World Heritage in Kyrgyzstan

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The world heritage in Kyrgyzstan (as of 2016) includes three UNESCO world heritage sites , including two world cultural heritage sites and one world natural heritage site. Kyrgyzstan acceded to the World Heritage Convention in 1995, and the first World Heritage site was added to the World Heritage List in 2009. The last World Heritage site to date was registered in 2016.

World heritage sites

The following table lists the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Kyrgyzstan in chronological order according to the year of their inclusion in the World Heritage List (K - cultural heritage, N - natural heritage, K / N - mixed, (R) - on the Red List of World Heritage in Danger ).

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of World Heritage Sites: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
( location )
2009 K 1230 holy mountain of the Kyrgyz people with a system of cult sites that has grown over several millennia
Silk Roads: the road network of the Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor
Silk Roads: the road network of the Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor 2014 K 1442 Sites on the branch of the Silk Road that ran from the ancient Chinese city of Chang'an through the Tianshan Mountains .

The transnational world heritage site in Kyrgyzstan includes the three sites Ak-Besim , Burana and Krasnaya Rechka . 30 other sites are located in China and Kazakhstan .

Western Tian Shan Mountains
Western Tian Shan Mountains 2016 N 1490 The western Tian Shan Mountains show an extraordinary diversity and beauty of a mosaic of landscapes with an extraordinary variety of fauna and flora.

The cross-border World Heritage Site in Kyrgyzstan contains four protected areas: the Sary-Chelek Biosphere Reserve , the Padysha-Ata nature reserve and two areas in the Besh-Aral nature reserve . Other protected areas are in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan .

Tentative list

The sites that are intended for nomination for inclusion in the World Heritage List are entered in the tentative list .

Current World Heritage candidates

Currently (2016) two sites are entered in the tentative list of Kyrgyzstan, the last entry was made in 2010. The following table lists the sites in chronological order according to the year of their inclusion in the tentative list.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of current World Heritage candidates: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
Saimaluu-Tash petroglyphs
Stones with petroglyphs
Saimaluu-Tash petroglyphs 2001 K 1512
Sites of the Silk Road in Kyrgyzstan
Tash Rabat
Sites of the Silk Road in Kyrgyzstan 2010 K 5518 includes 14 sites in six groups. Three of the sites were on the tentative list as individual proposals from 2001 to 2010 and were then included in this collective proposal.

Some of the proposed sites were added to the World Heritage List in 2014 as part of the Silk Road routes between Chang'an and the Tianshan Corridor , with others remaining on the tentative list

Former World Heritage candidates

These sites were previously on the tentative list, but were withdrawn or rejected by UNESCO. Sites that are included in other entries on the tentative list or that are part of world heritage sites are not taken into account here.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of former World Heritage candidates: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
Cultural and natural landscape Issyk Kul
Cultural and natural landscape Issyk Kul
( location )
2001-2010 K 1517 Lake Issyk Kul and its surroundings, a UNESCO recognized biosphere reserve since 2001

Web links

Commons : World Heritage Sites in Kyrgyzstan  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • Kyrgyzstan on the UNESCO World Heritage Center website.

Individual evidence

  1. Kyrgyzstan. In: UNESCO World Heritage Center, accessed June 30, 2016 .
  2. ^ Tentative list of Kyrgyzstan. In: UNESCO World Heritage Center, accessed June 30, 2016 .
  3. ^ Former Tentative Sites of Kyrgyzstan. In: World Heritage Site. Accessed June 30, 2016 .