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Ypenburg , a VINEX residential area

VINEX ( Vi erde N ota Ruimtelijke Ordening Ex tra , German  fourth extraordinary note on spatial planning ) is a Dutch housing program launched in 1993 by the Dutch Ministry of Housing ( Dutch Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Milieubeheer ) with the goal of around 750,000 nationwide between 1995 and 2015 to build new apartments.

The districts and satellite towns created as part of this program are called Vinex-locaties or Vinex-wijken , whereby the term VINEX-wijk has meanwhile entered into Dutch usage as a general term for a large new building area.

The VINEX housing program has set itself the goal of a “new type of urban development”. The “compact city”, which is intended to limit traffic and prevent unnecessary mobility, is being promoted. For this purpose, in cooperation with the large Dutch cities, areas were sought that are close to existing city centers and that have already been developed in terms of infrastructure or that are comparatively easy to develop and can be connected to the existing transport systems. At the same time as the apartments are being built, the infrastructure - transport links, shopping centers, kindergartens, schools, leisure facilities - will be set up.

Another concern of the program is the formation of a sustainable social structure in these test-tube towns by offering all types of apartments, small and large, simple, luxurious and unusual, handicapped or elderly, child-friendly or specially tailored to singles, and in “themed districts “Divided to enable a varied development through larger and smaller apartment blocks, row houses, semi-detached houses and single houses. Furthermore, a nationwide uniform distribution key for rental and owner-occupied apartments in the various price segments is used. This stipulates that each system must contain 30 percent social housing and 30 percent single-family houses in the upper price segment.

VINEX systems have since been built or are under construction at:
