Wilhelm Christian Justus Chrysander

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Wilhelm Christian Justus Chrysander (born December 9, 1718 in Göddeckerode , † December 10, 1788 in Kiel ) was a German Lutheran theologian, mathematician and orientalist.


Wilhelm Christian Justus ancestors were originally called Mangold (Goldmann). His great-great-grandfather Magister Johann Chrysander, a crowned poet in Berlstedt , had the family name honored as a scholarly name and passed on to his descendants. Wilhelm Christian Justus' great-grandfather Christian, who worked as a cantor at the Michaeliskirche in Erfurt and died as rector of the school in Ohrdruf , also received the surname Chrysander. He passed it on to his son Christoph Jakob (* September 1640 Ohrdruf; † September 24, 1720 in Abbenrode ), who studied in Helmstedt from June 6, 1659 and worked as a pastor in Abbenrode. From his marriage to Genoveva Ritter, comes from nine other children among others Wilhelm Christian Justus father Christoph Heinrich Chrysander (born April 2, 1680 in Abbenrode; † March 23, 1728 in Göddeckerode). He had attended the grammar school in Quedlinburg , on June 8, 1699 at the University of Halle, and on September 17, 1701 at the University of Helmstedt and became a pastor in Göddeckerode. From his marriage to Lucia von Pauli (born April 20, 1690 in Braunschweig; † April 7, 1769), the daughter of Brunswick councilor Julius von Pauli, on May 14, 1715, there were four sons and three daughters. Among them was Wilhelm Christian Justus.

Wilhelm Christian Justus received his first training at home and from private teachers. After his father's death he was sent to school in Hornburg . From May 29, 1731 he attended the Aegidienschule in Braunschweig and from June 28, 1732 the Martinsgymnasium there . He also received musical training in Braunschweig, and in 1735 he switched to the Ilfeld Monastery School , where he used the monastery library there with the permission of the administrator of the Ilfeld Monastery, Gerhard Andreas von Reiche (born January 20, 1691 in Hanover; † July 30, 1770 in Ilfeld) could. Equipped with extensive knowledge, he moved to the University of Halle in 1738 , stayed in the house of Christian Benedikt Michaelis and concentrated above all on the study of philosophy , oriental studies and theology . For this purpose he mainly attended lectures by Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten on philosophy and logic, with Georg Friedrich Meier he dealt with metaphysics, mathematics and natural law, with Johann Gottlob Krüger , Christian Wolff and Christian Gottlieb Semler (born November 26, 1715 in Halle (Saale ); † 1782) he received further insights into natural science.

Admitted to the theological seminar, he familiarized himself with the oriental languages from Christian Benedikt Michaelis , Johann Heinrich Callenberg and Johann David Michaelis , received further insights into the history of the church from Siegmund Jakob Baumgarten , was trained and set up in dogmatics and theological ethics by Joachim Lange dealt with the Protestant theology of dispute with Benedikt Gottlieb Clauswitz . To enrich his knowledge, he completed legal lectures with Johann Gottlieb Heineccius , on physiology with Johann Heinrich Schulze and received extensive knowledge of Judaism and its Talmud from Rabbi Abraham Treliz . On November 22nd, 1738 he became a member of the Latin Society, was censor of the society and was given the supervision of the library of the same. On September 27, 1741 he left Halle, traveled via Leipzig, Merseburg, Wolfenbüttel to the University of Helmstedt , where he enrolled on November 2, 1741. Here Johann Lorenz von Mosheim became his theological instructor, with Johann Nicolaus Frobesius he completed his knowledge of experimental physics and metaphysics, with Julius Karl Schläger (1706–1786) he expanded his knowledge of Jewish antiquity and preached with Christoph Timotheus Seidel .

On September 20, 1742, he acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophical sciences and qualified as a master's degree the following year. On April 18, 1744 he was appointed as a collaborator of the main pastor Christoph Timotheus Seidel at the Stephanskirche in Helmstedt , for which he was appointed on May 4 of the same year in Wolfenbüttel by the court preacher Philipp Ludwig Dreyssigmark (born April 14, 1676 in Volkmerode; † August 23, 1750 in Riddagshausen) passed his theological exam and was ordained on August 11th. In addition to his theological obligation, he gave lectures in Helmstedt. On October 28, 1747 he was also allowed to hold theological lectures, but he followed a call to him on March 1, 1750 as professor of philosophy, mathematics and oriental languages, as well as associate professor of theology at the University of Rinteln . In Rinteln he became a doctor of theology on April 7, 1751 and also took on a full theological professorship on June 20 of the same year. When Konrad Friedrich Ernst Bierling died in 1755, Chrysander moved to the second theological professorship in Rinteln. On February 2, 1768, he was appointed first professor of theology and philology at the University of Kiel , where he was Schleswig-Hollstein consistorial advisor.

His works include, among many others, a Jüdisch-Teutsche Grammatick and a work on teaching the benefits of the Jews-German , which were printed as an aid for language teaching. They contain both word lists of the Hebrew-German hybrid formations and the Romance and Slavic elements in the vocabulary, as well as a comprehensive bibliography of Yiddish books from the 15th and 16th centuries.


Chrysander married on January 7, 1752 in Celle with Dorothea Maria Louise Haccius (born October 4, 1731 in Ratzeburg, † January 20, 1785 in Kiel), the daughter of the pastor in Ratzeburg Johann Jacob Haccius (born October 18, 1700 in Ratzeburg ; † December 30, 1770 in Lübeck) and his Dorothea Johanette von Wüllen who married on October 26, 1730 (born January 15, 1714 in Lauenau; † January 13, 1785 in Gestorf). There are children from the marriage. We know of these:

  • Ludwig Johann Christoph Chrysander (born August 3, 1753 in Rinteln, † January 28, 1789 in Probsteierhagen) Pastor Probsteierhagen, married to Anna Katharina Hirschfeld
  • Dorothea Luise Charlotte Chrysander (born April 17, 1758 in Rinteln; † April 20, 1758 ibid.)
  • Christoph Daniel Wilhelm Chrysander (* December 18, 1761 in Rinteln; † November 16, 1764 ibid.)

Works (selection)

  • Ferales numeri quibus funeri etc. Nordhausen 1738
  • Taedae iugales. Halle (Saale) 1738 (a Greek wedding poem, online )
  • Oratio graeca valed. in Paed. Ilefeld. de numinis timore filiali ad Ps. 111, 10. Halle (Saale) 1739
  • Oratio de sortibus veterum. Halle (Saale) 1740 ( online )
  • Oratio de sortibus: qua in consessu Societatis Latinae, quae Halae floret, habita. Hall 1740 ( [1] )
  • Memorabilia anni 1740, metro decantata. Halle (Saale) 1741
  • Commentat. de patiiciis medici aevi. Halle (Saale) 1741
  • Diss. De longaevitate ante-diluvianorum. Halle (Saale) 1741 ( online )
  • De C. Jul. Caesare tyranno non scelesto contra cel. GA Nieuport. Helmstedt 1742 ( online )
  • Diss. De ignoratione immortalitatis animorum et resurrectione corporum a Clerico et Warburton Jobo et aevo Jobaeo temere impacta. Helmstedt 1742
  • Conspectus Prorectorum Academiae Juliae usque ad A. 1742. Helmstedt 1742 ( Online )
  • Dissertatio Theologica De Primo Primorvm Hominvm Peccato. Helmstedt 1743 (President: Christoph Timotheus Seidel, online )
  • Diss. Philol. De connubio Josephi ac Mariae vero. Helmstedt 1743 ( online ), increased under the title: Commentatio philollogico theologica de sapientia Dei in connubio Josephi ac Mariae admiranda, cum indice gemino. Helmstedt 1744 ( online )
  • The lack of the right knowledge of God as a source of the ungodly being among men. Salzwedel 1743 (a sermon)
  • Periculum exegetico - dogmaticum de primo primorum hominum peccato. Helmstedt 1744
  • Diss. De magistratu politico, e nomine Hebr. Elohim derivata. Helmstedt 1744
  • Ecloga epistolica de naulo Charontis. Helmstedt 1745, 1746
  • Here. Andreae Commentatio de potestate patris in filiam maritatam. Ed. 2. cum vita auct .. Helmstedt 1745 ( online )
  • Diss. Hermeneutica de repraesentatione actionis, he pronuntiationis ac gestus, tanquam subsidio exegetico. Helmstedt 1746 (Resp. Friedrich Nicolaus Taubert, online )
  • Collaboratoris Prot-Ecclesiasticae Helmstadiensis Exercitatio Academica De Repraesentatione Actionis, Hoc Est Pronvnciationis Ac Gestvs, Tamqvam Svbsidio Hermenevtico. Svpplemento Et Indice Avcta. Helmstedt 1746 ( online )
  • Vulnera Academiae Juliae, et mortibus et discessibus Proff. inflicta, ordine chronologico. Helmstedt 1746 ( online )
  • Lumina Acad. Juliae Carolinae, in synopsi exbibita, una-cum indice alpbabetico. Helmstedt 1746 ( online )
  • Ministri ecclesiae Helmstadiensis, inde ab eo tempore, quo purioribus sacris addicta est. Helmstedt 1747 ( online )
  • Meditatio de consilio Dei in conservandis lenibus. Helmstedt 1747
  • Epimetrum et index ad Joh. Wolfg. Kippingii Spicilegium juris ecclesiaitici recte constituendi. Helmstedt 1747
  • Satura historica de numinis admirabili circa orpbanos pauperculos providentia. Helmstedt 1747
  • Ultima verba ad Paedagogium Regio-Electorale, quod llfeldae ad fauces Hercyniae floret. Praecedit Oratio Graeca de numinis timore filiali, sapientiae studiosis maxime necessario, in Ps. CXI, 10. Helmstedt 1747
  • Plutarchi Selectae vitae parallelae, in usum Collegii Carolini Brunsivicensis iussu et impensis Serums. Ducis recensae; graecis marginalibus nune primum elaboratis, instructae, cum praefat. graeca. Helmstedt 1747
  • Plutarchu Chairōneōs Bioi Parallēaoi. Vitae Comparatae Solonis Et Poplicolae Demosthenis Et Ciceronis Atque Cai Julii Caesaris In Usum Collegii Carolini. Helmstedt 1747 ( online )
  • Symbola philologica de templo mortis apud Lacedaemonios. Göttingen 1748 (Vita Ernst August Rockenfuss, online )
  • Abbreviaturae quaedam in scriptis Judaicis usitatiores atque ordine alph. Digestae. Halle (Saale) 1748 ( online )
  • De Qvaestione, Cur Jesvs Anno Demvm Aetatis Suae XXX Doctoris Pvblici Mvnvs Aggressvs Sit ?: Diacrisis, Comes Piae Acclamationis, Qva Viro Svmme Reverendo, Amplissimo Atqve Doctissimo Iohanni Georgio Oldekop, ... Brvnsongevico-Lvnologos X Decembris A. MDCCXXXXVIII. In Academia Ivlia Carolina Ipsi Collatos Decentissime Gratvlabatvr M. Wilhelmvs Christianvs Chrysander, Collaborator in Pastoratv Ad Ecclesiam Metropolitanam, Qvae Est Helmstadii. (Helmstedt) 1748 ( online )
  • Diptycha professorum Theologiae, qui in Academia Julia, inde a natali eius usque ad hoc tempus docuerunt, conscripta variisque interspersis monitis et observationibus illustrata. Wolfenbüttel 1748 ( online )
  • Disquisitio historico - philologica de vera origine ac potestate nominis Burse, quo litterarum studiosi academici insigniri solent. Halle (Saale) 1748 A new edition seems to be as follows: Philologema ctymologico - historicum de Bursseis academicis gladiatis. Where are the students from universities called Burssen from? ac de nonnullis aliis rebus, ad Academias Germanicas spectantibus. Rinteln 1751 ( online )
  • Malleus obstinationis J. Clerici and W. Warburtoni in sententia de theologia aevi Jobaei. Leipzig and Frankfurt 1748
  • Designatio scriptorum edltorum. Halle (Saale) 1748, Rinteln 1751, Rinteln and Herford 1761
  • Diatribe Theologica De Vero Samvele Post Mortem Svam Cvm Savle Colloqvente. Ad Locvm Vexatvm I. Sam. XXVIII, 5 - 19 Illvstrandvm Comparata. Helmstedt 1749 ( online )
  • Diacrisis de quaestione, cur Jesus anno demum aetatis suae XXX doctoris publici munus aggressus sit. Helmstedt 1749
  • Diacrisis philologico - theologica de Doctoratu Christi tricenarii; una cum triga observationum. Braunschweig 1749 ( online )
    • de die, quo lapsus Protoplastorum contigisie videtur.
    • de primo primorum hominum die pleno, nimirum Sabbato, mysterio pleno.
    • de euphemismis Christi empliaticis.
  • Schediasma de eo, quod dysphemismus a scriptoribus sacris non evitatus, sit indicium sinceritatis eorum. Helmstedt 1749
  • Commentatio exegetica de Achaso, non tam hypocrita, quam perfrictae frontis homine, ad illustrandum locum Isa. VII, 12. proposita. Frankfurt and Leipzig (Helmstedt) 1749
  • Hypomnema historico - philologicum de primo scripto Arabico, quod in Gennania typis exculum est, tit. Bismilabi Walibni Warruchilkudusi Ilahen Wahhiden. Risaltu Baulusarrasuli ila ahli Galatijati; Epistola Pauli ad Galatas 1583. Halle (Saale) 1749 ( online )
  • Diss. Philol. De eo, quod iustum est circa distinctionem Imanuelis et Schear. Jaschubi, vindicans verum sensum oraculi praegnantis Isa. VII, 14. 15. 16. Helmstedt 1750 ( online )
  • Draft of the correspondence between the papacy and present-day Judaism. Helmstedt 1750
  • Progr. I de abstractione Christiana, tam necessario quam sublimi negotio, ad Ebr. II, 25. 26. Rome. IV, 19th Rinteln 1750
  • Progr. II de abstractione Christiana, tam necessario quam sublimi negotio, ad Ebr. II, 25. 26. Rome. IV, 19th Rinteln 1750
  • Progr. III de abstractione Christiana, tam necessario quam sublimi negotio, ad Ebr. II, 25. 26. Rome. IV, 19. Rinteln 1761
  • Oratio de desideriis in campo mathematico - solemniter recitata, scholiisque nonnullis deinde respersa. Rinteln 1750
  • Teaching of the benefit of the Jew • German, who can particularly encourage Studiosos Theologiae to make the same thing known to himself; together with an appendix on the obligation of Christians, and especially the Studiosorum Theologiae against the Jews. Wolfenbüttel 1750
  • Jewish - German grammar. Leipzig and Wolfenbüttel 1750 ( online )
  • Diss. Theol. inaug. de vera forma atque emphasi nominis Jesu. Rinteln 1751
  • The rebirth of the world through the birth of Jesus. Rinteln 1751
  • Diss. Theol vindicans, baptismum non esse meram cerimoniam, indignae nuperi scriptoris illustris assertioni opposita. Rinteln 1751 (Resp.Johann Michael de Loen)
  • The glory of God to pious elders, considered; plus double register. Rinteln 1751
  • . . . Vita Numae Graece; e Plutarcho seorsim in usum auditorii recensuit. Rinteln 1751
  • Basis for sermons on Sundays and feast days about the regular Evangelia durrhs all year round, as is the case with the morning services in the main church of S. Stephani in Helmstädt. Helmstedt 1751
  • Consolation and horror in the great truth: Christ went to heaven, became in a sermon - out of the ordinal. Feast Evangelio Marc. 16, 14-20. presented. Bremen 1751, 1754
  • Idea encyclopaediae mathematicae, in tabula synoptica, in usum auditorum. Rinteln 1751, Celle 1752 ( online )
  • Prolegomena to a college on Hebrew accentuation, or investigation of the antiquity and usefulness of Hebrew accents. Bremen 1751
  • Conspectus omnium Academiae Ernetinae, quae Rintelii floret, Profefforum tam vivorum quam mortuorum. Rinteln 1752
  • Exact translation and literal understanding of the word of the prophet Habakkuk; along with some notes in a Collegio cursorio. Rinteln and Leipzig 1752
  • Diss. Philol. De plusquamperfecto, loco praeteriti, varia scripturae s. loca expediente. Rinteln 1752
  • Schriftmassigje Abhanrullung from the infinite affection of Christ's righteousness over Matth. 5, 20-26. Rinteln 1754, Braunschweig 1758
  • Devotional hours on the four high festivals of the year, Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and Ascension Day. Celle 1754, 2nd vol.
  • Progr. De caussis sapientiae doctrinae in procrastinatione excidii Hierosolymitani cultusque Levitici post consummationem Messiae disquisitio. Rinteln 1754
  • Arrangements for the Sundays and Feasts of the Evangelia throughout the year. Along with an appendix of Buss Passion and funeral sermons. Edited by Fried. Phil. Klee. Cell 1754, 1759
  • The divine grace in the religious peace, given to the Evangelical Church in 1755 and existing for 200 years, was presented from the words Col. 1, 2. in the public Collegio ascetico. Rinteln 1755
  • Diss. Apologetico - philologica de lexico divinitus inspirato, ad certitudinem scripturae sacrae baud necessario. Rinteln 1756
  • General table prayer - book for children and adults, all year round: With a preface and historical - moral appendix from the table - prayer of Heyden, Turks, Jews and first Christians accompanied. Celle 1757
  • Charfreytags - reflections on the mystery of the thorns - crown of Christ. Celle 1758, 1762
  • The most useful proof of the truth of the Christian religion. (Hanover) 1750
  • The resurrection of Christ, as a foundation - fortress of the whole Christian religion, from Luc. 24, 13-36. presented. Brunswick 1759
  • Jesus, the consolation of Israel in the distress of death; a sermon with philological and exegetical notes; together with registers. Halle (Saale) 1759
  • Scriptural Michaelis - contemplation of the church service of the holy angels; accompanied by philological exegetical notes; together with registers. Halle (Saale) 1759, 1761
  • Why is there no true love of Christ in some? Halle (Saale) 1759
  • New hours of edification from the high festivals of the year. Celle 1759, Wismar 1760-1765, 3rd vol.
  • Progr. Paradoxa quaedam in Liturgia Ecclesiae Evangelico-Lutheranae illustrata et vindicata. Rinteln 1759, German by Aug. Fried. Rosenberg Hamburg 1760
  • Paradoxa liturgica Ecclefiae Lutheranae. Rinteln 1759
  • How can one earn hell from Jesus? with philological and theological notes. Halle (Saale) 1760, Celle 1763
  • Liturgical library, in which the church orders, which in des seel. Pastor König's Bibliotheca Agendorum and in the ST Mr. D. Feuerlein's Bibliotheca symbolica have been left out as a useful addition to both the popular main books. Hanover 1760 ( online )
  • Diss. Theol. de exegesi, scientiarum theologicarum praeside. Kiel 1760
  • Theological - exegetical treatise on the divine right to retribution to those who do not love the appearance of Christ. Celle 1761
  • Diss. De fundamento exaltationis Christi hominis majestaticae haud mercenario. Rinteln 1762
  • Dissertatio Antithetico-Theologica De Fvndamento Exaltationis Christi Hominis Maiestaticae, Havd Mercenario. Rinteln 1762 (Resp.Eberhard Wilhelm Habicht (Schmalkalden), online )
  • Geographical handbook. Schmalkalden 1763
  • From the death u. Burial days of Jesus. Celle 1763
  • The latest hours of inspiration, accompanied by philological and exegetical notes. Rinteln 1766
  • Commentatio de encyclopaedia theologiae. Kiel 1768
  • Oratio de Deo in linguis. Kiel 1768
  • Diss. Philologema de potestate et usu praepositionum Graecarum separatarum in universo NT Kiel 1769
  • Concordantiae reales separatarum praepositionum Graecarum in NT earumque synoptica explicatio. In supplementum Sal. Glassii Philologiae sacrae aeque ac Chr. Stockii Interpretis Graeci. Helmstedt 1769 ( online )
  • Diss. Theol. de gloria Dei. Kiel 1769
  • Increased geographical handbook. Muhlhausen 1770
  • Progr. De notione et nucleo homiliarum. Kiel 1770
  • Reflections on the greatest benefits of God in the kingdom of grace, in which it is considered:
  1. the incomparable foundation of our salvation through the Incarnation of the Son of God.
  2. the glorious kinship of men with God through Christ.
  3. the bitter death of Jesus as the reason for the possible jubilation of the believers.
  4. the faithful endeavor of Jesus to achieve the ultimate purpose of his resurrection in man.
  5. the calming power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  6. Jesus, the most pleasant light.
  7. Miracle upon miracle of Christ's ascension.
  8. the right view of the ascension of Christ.
  9. the great deeds of God, of salvation. Spirit, on the first feast of Pentecost n. T ..
  10. the great glorification of truthfulness, as well as the divinity of Jesus, through the events on Pentecost.
  11. as Jesus does not give, as the world gives.
  12. the beauty of the works that are done in God.
with explanatory philological - critical notes. with the intention of accompanying students. Wismar 1770
  • Theological consideration of the bitter death of Jesus, as the reason for the eternal jubilee of the believers, about Marc. 15, 33-37, on Charfreytage; along with explan. philological - exegetical note, intentionally based on the truth of God Befliss. Wismar 1770
  • Easter contemplation of Jesus' faithful efforts to achieve the ultimate purpose of his resurrection in man. Wismar 1770
  • Diss. De significantia sacrificiorum VT Kiel 1770
  • Progr. Uberior disquisitio de eo, an Christ vicariis suis actionibus et perpessionibus bumanae suae naturae evectionem ad dextram Dei emeruerit? Kiel 1770
  • Diss. De magnificentia creationis ex nihilo. Kiel 1771
  • Tabulae theologiae dogmaticae. Kiel 1772
  • Progr. De sapieutibus Dei institutis ad perpetuam rerum gravissimarum memoriam. Kiel 1772
  • . . . de actis in sextiduo creatoris. Kiel 1773
  • Hendekas orationum. Kiel 1774
  • De magnificentia creationis ex nihilo meditatio. Hamburg 1774 ( online )
  • Antiquarian church lexicon. 1st volume. Leipzig 1775


  • Karl BernhardiChrysander, Wilhelm Christian Justus . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 4, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1876, p. 252 f.
  • Callenberg, Johann Heinrich and Chrysander, Wilhelm Christian Just: Writings on the Yiddish language. Facsimile print after the editions of 1733, 1763 and 1750. Edited and provided with an afterword by Hans Peter Althaus. Marburg 1966.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Strieder : Basis for a Hessian scholar and writer story. Verlag Cramer, Kassel, 1782, vol. 2, p. 176 ( online )
  • Johann Georg Meusel : Lexicon of the German writers who died from 1750 to 1800. Gerhard Fleischer d. J., Leipzig, 1803, vol. 2. p. 116 ( online )
  • Herbert E. Brekle: Bio-bibliographical handbook on linguistics of the 18th century. Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1993, ISBN 3-484-73022-6 , Vol. 2, p. 148
  • Contributions to the Actis Historico-Ecclesiasticis. Or to the latest church stories. Complete news of the lives, fates and changes of strange men. Siegmund Heinrich Hoffmann, Weimar, 1750, vol. 2, p. 733 f. ( Online )
  • Ad. M. Hildebrand: Quarterly publication for heraldry, sphragistics and genealogy. Carl Heymanns Verlag, Berlin, 1883, 11th year, p. 181
  • Heinrich Döring : The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Karl Gottfried Wagner, Neustadt an der Orla, 1831, vol. 1, p. 247 ( online )

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. Apparently there are several names Chrysander, so one can be Georg Chrysander (Goldmann) in Konradswaldau near Brieg (* 1597 in Grulich (Moravia); † November 20, 1660 in Konradswaldau near Brieg; see catalog of the princely Stolberg = Stolberg'scchen Funeral sermons collection. Degner & Spohr, Leipzig, 1927, vol. 1, p. 352) and a Johannes Chrysander, from Friedeburg (Saale) / near Mansfeld enrolled at the University of Wittenberg on March 25, 1613, where he enrolled on March 19. March 1616 has acquired the master’s degree (cf. Bernhard Weissenborn: Album Academiae Vitebergensis- Younger Series Part 1 (1602–1660). Magdeburg, 1934, p. 89)
  2. A Johann Chrysander alias Mangolth from Elxleben enrolled in 1587 at the University of Erfurt, Mag. 1587 ibid., He was the son of the schoolmaster in Elxleben and later a deacon of the preacher church in Erfurt Sebastian Mangold (also: Chrysander, * Elxleben; founded 8 February 1578 Erfurt (Predigerkirche)) and his wife NN. Erbenius, from 1598 to 1624 pastor in Berlstedt (cf. JC Hermann Weissenborn: Acts of the Erfurt University. In: Historical sources of the province of Saxony and neighboring areas. Otto Hendel, Halle, 1884, p. 464, column a, no. 23, Pfb. Weimar (draft), PfbKpS II, p. 182)
  3. Christianus Chrysander from Berlstedt, enrolled at the University of Erfurt in the winter semester 1622/23 (cf. JC Hermann Weissenborn: Acten der Erfurter Universitaet. In: Geschistorquellen der Provinz Sachsen and adjacent areas. Otto Hendel, Halle, 1884, p. 534, No. 10)
  4. Werner Hillebrand: The matriculation of the University of Helmstedt. 1636-1685. August Lax, Hildesheim, 1981, ISBN 3-7848-2102-2 , Vol. II, p. 134, No. 146
  5. Christoph Jacob Chrysander was pastor in Abbenrode from 1673 to 1720, his first marriage was Christina Ehrengott Stelzfuß, the widow of the pastor in Friesdorf, Mag. Johann Andreas Götze, who was the daughter of the Mohrungen court director in Obersdorf Adam Stelzfuß. After her death, on June 26, 1677 in Abbenrode, he married Genoveva Ritter, the daughter of Johannes Ritter, for the second time. From his children we know: Christian Georg Chrysander (born June 30, 1678 in Abbenrode; † May 19, 1689 ibid.), Christoph Heinrich Chrysander (born March 2, 1680 in Abbenrode; † March 23, 1728 in Gödbelnrode ), Johanna Sophia Elisabeth Chrysander; Johann Friedrich Chrysander (born February 6, 1682 in Abbenrode; † June 22, 1700 in Wernigerode ), Johann Martin Chrysander (born February 3, 1684 in Abbenrode) June 2, 1703 University of Helmstedt (cf. Herbert Mundhenke: Die Matrikel der Universität Helmstedt 1685-1810.August Lax, Hildesheim, 1979, ISBN 3-7848-2103-0 , Vol. III, p. 67) 1712 Pastor Dörnten (cf. Joachim Barward Lauenstein: Historia Diplomatica Episcopatvs Hildesiensis, Das ist Diplomatische Historie des Bißthums Hildesheim: Inside the civil, military and ecclesiastical state of both the Lower Saxon Freyen Crayß-Stadt Hildesheim, as well as this whole bitterness, dealt with in a complicated manner, and with the description of the city all the same high rights, authorizations, freedoms and customs, regimental form . 1740, p. 316 ( online )); Heinrich Ernst Chrysander (born March 25, 1686 in Abbenrode); Sophie Lißgen Chrysander (born July 25, 1688 in Abbenrode); Anna Catharina Chrysander (born November 4, 1690 in Abbenrode) and Philipp Jacob Chrysander (born June 21, 1698 in Abbenrode); (See Veronika Albrecht-Birkner : Pastor's Book of the Church Province of Saxony. (PfbKpS) Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig, 2004, ISBN 3-374-02134-4 , Vol. 2, p. 181)
  6. ^ Fritz Juhnke, Franz Zimmermann: Matriculation of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. 1690-1730. University and State Library, Halle, 1960, p. 75, Sp. B
  7. ^ Herbert Mundhenke: The register of the University of Helmstedt. 1685-1810. August Lax, Hildesheim, 1979, ISBN 3-7848-2103-0 , Vol. III, p. 61, Col. a
  8. Christoph Heinrich Chrysander, was a private teacher at first, became a substitute for the pastor in Göddeckerode in 1711 and pastor there in 1717, the children Martin Christoph Gerhard Chrysander (born April 30, 1716 in Gödbelnrode; † September 29, 1784 in) come from his marriage to Luica von Pauli Salzgitter) Hornburg School, Ilfeld Pedagogy, 1735 Uni. Halle, 1743 Pastor Göddeckerode, 1757 Deacon Salzgitter, m. October 5, 1745 in Wernigerode with Sophie Reichenbach (children of Ferdinande Lucia Dorothea Chrysander (born July 9, 1746 in Göddeckerode) / Johanna Benedikta Christine Chrysander (born March 20, 1749 in Göddeckerode) / Wilhelm Christoph Chrysander (born January 16, 1751 in Göddeckerode ) / Johanna Dorothea Chrysander (born May 20, 1753 in Göddeckerode) / Margaretha Augusta Magdalena Chrysander (born February 18, 1755 in Göddeckerode)); David Friedrich Heinrich Chrysander (born July 12, 1717 in Göddeckerode); Wilhelm Christian Justus treated here; Johanna Dorothea Maria Chrysander (born November 3, 1720 in Göddeckerode; † May 22, 1722 ibid.); Ernst Johannes Ludwig Chrysander (born April 17, 1723 in Göddeckerode); Elisabeth Julia Eleonora Chrysander (born October 10, 1724 in Göddeckerode; † October 28, 1726 ibid.); Euphrosina Sophia Chrysander (born August 1, 1727 in Göddeckerode)
  9. ^ Herbert Mundhenke: The register of the University of Helmstedt. 1685-1810. August Lax, Hildesheim, 1979, ISBN 3-7848-2103-0 , Vol. III, p. 180