Crime scene: a touch of Hollywood

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title A touch of Hollywood
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 83 minutes
classification Episode 390 ( List )
First broadcast July 13, 1998 on Das Erste
Director Urs Odermatt
script Jiří Polák
production Jürgen Haase
music Enjott Schneider
camera Piotr Lenar
cut Haike Brewer

A touch of Hollywood is a television film from the crime series Tatort on ARD and ORF . The film was produced by the SFB and first broadcast on July 13, 1998. It is the tenth case of the investigator duo Roiter and Zorowski and the 390th crime scene episode. Roiter and Zorowski have to solve the kidnapping of an actor and the murder of a security guard in a hotel.


The young German actor Roland Haas is returning to Berlin after spending five years in Hollywood , where he was successful, to present his new film at the film festival . Hugo Kowalski drives a tractor to the hotel where Haas is holding a press conference and requests entry because he knows Haas from before, but he is refused. He still manages to gain access to the press conference and berates Roland Haas. He accuses Haas of having betrayed his homeland because he went to America. After the press conference, Haas visits his ex-girlfriend Laura, who is now married to another man and has a four-year-old daughter. He is surprised, obviously he was hoping to be able to re-establish the relationship. Later, Haas meets Kowalski again in the hotel, who insults him again. A hotel detective wants to compliment Kowalski and is suddenly attacked with a knife and stabbed by Kowalski.

Roiter and Zorowski are called to the crime scene shortly afterwards. They go to Haas, who insists on police protection and says that he feels threatened by the perpetrator. Since he was threatened at the press conference, Zorowski promises to stay close. Roiter suspects a PR campaign to promote Haas' new film. Roiter visits Laura, who tells Roiter that she was Haas' lover. Kurt Jelinghaus, Laura's husband, reacts coolly and unaffected to the murder, he knows nothing about Haas' visit to his wife the day before, his wife even denies it at first. After Roiter leaves, he rebukes his wife for not telling him anything about Haas' visit, he shouldn't learn the truth. Zorowski seeks out a Henry Wildmoser and Emma Steinmann, the wife of the head of the production company for Haas' new film, and catches them both in a clear pose, Zorowski does not get any clues that the production company commissioned the murder as PR for the film . Meanwhile, Haas meets Laura and her daughter again on an ice rink. Laura rejects any advances by Haas. In the hotel Roiter and Zorowski notice that Haas has disappeared, a request in all hotels and guest houses is unsuccessful, the actor has disappeared. Roiter seeks out Steinmann, who knows that his wife is cheating on him, but has to keep quiet because she owns the company and a divorce would cost him his position and existence. He knows nothing about the disappearance of Haas.

Roiter and Zorowski question Jelinghaus, he too is clueless. Then they drive to Laura, who also says she does not know where Haas is. However, she gives the officials a reference to a Professor Jansen who has been a kind of "guru" for Haas since an accident a few years ago. In the car accident that Haas had caused while drunk, his friend Georg, who was more popular as an actor than Roland, was paraplegic, so Roland fled to America because of his bad conscience. Her little daughter Nadine, however, blurts out that they were in the ice rink with Haas the day before. She says that they had a similar relationship as in the movie " Jules et Jim ", she had fun with Georg, but loved Roland. She knew the two of them from drama school, but she realized that she wasn't good enough for the job. The officers look for Professor Jansen, who denies he is still in contact with Haas, and he does not want to recognize Kowalski in the phantom picture either. At this moment Roiter and Zorowski see Haas in the garden, who claims to have fled because he does not want to play the bait for the knife. Then they go to Georg Marald. He does not know that the officers have found Haas and sarcastically admits to have a motive for Haas' murder. In the further conversation it turns out that he has no grudge against Roland Haas, in contrast to his mother who cares for him, who still blames Haas for her son's paraplegia and who says her son was always the better actor.

Haas contacts Laura, the two meet and Laura admits that Nadine is his daughter and not her husband's. Georg arrives surprisingly, and there is a battle of words between the two men. Kowalski watches the scene from a distance. At home, Kurt Jelinghaus confronts his wife with the accusation that she told Haas the truth about Nadine's fatherhood, which Haas also confesses. He thinks Haas wants to take Nadine and Laura away from him, his wife weighs it down. When Haas calls, he doesn't let him speak to his wife, but makes an appointment with him. Haas is waiting for a taxi, Kowalski tries to ambush him with a knife when Jelinghaus shows up and picks up Haas because he was afraid that Haas would not have come to the meeting otherwise and would set him up. When Haas refuses to get in, he knocks Haas down and puts him in his trunk. Shortly afterwards, Professor Jansen reports the kidnapping of Haas, because he noticed the car leaving. Meanwhile, Jelinghaus keeps Haas tied up in an old warehouse. The next morning, Kowalski surrenders and claims to have killed Haas. He killed him to save his soul from ruin. He killed the hotel detective "accidentally" because he had disturbed him on his mission. He claims to have sunk Haas's body in the Teltow Canal . Kowalski is mentally disturbed and went to Prof. Jansen's clinic with Haas after the car accident, but Haas was arrogant and treated his fellow patients like air. Kowalski only wanted to talk to him, but Haas yelled for help because he was afraid of Kowalski. The clinic was the common "home" of the two.

Haas, who is hungry and cold, begs Jelinghaus to release him, he will return to the USA and never contact Laura and Nadine again. He wouldn't tell anyone about the kidnapping. Jelinghaus doesn't know whether to accept the offer. In the Teltow Canal, the officers did not find a body at the location specified by Kowalski. The officers look for the trailer in which Kowalski lived and meet Jansen, whom they question. This indicates that Kowalski often expressed violent fantasies. Zorowski finds the murder weapon and believes the case has been resolved, Roiter doubts it. Now that Jelinghaus has learned that Haas is believed to be dead and a confession has been made, he actually wants to kill Haas and sink it in the Teltow Canal. When his wife shows up in the warehouse, he hides Haas. His wife assures him that she only loves him, Haas has to listen to this from his hiding place. Roiter goes to Jansen again, who says that Kowalski obviously wanted "the copyrights" to Haas' death. Roiter's doubts about Kowalski's perpetration are intensified, especially since the sinking of the corpse in the Teltow Canal did not match Kowalski's previous behavior, he had stabbed the hotel detective, and now he claims to have drowned Haas.

Roiter interrogates Kowalski again and confronts him with his thesis that he did not kill Haas, but Kowalski sticks to his version. Meanwhile, Jelinghaus buys a pistol, shortly afterwards Roiter goes to Jelinghaus and asks him about his alibi for the time of Haas' disappearance. Zorowski tackles Georg Marald again, but he has an alibi because he was having fun with a prostitute at home at the time of the crime . Jelinghaus learns from his wife that Steinmann will fire him. He then goes for a walk with his daughter and plays with the idea of ​​plunging himself and the little one into the depths. Zorowski goes to Jansen again, who finally tells him that Haas has known for a few days that Laura's daughter is his. Meanwhile, Haas tries to escape, but is caught by Jelinghaus. Roiter checks Jelinghaus' alibi that it turns out to be false. Bremer involuntarily admits that he sold Jelinghaus a gun. Jelinghaus films Haas and forces him to say in front of the camera that he has come back to destroy a family, so Kurt Jelinghaus has no choice but to kill him. Laura finds a bullet at home and now suspects that her husband is up to something bad, she rushes to the warehouse, Roiter and Zorowski follow her. Jelinghaus tries to shoot Haas, but cannot bring himself to do it. Laura joins them and assures Kurt of her love, but Kurt is convinced that Laura loves Haas. Roiter and Zorowski join in and implore him to let Haas live, Kurt Jelinghaus then shoots himself.

Roland Haas wins the Silver Bear at the Berlinale. When he leaves, Laura says she still needs time, Haas replies that he will wait. Roiter and Zorowski watch the melodramatic scene and Roiter mockingly states that there is a “touch of Hollywood” in it.


The crime scene A touch of Hollywood is a production by Pro Vobis Jürgen Haase on behalf of the SFB for Das Erste . The film was shot in and around Berlin . When it first aired on July 13, 1998, A Touch of Hollywood had 1.11 million viewers, representing a market share of 15.08%. The lowest number of viewers of all Tatort episodes when it was first broadcast is due to the fact that this film was only shown on Monday evening at 11 p.m.

A touch of Hollywood was only broadcast on a repeat slot on Monday evening at 11 p.m. because the ARD program commission found it unsuitable for prime time. The film was classified as an "experiment" by the SFB and should be a satire on the crime genre.

The twelve films of the SFB with Winfried Glatzeder were not recorded on conventional film material, but with the help of Betacam video cameras, which resulted in a video clip aesthetic of the films that has been widely criticized. Police call 110: Seven Days of Freedom , produced by the SFB in 1995 , was also recorded in this format and also criticized.


TV Spielfilm judged the film to be “hair-raising in words and pictures”, while Matthias Dell said in Der Freitag : “It is one of the best: an experimental film as a crime scene”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tatort: ​​A touch of Hollywood. at
  2. ^ The poison cabinet consequences at
  3. The Roiter era - 12 crime scenes from Berlin. at
  4. A touch of Hollywood. tv movie
  5. A touch of Hollywood. Matthias Dell, Friday June 8th 2013