Crime scene: Shots on the highway

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Shots on the highway
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 389 ( List )
First broadcast July 5, 1998 on Das Erste
Director Hartmut Griesmayr
script Raimund Weber , based on an idea by Peter Zingler
production Studio Hamburg film production
music Klaus Doldinger
camera Peter HW Tost
cut Birgit Levin

Shots on the Autobahn is a television film from the crime series Tatort by ARD and ORF . The film was produced by Norddeutscher Rundfunk and broadcast on ARD for the first time on July 5, 1998. It is the crime scene episode 389. For the detective chief inspectors Paul Stoever, alias Manfred Krug and Peter Brockmöller, alias Charles Brauer , it is the 34th and 31st case in which they investigate.


The three professional drivers Erich Dzchydl, Heinz Stamm and Albrecht Heuer have been friends for years, but this friendship is only a facade: Dzchydl wants to cheat his two cronies, with whom he also forms a lottery syndicate, out of a larger profit made up of five Correct with additional number results. Stamm, however, cheats on Dzchydl with his wife Erika, who tells her lover about the lottery win. This is how Dzchydls both cronies learn of the profit and the intention to rip them off.

On the A1 near Harburg , Stamm is shot dead in his truck at close range. He was the only remaining driver of the Fred Korn haulage company, where all three used to work. While the commissioners are still investigating and primarily keeping an eye on Dzchydl, Heuer is shot at the wheel of his truck in exactly the same place as Stamm - with the same weapon as before and also through the windshield. Dzchydl himself was the third to be murdered, albeit at the wheel of his car. When the house of the three drivers was searched, the inspectors Stoever and Brockmöller found evidence of secret payments made by the Korn forwarding company to their drivers in the 1990s: A fourth former driver and now pensioner, Rolf Peters, brought light into the darkness. Years ago, the four drivers brought toxic waste into a former gravel pit and only dumped sand on it. Fred Korn has now sold this site without mentioning the toxic waste.

When the police find out about him, Korn flees and is later found shot in his hunting lodge. The officials initially suspect suicide . Stoever, however, still have residual doubts, especially since a trace that has come to light with Korns' attorney and that leads to the Netherlands still raises questions: Why did Korn and three of his drivers visit the neighboring country twice within a few months? And what was the trial in The Hague , which ended in an acquittal , about ?

When the Dutch colleagues fax the court files, the case becomes clear: During a company outing, the pregnant ex-wife Korns, Sabine Kunkel, was raped by Dzchydl in the presence of the other two drivers, resulting in a stillbirth . The drivers not only had their boss in hand because of the illegal waste disposal. Korn also despised his ex-wife because of her rural origins and conservative values. He testified in The Hague against his ex-wife, who then went into therapy and finally began training with the Hamburg motorway police. There she began her campaign of revenge by holding the four directly and indirectly involved in the death of her child to account. The motorway policewoman had betrayed herself through a small carelessness that Stoever noticed in good time: When the accident was recorded in the case of Dzchydl who had an accident, she noted the name on Stoever's dictation - and nevertheless spelled the complicated name correctly without looking at the passport. The inspector correctly concluded that she knew the perpetrator before the accident.

Production notes

It was first broadcast on July 5, 1998. The ARD broadcast achieved a market share of 28.09 percent with 9.39 million viewers. As in many other episodes, the actors Manfred Krug and Charles Brauer also appear as a singing duo in this episode: They sing Jim, Jonny and Jonas . This can be interpreted in relation to the truck trio Erich, Heinz and Albrecht.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for the crime scene: Shots on the Autobahn . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry (PDF). Template: FSK / maintenance / type not set and Par. 1 longer than 4 characters
  2. Shots on the Autobahn , accessed on July 5, 2013.
  3. The songs from Krug und Brauer , accessed on July 5, 2013.