Crime scene: the tower

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title The tower
Country of production Germany
original language German
Hessian radio
classification Episode 1076 ( List )
First broadcast December 26, 2018 on Das Erste
Director Lars Henning
script Lars Henning
music Jan Cert
camera Carol Burandt from Kameke
cut Stefan Blue

The Tower is a television film from the crime series Tatort . The by Hessian Radio Post produced the 1076 Crime Scene episode and was on December 26, 2018 First erstgesendet. The Frankfurt investigator duo Janneke and Brix is investigating in its eighth case.


On the forecourt of a skyscraper in Frankfurt's banking district lies a dead young woman, scantily clad, with a plastic bag pulled over her head. Anna Janneke arrives at the scene quickly. She considers that the dead person could have fallen or been pushed from the skyscraper and enters "the tower" alone when she sees a figure in the window. When her colleague Paul Brix arrives late at the scene, he finds her in the elevator with a severe head wound. The unconscious Janneke is admitted to the hospital.

The autopsy of the dead reveals a large number of injuries caused by the fall, as well as traces of sexual intercourse with several people and finally signs of death from suffocation. Since the suffocation possibly resulted from an accident when a plastic bag was voluntarily pulled over the head during sex, and no clear evidence of a shock can be seen for the fall, there are initially no clear indications of third-party negligence. The identity of the dead is initially just as unclear as the main tenant of the tower and the business models of the companies located there. Even when Janneke regains consciousness, she cannot help Brix at first because her memories are insufficient. Further investigations are not successful, however, as the employees rely on contractual confidentiality clauses, the security service rigidly shields the tower and the lawyer responsible for the external contacts of the company conglomerate, Dr. Rothmann limited their participation to the bare minimum. Public Prosecutor Bachmann refuses a full search of the tower because the dead woman is clearly not at fault.

After the identity of the dead - Jennifer Traubner - can be clarified, Brix visits their parents and their flatmate Nele Kreuzer. Jennifer tried to have a comfortable life and a. to finance sex parties through lucrative luxury escort jobs. Despite severe complaints, Janneke lets herself be discharged from the hospital at her own risk, but as she still needs rest and has to take medication, Fanny takes care of her. The young programmers Bijan and Jonathan report to the police station. Bijan agrees to serve as an informant for Brix. First he reports that he is programming autonomous software agents for high-frequency trading and that he was at a party on the evening in question, which was also attended by the dead woman. Rothmann prevents another questioning. At later meetings between Brix and Bijan, the programmer provides further details, but he only gradually reveals his knowledge out of fear and mistrust. Brix's investigations into the prostitution milieu confirm Jennifer's bookings for sex parties, but do not bring him much further. A man appears in prosecutor Bachmann's office whom Brix had previously seen on the roof of a parking garage with Rothmann and other suit wearers. However, the police did not find out what the man wanted from Bachmann. Janneke is now evaluating her photos from the beginning of the case at home and discovers the face of an unknown man in a reflection in one of the photos, who probably knocked her down and who is also a possible murderer of Jennifer Traubner. She also wants to go back to the active team of investigators.

A cell phone found on the roof of the tower after Jennifer was found can be assigned to Bijan, and a DNA analysis reveals that he too had sex with Jennifer, whereupon Bijan is put up for a search. Brix is ​​running out of time, which is why he asks his colleague Jonas to delay the arrest of Bijan as much as possible and to keep his back free for further investigations, while he unofficially gets Janneke her service weapon. One last meeting with Bijan succeeds. The commissioners learn that Jennifer may have blackmailed one of her customers. But when Bijan sees more police officers, he escapes. During a conversation between Jannekes and Rothmann in the tower, she learns that Rothmann feels trapped in her employer's system despite all the advantages, but accepts that he has to work according to his employer's rules. In the elevator, Janneke meets the stranger from the photo. Instead of leaving the tower, she goes to the roof and contacts Brix. Since Bijan's colleague Jonathan told him that Bijan was back in the tower to reveal the illegal activities of the corporate conglomerate, the investigators wait for the end of the working day to search the abandoned tower for him. Janneke is the first to find him, but Bijan is knocked down by the stranger in biker clothing. Before Janneke is stabbed, Brix can shoot the man down. Bijan is only slightly injured.

Bachmann wants to break off the subsequent investigations against Brix and Janneke into the incidents in the tower due to unauthorized actions and resolve these allegations internally. A possible notification will not be made in consultation with Rothmann. He wants to close the investigations in the Jennifer case as soon as possible due to the lack of progress. To Brix's horror, they didn't even know anything about a dead man after he was shot. The only hope left for the investigators is that Bijan will continue to work with them. Looking for him, however, they see Bijan in the foyer of the tower, talking to several suitably dressed businessmen in a stylish blazer, ignoring Brix and Janneke and entering the elevator with his companions. "It's over." Janneke realizes soberly.


The film was shot on 25 days from September 19, 2017 to October 30, 2017 in Frankfurt and Flörsheim. The premiere took place on March 6, 2018 as part of the German TV Crime Festival in Wiesbaden. The skyscraper shown in the film is the Deutsche Bank IBCF building, which was demolished in 2018 .



Christian Buß said at Spiegel online that the “adventurous” Hessischer Rundfunk remained true to itself and that the film was another attempt “to use a thriller experiment to track down the riddle of the financial world. Here one feels reminded of the early capitalism horror by David Cronenberg . A visually captivating banker shocker - but whose plot sometimes sags under its imagery. "

At Zeit online , Matthias Dell criticized the film as “children's kitsch about evil capitalism”, mainly because it tried too hard to simplify reality. The film fails in its ongoing attempt to break capitalism down to the human level and paints a crude picture of capitalist society, also because it imagines capitalism as a motorcyclist with a helmet. Commissioner Brix is ​​"designed as an ordinary gate that does not understand this blatant financial industry world, but is fundamentally ready to fight against it on behalf of good." The film service rated the film with one of five possible stars and criticized: " Intrusive, symbolic, clumsily constructed (television) crime thriller that seeks to portray high finance as an inhuman parallel world. In doing so, however, he is so clichéd and implausible that instead of tension he only creates anger and boredom. "

In the FAZ , Oliver Junge was missing a sufficient reason why public prosecutor Bachmann “is not really interested in clarifying the circumstances surrounding the girl's death. Whispering hints (as soon as a given visitor is out the door, the boss announces: "We are not the moral police") do not help much. After all, the conclusion is consistent. Why you program this bitter "crime scene" at Christmas of all times, that - with luck - heaven knows. "

Audience ratings

The first broadcast of Der Turm on December 26, 2018 was seen by 5.97 million viewers in Germany and achieved a market share of 18.5% for Das Erste .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Katharina Koser: Crime scene security: What are they actually doing there? In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed December 28, 2018]).
  2. Crime scene: The tower at crew united
  3. Crime Scene - The Tower. (PDF) In: Deutsches FernsehKrimi-Festival 2018. Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden , p. 9 , accessed on March 16, 2018 (program booklet).
  4. ^ Christian Buß : ARD festival crime thriller. The Frankfurt "crime scene" in a quick check. Spiegel Online , December 26, 2018, accessed on December 27, 2018 : "Rating: 7 out of 10 points"
  5. ^ Matthias Dell: "Tatort" Frankfurt. It just burned too brightly. Zeit online , December 26, 2018, accessed December 27, 2018 .
  6. Crime Scene - The Tower. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 22, 2020 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  7. Oliver Junge: "Tatort" from Frankfurt: The naked greed . In: FAZ.NET . ISSN  0174-4909 ( [accessed December 29, 2018]).
  8. Sidney Schering: Primetime check: Sunday, December 26th, , December 27th, 2018, accessed on December 27th, 2018 .