Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf constituency 3

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Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf constituency 3
Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf constituency 3
Country Germany
state Berlin
district Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
Eligible voters 30,993
voter turnout 71.5%
Election date 18th September 2016
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party SPD
Voting share 29.9%

The constituency Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf 3 is a House of Representatives constituency in Berlin . The constituency belongs to the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf and for the 2006 parliamentary elections includes the district of Charlottenburg on both sides of Schloßstraße and around Lietzensee , Stuttgarter Platz and Adenauerplatz .

The layout of the constituency remained unchanged in 2016 compared to 2011.

Election 2016

In the election to the Berlin House of Representatives in 2016 following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Proportion of the first vote
Ülker Radziwill SPD 29.9%
Carola Zarth CDU 18.8%
Nicole Ludwig GREEN 22.7%
Volker Fischer THE LEFT. 09.6%
Franz Schmidt PIRATES 01.6%
Henner Schmidt FDP 07.9%
Anna Bauer The party 01.8%
Carsten Ubbelohde AfD 07.8%
Celal Akgun HUMAN WORLD 00.8%
Eligible voters: 30,993 residents
Turnout: 71.5%

Election 2011

In the Berlin state election, 2011 the following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Proportion of the first vote
Ülker Radziwill SPD 33.3%
Vanessa Verstegen CDU 23.8%
Nicole Ludwig GREEN 30.9%
Stefan Knobloch THE LEFT. 04.8%
Susanne Manstein FDP 02.5%
Anna Bauer The party 01.8%
Reinhard Haese ProD 01.1%
Eckehard Hunter THE FREEDOM 01.1%
Eligible voters: 30,451 residents
Turnout: 66.5%

2006 election

In the Berlin state election, 2006 the following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Ülker Radziwill SPD 37.1%
Karsten Sell CDU 23.2%
Benjamin Apeloig THE LEFT. 04.3%
Franziska Eichstädt-Bohlig GREEN 25.2%
Ira Bernhof FDP 07.4%
Stephan Ossenkopp BüSo 01.0%
André Nogossek education 01.9%
Eligible voters: 30,291 residents
Turnout: 64.2%

Election 2001

For the election of the House of Representatives on October 21, 2001, the constituency of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf 3 comprised the areas of Schloßstraße, Lietzensee and Adenauerplatz. In the Berlin state election, 2001 the following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Lothar way CDU 24.0%
Ülker Radziwill SPD 38.3%
Benjamin Apeloig PDS 04.5%
Elfi Jantzen GREEN 13.9%
Bernhard Skrodzki FDP 09.1%
Marius Minke Instead of party 01.4%
Nadia Rouhani Single applicant 08.8%
Eligible voters: 32,305 inhabitants
Turnout: 72.1%

Election 1999

For the election to the House of Representatives on October 10, 1999, the constituency of Charlottenburg 4 comprised the areas of Schloßstraße, Lietzensee and Adenauerplatz. The following candidates ran for the election to the Berlin House of Representatives in 1999 :

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Lothar way CDU 39.5%
Gisela Seels SPD 29.2%
Anne-Katrin Rüter de Escobar PDS 04.1%
Elfi Jantzen GREEN 16.2%
Manuel Feise FDP 02.4%
Nadia Rouhani Single applicant 08.7%
Eligible voters: 32,765 inhabitants
Turnout: 68.1%

Election 1995

For the election of the House of Representatives on October 22, 1995, the constituency of Charlottenburg 4 comprised the areas of Schloßstraße, Lietzensee and Adenauerplatz. In the 1995 election to the Berlin House of Representatives , Ingrid Stahmer - SPD received the highest number of first votes in this constituency.

Previous MPs

Directly elected members of the constituency Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf 3 (formerly Charlottenburg 4):

year Surname Political party Share of first votes
2016 Ülker Radziwill SPD 29.9%
2011 Ülker Radziwill SPD 33.3%
2006 Ülker Radziwill SPD 37.1%
2001 Ülker Radziwill SPD 38.3%
1999 Lothar way CDU 39.5%
1995 Ingrid Stahmer SPD 0?,? %

Individual evidence

  1. Constituency description
  3. 3 in the district of Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf
  4. (PDF)
  5. (PDF)
  6. (PDF)
  7. Elections to the Berlin House of Representatives and the District Council Assemblies on October 22, 1995