Werner von Hardenberg

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Georg Werner Graf von Hardenberg (born May 23, 1829 in Frankfurt (Oder) , † September 28, 1909 in Neuhardenberg ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



His grandfather was the Chamberlain and Landjägermeister Georg Adolph Gottlieb von Hardenberg . Werner was a son of Karl von Hardenberg's Prussian lieutenant colonel (1794–1866) and his first wife Luise, born von Hedemann (1802–1835). His father was a freelance gentleman, but renounced his prince. His brother Helmuth became major general.

Military career

After attending high schools in Magdeburg and Königsberg in Neumark, Hardenberg was a one-year volunteer in the Guard Rifle Battalion of the Prussian Army . On December 1, 1849, he moved to the 3rd Uhlan Regiment and at the beginning of December 1850 was promoted to Second Lieutenant . For further training, he completed the General War School from October 1854 to September 1857 . At the end of his studies, he was transferred to the Guard Dragoon Regiment on September 22, 1857 and promoted to Prime Lieutenant on May 31, 1859 . On February 23, 1861, he was transferred to the General Staff as captain and at the beginning of January 1862 he was transferred to the General Staff of the 1st Division . In the run-up to the German-Danish War , transferred to the general staff of the troops destined for Holstein on December 19, 1863. During the campaign in 1864 he fought in the bombardment of Fredericia, the Düppeler Schanzen and Königshügel near Flensburg. For this he received on June 7, 1864 the Order of the Red Eagle IV class with swords. He was then transferred to General Vogel von Falkenstein's staff on June 18, 1865. From the Austrian side he received the Order of the Iron Crown III on October 1, 1864 . Class with war decorations. On December 10, 1864, he came back to the General Staff. On April 18, 1865 he was returned to the field and came as a cavalry master with a patent from June 30, 1859 in the 12th Hussar Regiment. Under position à la suite of the regiment, he was appointed personal adjutant to Prince Albrecht of Prussia on May 5, 1866 .

During the German War of 1866 he fought near Münchengrätz , Gitschin and Königgrätz . During the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France , Hardenberg was transferred to commander of the 9th Dragoon Regiment on July 18, 1870 and promoted to lieutenant colonel at the end of the month. As such, he took part in the siege of Metz , where he fell seriously ill with rheumatoid arthritis and had to return home.

After the war he was transferred to officers of the army on April 4, 1871 with the duties of a regimental commander and the uniform of the Dragoon Regiment No. 9. Under position à la suite of the regiment, he was appointed commander of Kiel on April 13, 1872 and promoted to colonel on March 22, 1873 . On June 24, 1876 he became a legal knight of the Order of St. John . On April 18, 1878 he got the character of major general and on August 16, 1883 the patent for this rank. On the occasion of the festival of the Order, Hardenberg received the Crown Order II. Class with Swords in January 1881 . With the award of the star for the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class with oak leaves and swords on the ring, he was put up for disposal on June 22, 1886 with a pension (retirement provision) . After his departure he was given the character of Lieutenant General on June 3, 1888 and died on September 28, 1909 in Neu-Hardenberg.

The chief of the navy of Caprivi wrote in his assessment in 1884: A talented, elegantly thinking man with a sick body who suffers from lack of activity, but fulfills his difficult position in relation to the navy with great tact.


Hardenberg married Helene Countess von Hardenberg (1832–1909) on January 20, 1868. The couple had several children:

  • Albrecht-Werner (1868–1938) ⚭ Eva von Gersdorff (1874–1946)
  • Wilhelm (1873–1960) ⚭ Ilse Witzendorff (1880–1960)
