Waldemar Weber

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Waldemar Weber (born September 24, 1944 in Sarbala, Western Siberia ) is a Russian - German writer , translator and publisher.


Waldemar Weber was born to Russian-German parents and studied German and Slavic studies in Moscow from 1962 to 1968 .

From 1990 to 1992 he was a lecturer at the Gorki Literature School for aspiring writers, head of the seminar for poetics and literary translation, then from 1992 to 1994 he was visiting professor at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz and Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck . In 1995/96 he was visiting professor at the Universities of Vienna and Innsbruck, then until 1998 editor-in-chief of the bilingual “German-Russian newspaper” in Munich. Participation in scientific projects at Mannheim University and the Institute for the Consequences of War in Graz.

From 1999 to 2004 he was teaching at the University of Passau , and in 2000 he founded the “Waldemar-Weber-Verlag”. He writes poetry, prose and essays in Russian, Austrian, German periodicals in Russian and German.

Weber currently lives in Augsburg .


He is the author of four books in German and Russian:

  • Tears are lenses (lyrics and essays)
  • Teni na obojach (poetry and adaptations from German)
  • Tscherepki (poetry and minor prose in Russian)
  • Shards. Poems (poetry) Verlag an der Wertach, Augsburg.

He was also the editor and translator of Western European, mainly German and Dutch poetry and prose into Russian, including by HC Artmann , Gottfried August Bürger , Wilhelm Busch , Gottfried Benn , Bert Brecht , Ingeborg Bachmann , Matthias Claudius , Joseph von Eichendorff , E. Ehrenstein , Günter Eich , Paul Fleming , Walter Helmut Fritz , Andreas Gryphius , Johann Christian Günther , Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , Franz Grillparzer , Yvan Goll , Johann Gottfried von Herder , Heinrich Heine , Hugo von Hofmannsthal , Gerhart Hauptmann , Ricarda Huch , Arno Holz , Gertrud Kolmar , Karl Krolow , Marie-Luise Kaschnitz , Günter Kunert , Friedrich von Logau , Gotthold Ephraim Lessing , Georg Christoph Lichtenberg , Christoph Meckel , Friederike Mayröcker , Novalis , Martin Opitz , Christian Friedrich Daniel Schubart , Richard Pietraß , Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling , Nelly Sachs , Wolfdietrich Schnurre , Georg Trakl and Ludwig Uhland .

Publications in German in Germany, Austria, Romania, Luxembourg, Belgium:

  • New Literature (Bucharest)
  • Cultural Policy Correspondence (Bonn)
  • Decision (Hamburg)
  • Salt (salzburg)
  • Glades (Graz)
  • Les Cahiers Luxembourgeois (Luxembourg)
  • Krautgarten (Neundorf, Belgium)
  • Loose leaves (Berlin)
  • Flying leaves (Schweinfurt)
  • Dulzinea (Fulda)
  • NDL, New German Literature (Berlin)

The last publication in German was Warenmuster. Collection of contemporary poetry .


  • Literature Prize of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 1993
  • Liechtenstein PEN Prize for German Poetry 2002
  • First All-Russian and International Anatolij Mackowski Prize for Russian Prose and Poetry 2002


  • Claus Stephani : Diaspora literature and its effectiveness. Conversation with the Soviet German writer Waldemar Weber in Moscow. In: Neue Literatur (Bucharest), 39/5, 1988, pp. 52–59.

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