Xiangyang (Hubei)

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Location of Xiangyang in Hubei Province

Xiangyang ( Chinese  襄阳 市 , Pinyin Xiāngyáng Shì ), until 2010 Xiangfan ( Chinese  襄樊 市 , Pinyin Xiāngfán Shì ), is a district-free city in Hubei Province in central China. Your administrative area has an area of ​​19,626 km² and approx. 5.84 million inhabitants (2008). Its city center is on the banks of the Han Jiang River between Wuhan and Xi'an and consists of three boroughs on the two banks of the Han River - Fancheng and Xiangzhou on the north bank and Xiangcheng on the south bank.

Administrative structure

At the county level, Xiangyang consists of three city districts, three counties and three independent cities. These are:

  • District Xiangcheng (襄城区), km² 645, 480,000 inhabitants, seat of the city government;
  • Fancheng District (樊城区), 614 km², 700,000 inhabitants;
  • District Xiangzhou (襄州区) km² 2306, 1.0 million inhabitants;
  • County Nanzhang (南漳县) km² 3859, 590,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Chengguan (城关镇);
  • Gucheng County (谷 城县), 2,553 km², 550,000 inhabitants, capital: Chengguan Municipality (城关 镇);
  • Circle Baokang (保康县), km² 3225, 290,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Chengguan (城关镇);
  • City of Laohekou (老河口市), 1,032 km², 510,000 inhabitants;
  • Zaoyang City (枣阳 市), 3,277 km², 1.1 million inhabitants;
  • Yicheng City (宜 城市), 2,115 km², 560,000 inhabitants.

Ethnic breakdown of the population (2000)

At the 2000 census, Xiangfan had 5,658,723 residents.

Name of the people Residents proportion of
Han 5,638,930 99.65%
Hui 13,336 0.24%
Tujia 1,877 0.03%
Mongols 1,402 0.02%
Manju 1.106 0.02%
Others 2,072 0.04%


The city of Xiangyang, founded during the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), is one of the best preserved ancient cities in China. With its location in central China, there are numerous examples of the blending of South Chinese and North Chinese cultures.

Due to its strategically important location, numerous battles have taken place in the area around Xiangyang since the spring and autumn periods (770–476 BC). The battle of Fancheng (219 BC) and the siege of Xiangyang (1267–1273) are particularly famous . Xiangyang plays a central role, especially in the Chinese national epic “ The Story of the Three Kingdoms ”, as the reclusive genius Zhuge Liang lived in Longzhong (隆 中 街道), now a street district of the Xiangcheng district . Since then, Xiangyang has been the seat of various local governments.


While the focus in the past was on the textile industry, Xiangyang has now developed into the leading automobile city in central China, in which numerous European companies (including Volkswagen ) have also built plants. Xiangyang is a road and rail hub and has an international airport.


Xiangyang has a rich cultural heritage through its long history. The almost five-kilometer-long city wall from the Ming Dynasty and the main street of Fancheng in the pseudo-classical style are particularly famous .

Worth seeing in Xiangyang are Longzhong , the residence of Zhuge Liang (181–234 AD), an outstanding statesman and strategist during the Three Kingdoms (still today, Zhuge Liang is synonymous with wisdom and incorruptibility) and the residence of official Xi Yu from the early Eastern Han Dynasty (25–220 AD) - a garden-like structure that was built in both northern and southern styles.

See also

Web links

Commons : Xiangyang  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 32 ° 4 '  N , 112 ° 8'  E