Constituency Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2

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Constituency Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2
Constituency Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2
Country Germany
state Berlin
district Steglitz-Zehlendorf
Eligible voters 31,727
voter turnout 70.7%
Election date 18th September 2016
Constituency representative
Photo of the MP
Political party SPD
Voting share 26.9%

The constituency Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2 is a House of Representatives constituency in Berlin . The constituency belongs to the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district and includes the areas Albrechtstraße, Steglitzer Damm, Klingsorstraße, Munsterdamm and Halskestraße.

The layout of the constituency remained unchanged in 2016 compared to 2006 and 2011.

Election 2016

In the election to the Berlin House of Representatives in 2016 following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Matthias Kollatz-ancestors SPD 26.8%
Thomas Heilmann CDU 23.9%
Urban Aykal GREEN 19.9%
Franziska Brychcy The left . 07.3%
Eric Luders PIRATES 02.4%
Sebastian Czaja FDP 07.9%
Yvonne Cremer AfD 11.0%
Otto Frank Pro Germany 00.7%
Eligible voters: 31,727 residents
Turnout: 70.7%

Election 2011

In the Berlin state election, 2011 the following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Rolf Wiegand SPD 33.2%
Joachim Luchterhand CDU 33.2%
Sabine Weissler Green 23.5%
Matti Nedoma The left 04.1%
Daniela Saccà-Reuter FDP 02.4%
Andreas Weber BüSo 00.9%
Bernd Schernitzky ProD 02.9%
Eligible voters: 31,479 inhabitants
Turnout: 64.7%

2006 election

In the Berlin state election, 2006 the following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Ulrike Neumann SPD 37.9%
Joachim Luchterhand CDU 31.6%
Bärbel Schmidthals The left 03.3%
Thorsten Schröder Green 13.5%
Jan Ziegenhagen FDP 09.0%
Johannes Schmidt WASG 04.7%
Eligible voters: 31,353 residents
Turnout: 64.7%

Election 2001

The constituency of Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2 included the areas of Stadtpark Steglitz, Albrechtstrasse, Steglitzer Damm, Friedhof Steglitz and Bergstrasse when the House of Representatives was elected on October 21, 2001. In the Berlin state election, 2001 the following candidates were to:

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Stefan Schlede CDU 33.8%
Ulrike Neumann SPD 40.7%
Bernhard Werner PDS 04.1%
Maria-Magdalena Meyer-Kiehn Green 09.4%
Kay Ehrhardt FDP 12.0%
Eligible voters: 28,662 residents
Turnout: 74.8%

Election 1999

The constituency of Steglitz 2 comprised the areas of Stadtpark Steglitz, Albrechtstrasse, Steglitzer Damm, Friedhof Steglitz and Bergstrasse when the House of Representatives was elected on October 10, 1999. The following candidates ran for the election to the Berlin House of Representatives in 1999 :

Surname Political party Share of first votes
Stefan Schlede CDU 53.0%
Ulrike Neumann SPD 29.9%
Bernhard Werner PDS 03.6%
Regina Veraguth Green 10.7%
Erik Schrader FDP 02.8%
Eligible voters: 28,859 inhabitants
Turnout: 71.3%

Election 1995

The district of Steglitz and the district of Zehlendorf had a total of 8 constituencies in the House of Representatives election on October 22, 1995. A direct comparison is therefore not possible.

Previous MPs

Directly elected members of the constituency Steglitz-Zehlendorf 2 (formerly Steglitz 2):

year Surname Political party Share of first votes
2016 Matthias Kollatz-ancestors SPD 26.8%
2011 Joachim Luchterhand CDU 33.2%
2006 Ulrike Neumann SPD 37.9%
2001 Ulrike Neumann SPD 40.7%
1999 Stefan Schlede CDU 53.0%

Individual evidence

  1. Constituency description
  2. Berlin election officer: Final election result, constituency 2 Steglitz-Zehlendorf. Wahlleiterin Berlin, accessed on October 26, 2016 .
  3. ^ Lower house constituency 2 in the Steglitz-Zehlendorf district
  4. (PDF)
  5. (PDF)
  6. (PDF)
  7. Elections to the Berlin House of Representatives and the District Council Assemblies on October 22, 1995