a former electrician apprentice and son of the well-earned furnace bricklayer Richard Altmann).
  • Siegfried Altmann in: WHO IS WHO? The German WHO`S WHO. Verlag- und Druckhaus Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck, issues from 1990/91.
  • Siegfried Altmann in: WHO`S WHO in Germany, from 7th edition 1993 by IBP INTERCONTINENTAL BOOK AND PUBLISHING CO. LTD, Montreal, Canada, ISBN 3-928887-07-6 and list of prominent figures from politics, business and culture, 7th edition 1994, ISBN 3-928887-06-8 , from issue 8 (1996) ISBN 3-922236- 19-7 .
  • Collective of authors of the TH Leipzig: Technical Education in Leipzig. Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig 1989, ISBN 3-343-00466-9 .
  • Altmann, S .: 10 years of application research at the Chair for Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering at the TH Leipzig. ELEKTRIE 1990, H. 5, pp 163-164.
  • Oswald, B .: Siegfried Altmann 60 years. ELEKTRIE, Berlin 50 (1996) 9/10/11, pp. 322-323.
  • Steinbock, K .: Siegfried Altmann 65 years. "Podium" magazine of the HTWK Leipzig (2001) 1.
  • Reinhold, W .: Appreciation - Siegfried Altmann. "Podium" magazine of the HTWK Leipzig, special issue 5 years FTZ e. V. (2003) 1.
  • Lipsia-Presence-Verlag Delitzsch: Siegfried Altmann, professor in retirement. Citizen portraits, Saxony edition (2007), pp. 50–51.
  • Siegfried Altmann. in: Who's who in Germany. Hübners Who`s Who, Switzerland, editions from 2009.
  • Institute for the History of Science and Technology (IGNT) at the Arnold-Sommerfeld-Gesellschaft e. V. (ASG) - Vita Siegfried Altmann.
  • University teachers directory, Volume 3: Universities and colleges of the GDR. Jackwerth & Welker Verlag Bonn (1990), pp. 11 and 331, ISBN 3-86045-025-5 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Altmann: Electromedical procedures and devices - a profile-defining field of general electrical engineering at the HTWK Leipzig. Journal of the HTWK (1995), no. 1, pp. 27 and 28.
  2. Cornelia du Puits: First attempts at internship in the subject of electromedical engineering in the field of general electrical engineering (AET) at the HTWK Leipzig. Zeitschrift der HTWK (1997), no. 1, p. 32 and 33 and ELEKRIE 51 (1997), no. 7/8, p. 329 and 330.
  3. Research and Transfer Center e. V. at the HTWK Leipzig - journal articles (selection): Podium der HTWK Leipzig (2000/1), pp. 43–45. VDI-Ingenieurnachrichten / Regional (1999/2), p. 14. AGIL-Information (1999/1), p. 2. Special issue: 5 years research and transfer center eV, podium of the HTWK Leipzig (2003/1).
  4. ^ Siegfried Altmann, Manfred Nietner, Frank Illing: Profiling conception of the research and transfer center eV at the University of Technology and Culture Leipzig. Study for the Saxon State Ministry for Science and Art (SMWK), September 1999.
  5. Bernd Ebert: The current interview with Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Siegfried Altmann, Scientific Director of the Research and Transfer Center of the HTWK Leipzig. Podium of the HTWK Leipzig (1998/2), pp. 37–39.
  6. Rebecca Schweier: The FTZ is turning 20 - KNOWLEDGE CREATES CONNECTION. , annual report of the HTWK Leipzig 2017, p. 74/75 and EINBLICKE - The research magazine of the HTWK Leipzig 2018, p. 12-14, online under the links: htwk_report2017 / # 76 and .
  7. ^ Siegfried Altmann, Jochen Staude: 10 years of the Friends of the HTWK Leipzig - award of special student achievements with the Prize of the Friends of the University. Podium of the HTWK Leipzig (2005/1), pp. 4–9. See also: Podium der HTWK Leipzig (1998/2), pp. 5–6, (1999/2), pp. 33–35, (2000/1), p. 42, (2001/2), p. 46 -47. Leipziger Volkszeitung from January 28, 1998. ad-rem (The independent university newspaper in Saxony) from January 31, 2001.
  8. See:
  9. ^ Tilo Pfeifer : Quality control loop. In: Hans-Dieter Zollondz, Michael Ketting , Raimund Pfundtner (eds.): Lexicon quality management. Handbook of modern management based on quality management. Walter de Gruyter, Oldenbourg Verlag, Berlin; Boston 2nd edition 2016, pp. 978-981, ISBN 978-3-486-58465-3 .
  10. ^ Tilo Pfeifer , Robert Schmitt: Masing handbook quality management. Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 2014, ISBN 978-3-446-43992-4 .
  11. ^ Siegfried Altmann: Research and development in the field of high-voltage warning devices for portable machines at the Technical University and HTWK Leipzig in the period from 1978-1999. Final research report 2001 of the electrical safety series - Part 3 with 162 pages, including 21 individual publications by academic staff of the chair.
  12. ELEKTRIE, Verlag Technik Berlin and Verlag Dr. Heide & Partner GmbH Berlin, issues 1980/4, 1982/6, 1984/11, 1987/12, 1989/9, 1990/5/11, 1991/12, 1992/10/11, 1993/11 and 1995/4 .
  13. Electrical safety and reliability. Scientific reports of the TH Leipzig, section electrical energy plants, 1989, issue 16, pp. 25–97. Editor: The rector of the university, responsible processing by S. Altmann (head of research).
  14. Siegfried Altmann and Cornelia du Puits: APOLLON - orientation aid for visually impaired people. Podium of the HTWK Leipzig 11 (2005), No. 1, pp. 10-12.
  15. ^ Siegfried Altmann: Optoelectronic non-invasive orientation aid for visually impaired people. Summary of the research and development results achieved at the HTWK Leipzig (FTZ) 1998–2006. Research report FTZ, December 2009.
  16. ^ Siegfried Altmann: Potential defects in the technical report. Workshop “Electricity Accidents” of the VDE Committee for Safety and Accident Research (SUF) 2009 at the TU Dresden, lecture and VDE report “Electricity Accidents” (2009), p. 109 (summary of the research results).
  17. ^ Dominique Singer: Electrical accidents in children and adolescents. Emergency medicine up2date 2017, 12 (4), pp. 411-429, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, ISSN  1611-6550 .