Walter von Prittwitz and Gaffron

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Walter Bernhard Paul von Prittwitz and Gaffron (born February 14, 1840 in Posen , † June 20, 1901 in Berlin ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Walter was a son of the Prussian infantry general Moritz von Prittwitz and Gaffron (1795–1885) and his wife Domicilie, née von Kolbe (1810–1871). His brother Ernst Ferdinand (1833–1904) also became a Prussian lieutenant general.

Military career

After passing the Abitur at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin, Prittwitz joined the Kaiser Alexander Grenadier Regiment of the Prussian Army as an avantageur on October 18, 1858, and was promoted to secondary lieutenant until mid-January 1860 . In October 1864 he was posted to the War Academy for three years for further training . This command was interrupted in 1866 by mobilization on the occasion of the war against Austria and Prittwitz took part in the battle of Königgrätz with the 1st company . After the war he continued his education and rose to prime lieutenant at the end of October 1866 . On May 1, 1868, he was assigned to serve with the Great General Staff for two years . At the beginning of the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France he came as a third general staff officer in the general staff of the general government of the Rhine provinces under General der Infanterie Herwarth von Bittenfeld . On September 20, 1870, Prittwitz was appointed General Staff Officer of the 4th Reserve Division under General von Schmeling , and on October 8, he was commanded to serve in the General Staff of the King's Headquarters . There he also witnessed the siege of Paris .

At the beginning of May 1871 he was released from this command and at the end of August 1871 he was promoted to captain to chief of the 6th company. On December 28, 1880, he was transferred to the General Staff and in February 1881 he was promoted to major . From January 12, 1884 to February 10, 1886, Prittwitz was battalion commander in the 8th Brandenburg Infantry Regiment No. 64 . Subsequently transferred to the 5th Brandenburg Infantry Regiment No. 48 in the same capacity , he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in mid-December 1887 and was promoted to regular staff officer at the beginning of August 1888. On March 24, 1890, Prittwitz was promoted to Colonel in command of the grenadier regiment "Graf Kleist von Nollendorf" (1st West Prussian) No. 6 . This was followed on July 25, 1893 as a major general and commander of the 69th Infantry Brigade . After Prittwitz on June 16, 1896 commander of Danzig had appointed, he was on 17 April 1897 in approval of his leave request with the character as a lieutenant general for disposition made.

He died on June 20, 1901 in Berlin.


Prittwitz married Marie von Puttkamer (* 1855) on December 19, 1882 . The marriage remained childless.


  • Anton Bettelheim (Hrsg.): Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog. VI. Volume: January 1 to December 31, 1901. Georg Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1904, p. 312f.
  • The v. Prittwitz noble family. P. 146.
  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the noble houses. 1904. Fifth year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1903, p. 619.
  • Claus von Lettow-Vorbeck: Commemorative sheets on the rank list of the Emperor Alexander Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 1. W. Moeser, Berlin 1899, pp. 156-157.