World Heritage in Indonesia

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The world heritage in Indonesia (as of 2019) includes nine UNESCO world heritage sites , including five world cultural heritage sites and four world natural heritage sites. Indonesia acceded to the World Heritage Convention in 1989, and the first four World Heritage sites were added to the World Heritage List in 1991. The last World Heritage Site to date was registered in 2019, and one site is on the Red List of World Heritage in Danger .

World heritage sites

The following table lists the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Indonesia in chronological order according to the year of their inclusion on the World Heritage List (K - cultural heritage, N - natural heritage, K / N - mixed, (R) - on the Red List of World Heritage in Danger ).

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of World Heritage Sites: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
Ujung Kulon National Park
Ujung Kulon National Park
( location )
1991 N 608 Ujung Kulon National Park is located on the southwest tip of Java Island . The World Heritage site also includes the Krakatau nature reserve north of it .
Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park
( location )
1991 N 609 The Komodo National Park is located in the Lesser Sunda Islands . Originally it was founded to protect the Komodo dragons , they only live here.
Prambanan Hindu Temple
Prambanan Hindu Temple
( Lage )
1991 K 642
Borobudur Buddhist temples
Buddhist temples of Borobudur
( location )
1991 K 592
Sangiran paleontological site
Sangiran paleontological site 1996 K 593 The excavation site is located on Java and is about 48 km² in size.
Lorentz National Park
Lorentz National Park 1999 N 955
Tropical rainforests of Sumatra
Tropical rainforests of Sumatra 2004 N
1167 Gunung Leuser National Park , Kerinci-Seblat National Park and Barisan Selatan National Park
Cultural landscape of the province of Bali: The Subak system as a manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana philosophy
Cultural landscape of the province of Bali: The Subak system as a manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana philosophy 2012 K 1194 The Subak system on the island of Bali includes the association of landowners, a number of rice fields (sawah) that are terraced in many places and the irrigation system required for this . The world heritage site covers an area of ​​19,500 hectares with five rice terraces and their water temples.
Mining legacy of the Ombilin colliery in Sawahlunto
Mining legacy of the Ombilin colliery in Sawahlunto 2019 K 1610 Coal mining around the town of Sawahlunto , founded by the Dutch colonial power

Tentative list

The sites that are intended for nomination for inclusion in the World Heritage List are entered in the tentative list .

Current World Heritage candidates

As of 2019, 19 sites are entered in the tentative list of Indonesia, the last entry was made in 2017. The following table lists the sites in chronological order according to the year of their inclusion in the tentative list.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of current World Heritage candidates: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
Betung Kerihun National Park
Betung Kerihun National Park 2004 N 1871 Transboundary rainforest on Borneo
Bunaken National Park
( location )
2005 N 2002
Raja Ampat Islands
( location )
2005 N 2003
Taka Bone Rate National Park 2005 N 2005
Wakatobi National Park
( location )
2005 N 2006
Derawan Islands 2005 N 2007
Traditional settlements of Tana Toraja
Traditional settlements of Tana Toraja 2009 K 5462 Includes ten traditional settlements or parts thereof such as burial or ceremonial sites in the administrative district of Tana Toraja on the island of Sulawesi
Bawomataluo site
Bawomataluo site
( location )
2009 K 5463 traditional settlement in the south of the island of Nias
Muara Takus Complex
Muara Takus Complex 2009 K 5464
Muaro Jambi Temple Complex
Muaro Jambi Temple Complex 2009 K
Trowulan - Former capital of the Majapahit Kingdom
Trowulan - Former capital of the Majapahit Kingdom 2009 K 5466 The city of Trowulan on the island of Java was the capital of the Majapahit Empire , which existed from 1293 to the beginning of the 16th century
Prehistoric cave sites in Maros-Pangkep
Prehistoric cave sites in Maros-Pangkep 2009 N 5467 Caves with prehistoric sites in the limestone mountains Maros-Pangkep
Sangkulirang – Mangkalihat Karst: Area of ​​prehistoric rock art 2015 K 6009 Sites with rock carvings and petroglyphs in the Sangkulirang – Mangkalihat Karst in the east of the island of Borneo
Jakarta's old town and four offshore islands
Town hall of Batavia
(further pictures)
Old town of Jakarta and four offshore islands
( location )
2015 K 6010 Present-day Jakarta was the capital of the Dutch East Indies under the name Batavia until Indonesia's independence . Included in the proposal are the islands of Onrust , Kelor , Cipir and Bidadari from the Seribu archipelago off the coast of Jakarta .
Old town of Semarang 2015 K 6011
Traditional settlements in Nagari Sijunjung
Traditional settlements in Nagari Sijunjung 2015 K
Historical and marine landscape of the Banda Islands
Historical and marine landscape of the Banda Islands 2015 N 6065 The proposal of the Banda Islands as a natural heritage site, submitted in 2005, was replaced in 2015 by a proposal for a mixed cultural and natural heritage site.
Historic old town of Yogyakarta
Sultan's Palace
Historic old town of Yogyakarta 2017 K 6206 Historical center of the city of Yogyakarta , capital of the partially autonomous Sultanate of Yogyakarta
Kebun Raya Bogor
Kebun Raya Bogor 2018 K 6353 Kebun Raya Bogor is a botanical garden in Bogor that was created by the Dutch in the early 19th century.

Former World Heritage candidates

These sites were previously on the tentative list, but were withdrawn or rejected by UNESCO. Sites that are included in other entries on the tentative list or that are part of world heritage sites are not taken into account here.

f1Georeferencing Map with all coordinates of former World Heritage candidates: OSM

image designation year Type Ref. description
Lore Lindu National Park
( location )
1991-1991 K / N 610 Decision postponed in 1991
Ancient city of Banten
( location )
1995-2015 K 286
Ratu Boko Temple Complex
Ratu Boko Temple Complex 1995-2015 K 287
Great Mosque of Demak
Great Mosque of Demak
( location )
1995-2015 K 289 Mosque in the old town of Demak , one of the oldest mosques in Indonesia.
Waruga tomb complex
Waruga tomb complex 1995-2015 K 292
Complex of traditional houses and megaliths in Ngada 1995-2015 K 293
Hindu temple complex Penataran
Hindu temple complex Penataran 1995-2015 K 294
Sukuh Hindu Temple
Sukuh Hindu Temple 1995-2015 K 295
Pura Besakih
Pura Besakih
( location )
1995-2015 K 296
Fort Belgica
Fort Belgica 1995-2015 K 297
Pulau Penyengat Palace Complex
Pulau Penyengat Palace Complex 1995-2015 K 298
Elephant cave
Elephant cave 1995-2015 K 299
Gunongan Historical Park
Gunongan Historical Park 1995-2015 K 300

Web links

Commons : World Heritage Sites in Indonesia  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
  • Indonesia on the UNESCO World Heritage Center website.

Individual evidence

  1. Indonesia. In: UNESCO World Heritage Center, accessed March 3, 2018 .
  2. ^ Tentative list of Indonesia. In: UNESCO World Heritage Center, accessed March 3, 2018 .
  3. ^ Former Tentative Sites of Indonesia. In: World Heritage Site. Retrieved March 3, 2018 .