Districts and districts of Halle (Saale)

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The structure of the city of Halle (Saale) is hierarchical and consists of 5 city districts (north (2), east (3), south (4), west (5) and middle (1)) and 22 city districts , with 5 larger districts (Halle, Trotha, Ammendorf, Neustadt and Lettin) are subdivided into 26 districts .

The following list contains the 17 districts without districts and the 26 districts of the remaining 5 districts, a total of 43 districts and districts .

In addition, there are additional area names for 24 city quarters within some city districts and city quarters in order to better identify citizens with their residential areas .

Altstadt Ammendorf/Beesen Böllberg/Wörmlitz Büschdorf Damaschkestraße Dautzsch Diemitz Dieselstraße Dölau Dölauer Heide Freiimfelde/Kanenaer Weg Frohe Zukunft Gebiet der DR Gesundbrunnen Gewerbegebiet Neustadt Giebichenstein Gottfried-Keller-Siedlung Heide-Nord/Blumenau Heide-Süd Industriegebiet Nord Kanena/Bruckdorf Kröllwitz Landrain Lettin Lutherplatz/Thüringer Bahnhof Nietleben Mötzlich Nördliche Innenstadt Nördliche Neustadt Paulusviertel Planena Radewell/Osendorf Reideburg Saaleaue Seeben Silberhöhe Südliche Neustadt Südstadt Tornau Trotha Westliche Neustadt Am Wasserturm/Thaerviertel Südliche InnenstadtLocation of the district HStadtteil farbig.svg in Halle (Saale) (clickable map)
About this picture
  • center
  • North
  • east
  • south
  • west
  • City districts and districts are numbered
    City districts and their associated districts and quarters with official number, area, population and population density
    No. Borough
    Jan. 18, 2010
    in ha
    Dec. 31, 2010
    1 center 471.9 39,748 8255.77
    1 01 Old town 63.1 4,970 7817.75
    1 02 South downtown 198.1 19,608 9762.75
    1 03 Northern downtown 210.7 15,170 6970.10
    2 North 2504.4 39,955 1591.83
    2 04 Paulusviertel 107.5 11,732 10799.07
    2 05 At the water tower / Thaerviertel 115.3 869 725.93
    2 06 Landrain 155.8 3,323 2193.84
    2 07 Happy future 274.0 3,319 1215.69
    2 21 Trotha 141.0 6,793 4877.30
    2 22 North industrial area 253.3 290 114.88
    2 23 Gottfried Keller housing estate 296.9 1,815 617.04
    2 30 Giebichenstein 164.5 9,858 5899.09
    2 31 Seeben 330.5 1,204 362.78
    2 32 Tornau 283.4 249 82.92
    2 33 Possible 380.2 503 131.77
    3 east 2941.5 14,789 495.29
    3 08 Territory of the DR 163.4 130 78.34
    3 09 Freiimfelde / Kanenaer Weg 169.1 2,383 1361.92
    3 10 Diesel road 248.4 598 244.36
    3 40 Diemitz 203.4 1,754 854.97
    3 41 Dautzsch 363.0 1,864 510.47
    3 42 Reideburg 778.6 2,469 313.13
    3 43 Büschdorf 399.8 4,198 1034.52
    3 44 Kanena / Bruckdorf 615.8 1,393 221.66
    4th south 3380.0 67,949 2014.64
    4 11 Lutherplatz / Thuringian train station 139.2 8,388 5778.74
    4 12 Healthy well 213.4 10,270 4831.30
    4 13 Südstadt 231.8 16,055 7031.92
    4 14 Damaschkestrasse 271.3 8,646 3173.24
    4 51 Ammendorf / Beesen 466.5 7,015 1519.40
    4 52 Radewell / Osendorf 589.4 1,767 304.04
    4 53 Planena 806.1 34 4.47
    4 60 Böllberg / Wörmlitz 458.4 2,518 548.65
    4 61 Silver height 203.9 13,256 6572.34
    5 west 4206.5 68,390 1638.42
    5 71 Northern New Town 211.2 15,886 7472.54
    5 72 Southern New Town 238.9 15,045 6434.91
    5 73 Western New Town 236.6 14,194 6162.72
    5 74 Neustadt industrial park 292.6 32 11.62
    5 81 Location of Lettin 511.5 1,170 225.81
    5 82 Heide-Nord / Blumenau 163.3 5,818 3664.42
    5 90 Saale floodplain 526.3 446 84.36
    5 91 Kröllwitz 449.5 5,296 1153.50
    5 92 South Heath 198.9 3,936 1934.64
    5 93 Rivet life 289.7 2,626 905.42
    5 94 Dölauer Heide 674.9 21st 2.52
    5 95 Dölau 413.1 3,920 942.63
      Hall 13502.3 230.831 1,706.21

    Web links

    Commons : City districts and districts of Halle (Saale)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

    Individual evidence

    1. ^ City of Halle: Overview of the city structure
    2. Source: City Surveyor's Office