U9-Spange (Munich subway)

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Possible route of the U9. The new line is highlighted in yellow.

The U9 clasp of the Munich subway is a planned section of the subway network in the Bavarian capital, Munich . It runs in a north-south direction and is primarily intended to relieve the main route 1 . It should branch off from main line 1 at the Dietlindenstrasse underground station and continue via Münchner Freiheit , Elisabethplatz , the Pinakotheken , the main train station and Esperantoplatz (2nd Wiesn station ) to Impler - or Poccistraße , where it will again lead to Main route 1 should flow into it. In addition, a connection between the new route and the main route 2 south of the Theresienstraße station is to be realized. On January 24, 2018, the General Assembly of the Munich City Council unanimously approved the draft resolution for the further planning of the U9. The results of the preliminary planning for the entire area should be Template: future / in 5 yearsavailable in 2024/25 ; Commissioning could be possible in the period 2035–2040.


After the number of passengers on the Munich subway increased by 12.5 percent between 2007 and 2010, MVG expects the number of passengers to continue to rise, especially since the population of Munich and the region is forecast to rise. This development cannot be sufficiently compensated with a maximum clock compression. In particular, the transfer stations Sendlinger Tor and Odeonsplatz on trunk line 1, which can only be expanded to a limited extent, are threatened with overload.

A feasibility study showed that it would be structurally feasible to build an underground line from Münchner Freiheit via the main train station to Implerstraße. The city treasury is assuming construction costs of between € 2.5 and € 3.5 billion.


The idea of ​​an underground line between the Implerstraße and Münchner Freiheit stations via the main train station and the Pinakotheken was first approved for investigation by the Munich city council in 2010.

The first concrete plans for the U9 were announced in 2014. They stipulated that the new line no longer branches off the existing line at Münchner Freiheit, but at the Giselastraße station. From there, the line should run via a station at the Pinakotheken and a new train station at the main train station and the existing Theresienwiese train station on the U4 and U5 lines and rejoin trunk line 1 at Implerstraße train station. The connection between U9 and the Theresienstraße U2 station was planned as an option. The four-track expansion of the Giselastraße, Theresienwiese and Implerstraße stations as well as the route between Giselastraße and Münchner Freiheit were planned as structural measures.


Munich subway
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
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from Garching / Fröttmaning
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BSicon .svgBSicon uxABZgl.svgBSicon uSTR + r.svg
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Main route 1 from Scheidplatz / Moosach
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Münchner Freiheit U3
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Main route 1 to Marienplatz
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BSicon .svgBSicon uexBHF.svgBSicon .svg
Art galleries
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Main route 2 from Scheidplatz / Feldmoching
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BSicon ueABZgl.svgBSicon uexABZg + r.svgBSicon .svg
BSicon uSTRl.svgBSicon uxKRZu.svgBSicon uSTRq.svg
Trunk line 2 (U2)
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Trunk line 2 (U1)
BSicon STRq.svgBSicon uxmKRZu.svgBSicon BHFq.svg
First main S-Bahn line
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Second main S-Bahn line
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Main station trunk line 3U1 U2 U4 U5 Train
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Esperanto Square
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Main route 1 from Marienplatz
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to the Theresienwiese plant
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Implerstraße (new)
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Main route 1 to Fürstenried West
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Main route 1 to Großhadern / Martinsried Clinic
Future underground lines according to the current planning status. (March 2018)

After further investigations, the Munich city administration presented the preferred route variant at the beginning of 2018. For structural reasons, the line is now to branch off at Dietlindenstrasse station, and Münchner Freiheit will be served by a new, dedicated station. The following station, Elisabethplatz, does not appear in older plans, here it would be possible to switch to the northern bypass of the tram, which is also being planned. Via the Pinakotheken station, which is to be located west of the tram station of the same name, namely under Arcisstraße, the U9 leads to the main station, which is also to be connected with its own station. At the main station, the project would require an adaptation of the construction work to the second S-Bahn main line.

South of the main train station, the U9 is to serve a station under Esperantoplatz, which will relieve the Theresienwiese station on the U4 and U5 lines during the Oktoberfest. The meeting of the U9 with the old line coming from Marienplatz is to be created at a completely new train station east of the Implerstraße station and to replace this and the neighboring Poccistraße station. To the south of it, the lines separate again and are threaded into the existing southern branches of the U3 and U6.

In addition to this main route, there is the option of building a connecting route to trunk route 2 . This is to branch off the new route north of the main station and merge into the north branch of the U2 at Theresienstraße station.



A new subway line (working title U9) is planned for the use of the new route, which runs along the branches of the current U6 to the north and south of it. The line replaces the U6 and runs between the terminus at Garching-Forschungszentrum in the north and Martinsried train station (which is currently still being planned) .

Amplifier lines

According to current planning, the connecting line between the main station (U9) and Theresienstraße will be realized, where another repeater line could connect the north branch of the U2 with a south branch of the main route 1 (working title U29):

U2 North - Scheidplatz - Theresienstraße - Hauptbahnhof - Esperantoplatz - Implerstraße - U6 South

For major soccer events, a direct connection from the main train station to Fröttmaning should be used.

The following amplifier lines are no longer planned:

By relieving the central section of the first trunk line, an amplifier line could have run there, which would have connected the north branch of the U2 directly to Marienplatz (working title U10). Instead, the frequency should be compressed to 2 minutes on the U3.

U2 north - Scheidplatz - Münchner Freiheit - Marienplatz - Implerstraße - U6 south

In this case, the central section of trunk line 2 would have been relieved, so that a line could have run there, the course of which would have been similar to today's U7 (working title U11):

U1 North - Hauptbahnhof - Columbusplatz - Innsbrucker Ring - Direction Neuperlach Süd or Messestadt Ost


  • The main route 1 between Münchner Freiheit and Implerstraße would relieve the most heavily frequented section of the subway network.
  • Since the new route between Implerstraße and Münchner Freiheit would have fewer stops, travel times are shorter than those on the first regular route.
  • There would be new direct connections, especially from the main train station to the Allianz Arena and the research center in Garching .
  • A higher capacity is achieved for football matches in the Allianz Arena and for major events such as the Oktoberfest on Theresienwiese .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c relief clasp U9. Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft, October 23, 2019, accessed on January 5, 2020 .
  2. Heiner Effern: The planned U 9 is more expensive than expected . In: sueddeutsche.de . November 25, 2017, ISSN  0174-4917 ( sueddeutsche.de [accessed November 26, 2017]).
  3. Dominik Hutter: Munich dream routes. In: www.sueddeutsche.de. Süddeutsche Zeitung , May 17, 2010, accessed on January 21, 2018 .
  4. Marco Völklein: This is how the U9 should look. In: www.sueddeutsche.de. Süddeutsche Zeitung , February 11, 2014, accessed on January 21, 2018 .
  5. ^ Andreas Schubert: New subway line could relieve U3 and U6. In: www.sueddeutsche.de. Süddeutsche Zeitung , January 17, 2018, accessed on January 21, 2018 .
  6. Sustainability of the Munich subway network - Declaration of commitment for the U9 relief clasp as well as the necessary provisions for an additional subway station at the main station. (PDF) In: www.ris-muenchen.de. Department for Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the City of Munich, January 17, 2018, accessed on January 27, 2018 .