Wilhelm Riehn

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Carl Andreas Wilhelm Riehn ( June 17, 1841 in Estebrugge ; † December 24, 1920 in Hanover ) was a German builder , mechanical and shipbuilding engineer and professor at the Technical University of Hanover . He is considered a pioneer of the Institute for Power Plant Technology and Heat Transfer (IKW) at Leibniz University Hannover.


Carl Andreas Wilhelm Riehn was born at the beginning of the industrialization of the Kingdom of Hanover in 1841 in the small town of Estebrugge as the son of the practicing doctor Dr. med. Heinrich Riehn . In Stade he attended the real classes of the local high school . Since he later wanted to train as a shipbuilding engineer, Riehn initially worked practically in a shipyard for wooden ships , and then in various machine-producing workshops. In autumn 1860 he moved to the royal seat of Hanover to study for three years at what was then the Polytechnic and in 1863 joined the factory of the United Hamburg-Magdeburg Steamship Company in Buckau near Magdeburg . Here he worked in the construction of iron river steamers as well as ship engines and boilers.

After the annexation of Hanover by Prussia , Riehn was appointed to the Clausthal Mining Authority in 1868 with the title of what was now Prussian Royal Builder , where he worked in machine and construction management. But shortly after the proclamation of the German Empire , Riehn started his own business as an engineer for the mining , metallurgy and saltworks area in 1872 and designed “a number of important systems” for the mining authority district.

In 1874, Riehn and partners founded the company Riehn, Meinicke and Wolf in Görlitz ; the civil engineering office was particularly responsible for the execution of industrial works in the areas of mining and metallurgy.

In 1879, Riehn accepted the call of the Polytechnic University in Hanover as full professor for power machines and shipbuilding . From 1879/80 he finally took on the entire field of mechanical engineering with the exception of railway engineering. Also from 1880 he worked as a "professor for shipbuilding including marine engineering, construction and theory of power machines, elevator machines and pumps."

In 1899, the year it was founded, Riehn joined the Shipbuilding Society .

In 1907 Riehn was awarded the Prussian Red Eagle Order 3rd class with the ribbon .

Although Riehn retired in 1910, during the First World War in 1916 he took over the position of teacher for water power machines .

Riehn was awarded medals several times by the Prussian government. For example, when he retired, he was honored with the award of the Royal Crown Order, 2nd class.

The meanwhile with the title Privy Government Councilor , Prof. a. D. Wilhelm Riehn was awarded a Dr.-Ing. On June 11, 1913 by the Technical University of Hanover . appointed anyway .

Wilhelm Riehn, who died on December 24, 1920, lived according to the address book, city and business handbook of Hanover from 1920, last lived in the house at Am Taubenfelde 25 on Bel Etage on the first floor of the building, while the pediatrician of the same name and senior physician at the Hanoverian children's sanctuary Wilhelm Riehn at the address Seelhorstraße 45 could already be reached with its own telephone connection at the time.

Fonts (selection)

  • The calculation of the ship's resistance , Hanover: Hahnsche Hofbuchhandlung und Verlag, 1882



  1. Deviating from this, the year of death is given as 1822; compare the yearbook of the Shipbuilding Society , vol. 23, Berlin: Verlag von Julius Springer, 1922, p. 98f .; Preview over google books

Individual evidence

  1. a b c o. V .: Riehn, Carl Andreas Wilhelm in the database of Niedersächsische Personen (new entry required) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library [undated], last accessed on November 1, 2018
  2. a b c d e f g Rudolf Vierhaus (Ed.): Riehn, (Carl Andreas) Wilhelm , in: Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie , 2nd, revised and expanded edition, Vol. 8, Munich: KG Saur Verlag, 2005, p 788; limited preview of google books
  3. a b c d e o. V .: The IKW / Wegbereiter des Institut / 1880-1910 Prof. Wilhelm Riehn on the IKW website of the Leibniz Universität Hannover [undated], last accessed on November 1, 2018
  4. a b c d e f g Yearbook of the Shipbuilding Society , Vol. 23, Berlin: Verlag von Julius Springer, 1922, p. 98f .; Preview over google books
  5. Compare the information from the Lower Saxony State Archives (Stade location) , archive signature NLA ST Rep. 80 No. 00683
  6. ^ Literarisches Centralblatt für Deutschland , Vol. 58 (1907), p. 1161; Preview over google books
  7. Christian-Alexander Wäldner: The Technical University of Hanover and the withdrawal of academic titles during the Nazi era: Results of Hanoverian processes taking into account the case of Walter Dux (= history , vol. 112), also master's thesis 2012 at the University of Hanover, Berlin; Münster: Lit Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-643-11908-7 , p. 115; Preview over google books
  8. Compare the address book, city and business manual of Hanover from 1920, section III, p. 465 as a digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library