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Urjalan kunta
coat of arms map
Urjala coat of arms Location of Urjala in Finland
Basic data
State : FinlandFinland Finland
Landscape : Pirkanmaa
Administrative community : South Pirkanmaa
Geographical location 61 ° 5 '  N , 23 ° 32'  E Coordinates: 61 ° 5 '  N , 23 ° 32'  E
Surface: 505.39 km²
of which land area: 475.08 km²
of which inland waterways: 30.31 km²
Residents : 4,792 (Dec 31, 2018)
Population density : 10.1 inhabitants / km²
Municipality number : 887
Language (s) : Finnish
Website : urjala.fi

Urjala ( Swedish : Urdiala) is a municipality in the Pirkanmaa countryside in western Finland .


The communities include Annula, Brusila, Haaronen, Hakkila, Hakolahti, Halkivaha, Harittu, Hautaa, Honkola, Huhti, Ikaala, Järviö, Kamppari, Kankaanpää, Kehro, Kokko, Kinola, Kiimankulma, Laukeela, Matku, Mellola, Nuutajärvi, Pappila, Perho, Puolimatka, Salmi, Taipale, Tursa, Urjalankylä, Uusi-Salmi, Vahonen, Valajärvi and Velkala.

Community partnerships

Urjala maintains the following partnerships :

Sons and daughters of the church


Web links

Commons : Urjala  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Maanmittauslaitos (Finnish land surveying office): Suomen pinta-alat kunnittain January 1, 2010 (PDF; 199 kB)
  2. Statistical Office Finland: Table 11ra - Key figures on population by region, 1990-2018