Crime scene: unforgiving

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Episode of the series Tatort
Original title Unforgiving
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
classification Episode 263 ( List )
First broadcast October 4, 1992 on Das Erste
Director Ilse Hofmann
script Norbert Ehry
production Veith von Fürstenberg
music Andreas Koebner
camera Wolfgang Dickmann
cut Ueli Christians

Unforgiving is a TV movie from the crime series Tatort . It is the second case of the Düsseldorf investigators Flemming, Koch and Ballauf and the 263rd crime scene sequence. The report produced by Westdeutscher Rundfunk was broadcast for the first time on October 4, 1992 on Das Erste .


After making love with a young blonde, entrepreneur Erwin Joest is picked up by his driver in the pouring rain and ambushed by two dark figures on the way to the vehicle. The chauffeur draws his gun while lying down. But the kidnapper is faster and shoots him. From the balcony, the blonde sees the taillights of a van and notifies the police.

Chief Detective Flemming is impatiently awaited by his son Markus when he arrives at the Joest'schen Villa. His wife Anita and his mother Dorothea are sitting in the living room. Flemming assumes kidnapping and a high ransom demand. It is not surprising that Joest came from an acquaintance, Fraulein Vonhoff. The student has been with Joest for over two years and is sponsored by him. A short time later, an envelope with a video cassette and a written ransom demand for 5 million marks was handed in at Joest's company.

A suspect is quickly found: Vonhoff's friend, Dieter Ahrweiler, has a criminal record and is shooting smaller things with two friends. At first he is only observed. Joest sits down with Dr. Steinbeißer, the commercial manager of E. Joest AG, by phone and tells him the modalities of the ransom delivery in the IC from Berlin to Geneva. He is forced to eat fish at gunpoint, even though he does not like fish. Apparently the kidnappers intentionally want to torture him.

The contact during the handover of the suitcase is made with the latest technology via a 386 laptop with modem . Ballauf is asked to change to the express train to Trier. There he is instructed to throw the suitcase out of the window. Despite Ballauf's best efforts, the kidnappers are able to take the suitcase and escape. Meanwhile, Erwin Joest is almost able to free himself, but is tied up again by one of the kidnappers. Despite the successful million payment, he is not released. Then Markus Joest unmasked. He shows his triumph to have led the entire Düsseldorf police by the nose. Together with his wife, mother and Commissioner Flemming, he is developing ways of how to proceed. When Flemming says how clever the kidnappers are, he becomes a few inches taller. Shortly afterwards he releases his father at night. When he asks him to take the final shot, he can't bring himself to do it and just shoots into the air.

When Joest is back home, the psycho duel between father and son continues. Of course, Joest Senior wants his money back. Dieter Ahrweiler tries to blackmail him, but is lured into a trap by Joest and almost bitten to death by Joest's guard dogs. Suddenly Erwin Joest lies shot in the living room. Dorothea Joest has freed her son from his father, confesses the act and does not want to make any further statements. Flemming combines that "tyrant" Joest had forced his son Markus four years ago to marry his then love Anita and pass off his own son as his. The company was to be run in trust until the alleged grandson came of age. Markus Joest is also caught: the landlady identifies him as the tenant of the apartment in which Joest Senior was imprisoned.


When handing over the ransom, one of the kidnappers connects his modem in one of the striking telephone booths on Königsallee (Düsseldorf) , which were set up in 1985 and dismantled in 2013. The address given is Königsallee 56 - the traditional Benrather Hof restaurant was located here until 1994, and the Sevens Center has been located here since October 2000 . The address mentioned is remarkable because it was deliberately chosen - none of the five "Kö-Telefon booths" were at this point. The cell shown in the scene was at Königsallee 68 (corner of Grünstraße) one block further south, and in the last shot the camera looks north towards the Kö-Galerie .


Audience ratings

The first broadcast of the Tatort Unconciliatory on October 4, 1992 was seen by a total of 11.63 million viewers in Germany and thus achieved a market share of 38%.


The critics of the television magazine TV Spielfilm write: "He was just turtling with his lover when the industrialist Erwin Joest (Heinz Baumann) falls into the hands of kidnappers." And judge: "Star squad in a second-class crime thriller."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Certificate of release for crime scene: unforgiving . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , March 2010 (PDF; test number: 121 948 V).
  2. ↑ Audience ratings at, accessed on January 8, 2016.
  3. Implacable short review on, accessed on January 8, 2016.