Zeferino González y Díaz Tuñón

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Ceferino Cardinal Gonzalez in Dominican habit (portrait 1885)

Zeferino González y Díaz Tuñón OP (also: Fray Zeferino , Ceferino ; born January 28, 1831 in Villoria , Spain , † November 29, 1894 in Madrid ) was a Spanish Dominican and cardinal as well as Archbishop of Seville and Toledo . He was one of the most important Spanish philosophers of the 19th century.


Ceferino González y Díaz Tuñón came from a working class family. He was born in El Campal, in the parish of Villoria Asturias . He received his training in Ciaño and was admitted to the Dominican convent in Ocaña on November 28, 1844 . He studied philosophy and especially enjoyed the Thomism , whose defense he devoted much of his life.

In February 1849, his order sent him as a missionary to the Philippines , where he arrived after an eight-month journey. He continued his philosophical studies at the University of Manila and also engaged in natural sciences such as physics and chemistry . In 1854 he was ordained a priest . He taught philosophy and later theology. At the same time he began to publish his first writings: Earthquakes de tierra (dt. Earthquake , Manila 1857) and La electricidad atmosférica y sus principales manifestaciones ( atmospheric electricity and its main manifestations ).

In 1851 he was appointed professor of the Studia humanitatis and two years later he was appointed professor of philosophy, and in 1859 he was appointed professor of theology . A severe blow to him was the loss of his friend Melchor García Sampedro , who was martyred in Vietnam in 1858 . Notwithstanding this, he published his first important work Estudios sobre la Filosofía de Santo Tomás ( Treatise on the Philosophy of St. Thomas ) in 1864 , which was published by, among others, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo and Pope Leo XIII. was received with appreciation.

Despite his many duties at the chair and the tasks that he had to take on in the convent, and despite his often compromised health, he found the time to write his philosophical writings. His reputation as a writer and philosopher reached Spain around 1866. He began publishing in magazines such as La Cruzada (Crusade), La Ciencia Cristiana (Christian Science), and La Ciudad de Dios (City of God). During this time, a series of articles on philosophy, history and economic policy was created, which were published under the title Estudios religiosos, filosóficos, científicos y sociales . Another work of this time was the Philosophia elementaria . Many of his works have been translated into Italian , German, French , Russian and other languages.

As Archbishop of Seville ( lithograph by Ceferino)

In December 1866 he left the Philippines due to health problems and at the direction of his superiors and returned to Spain, where he arrived in December 1867. In Madrid he got into an argument with Segismundo Moret in the Ateneo de Madrid and then won the friendship of a group of philosophers, including Alejandro Pidal y Mon , Carlos María Perier , Eduardo Hinojosa , Antonio Hernández y Fajarnés and Juan Manuel Orti y Lara .

Already on June 16, 1874 he was named bishop of the diocese of Málaga , but at that time he was more interested in continuing his literary activity and therefore used all his connections so that he could also renounce the office of bishop in the diocese of Astorga .

On July 5, 1875 he was nevertheless on the instructions of Pope Pius IX. appointed Bishop of the Diocese of Cordoba . The episcopal ordination donated to him on October 24, 1875 Manuel García Gil OP, the Archbishop of Saragossa ; Co- consecrators were Fernando Blanco y Lorenzo OP, preconized Archbishop of Valladolid , and Archbishop José María Benito Serra y Juliá OSB , former coadjutor bishop of Perth , Australia . Despite his duties in the diocese, he managed to publish numerous philosophical writings.

On March 15, 1883, he was appointed Archbishop of Seville , but refused the office of senator, which was connected with the episcopate. His tireless work was rewarded a year later when he was awarded the cardinal title . Leo XIII. awarded him the titular church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva on November 10, 1884 . He stayed in Seville until he was transferred to Toledo the following year to be there by King Alfonso XII. to be appointed Archbishop of Toledo . On March 27, 1885, he was also appointed Patriarch of the West Indies , Chaplain to the King and Vicario General Castrense (military chaplain ). In 1886 he retired to Seville due to his poor health and resigned his office on November 28, 1889.

He died of complications from cancer of the jaw on November 28, 1894 in the Convento de la Pasión in Madrid , where he was accompanied by the Bishop of Oviedo Ramón Martínez Vigil , and was buried in the Dominican Church in Ocaña .


Bust of Ceferino Gonzalez, Villoria (Laviana)

Fray Ceferino was a member of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas , member of the Buenas Letras de Sevilla , the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas (1873), the Real Academia de la Historia and Senator of the Kingdom. He was also accepted as a member of the Real Academia Española (1893) and wrote an inaugural address, which he could no longer give. In 1885 he received the honorary citizenship of Manila and the order of Charles III. and the order caballero gran cruz de la Orden de Isabel la Católica . A portrait in a version of Muñoz de la Espada was hung in the Salón de Consejos of the Diputación Provincial de Asturias (Hall of the Provincial Councils of Asturias).

A street in Oviedo is named after him.


  • Los temblores de tierra. Manila 1857.
  • La electricidad atmosférica y sus principales manifestaciones. Manila 1857. (Estudios .... 1873. Tomo 2, pp. 341-415.)
  • La economía política y el cristianismo. Manila 1862. (In: Estudios .... 1873. Tomo 2: 1-121.)
  • Sermón predicado el 7 de marzo de 1862 en la solemne función que la Universidad de esta capital consagra anualmente a su principal patrón el angélico doctor Santo Tomás de Aquino. Manila 1862. Establecimiento tipográfico del Colegio de Santo Tomás, a cargo de D. Juán Cortada. 19 p. (In: Estudios ... 1873. Tomo 2, pp. 311-329.)
  • Estudios sobre la Filosofía de Santo Tomás. Manila 1864. Establecimiento tipográfico del Colegio de Santo Tomás, a cargo de D. Juan Cortada. 3 vols. Imprenta de San José. Madrid 1866-1867. 3 vols. German translation: The philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas, presented by Franz Zephyrin Gonzalez. With the author's authorization from the Spanish liberi. translated by Karl Joseph Nolte. Regensburg 1885, 3 vol.
  • Parliament of the Colegio de Niñas de Santa Catalina de Sena, bajo la dirección de las religiosas dominicas, de Manila. Manila 1866.
  • Philosophia elementaria ad usum academicae ac praesertim ecclesiasticae juventutis, opera et studio. Matriti 1868, 2 vols.Apud Polycarpum López. Matriti 1877. 2 vols. (Vol. Primum: Logicam, Psychologiam, Idealogiam et Metaphysicam generalem. Vol. Secundum: Metaphysicam Specialem, Ethicam et Historiam Philosophiae) Seven editions.
  • There is also a biblioteca de teólogos españoles. Ocaña 1869. (In: Estudios ... 1873. Tomo 2, pp. 207-228.)
  • La inmortalidad del alma y sus destinos según una teoría krauso-espiritista. Ocaña 1869. (In: Estudios ... 1873. Tomo 1, pp. 183-229.)
  • La filosofía de la historia. In: La Ciudad de Dios , tomo 3, Madrid 1870: 187-203, 449-464, 335-345, 312-320. (In: Estudios ... 1873. Tomo 1, pp. 1-181.)
  • La definición de la infabilidad pontificia. Imprenta de López, Madrid 1870. 62 pp. (In: Estudios ... 1873. Tomo 2, pp. 231-307.)
  • Carta de Fray CG Rector del Convento de Ocaña, protestando against un artículo de 'La Iberia'. In: El Pensamiento Español , March 6, 1871.
  • El positivismo materialista. In: La defensa de la Sociedad , tomo 1, Madrid 1872: 31-33, 52-59, 94-102, 129-141, 177-189. El positivismo materialista. Artículos insertos en la revista 'La Defensa de la Sociedad' de Madrid. Juán Aguado. Madrid 1872. 46 pp. (In: Estudios ... 1873. Tomo 1, pp. 231-300.)
  • Filosofía elemental. 2 vols. Imprenta de Policarpo López, Madrid 1873. Seven editions. (Vol. 1: Lógica, Psicología, Ideología; Vol. 2: Metafísica general, Especial, Teodicea, Moral.)
  • Estudios religiosos, filosóficos, científicos y sociales. Impr. De Policarpo López, Madrid 1873. Prologados por Alejandro Pidal y Mon. 2 vols. (Vol. 1: “La Filosofía de la Historia”, “La inmortalidad del alma y sus destinos”, “El positivismo materialista” y un Apéndice sobre el Darwinismo tomado de la Filosofía Elemental; Vol. 2: “La economía política y el cristianismo”, “Los temblores de tierra”, “Sobre una biblioteca de teólogos españoles”, “La definición de la infabilidad pontificia”, “Sermón de Santo Tomás de Aquino "y" La electricidad atmosférica y sus principales manifestaciones ").
  • La moral independiente. In: La defensa de la Sociedad , tomo 4, number 65, Madrid, January 10, 1874, pp. 413-439.
  • Carta a Don Alejandro Pidal y Mon. In: La España Católica , June 27, 1874. (In: La Unión Católica , December 6, 1874.)
  • Observaciones a una carta del señor Salmerón. In: La Defensa de la Sociedad , tomo 7, June 1875, pp. 321-337.
  • Carta pastoral del Obispo de Córdoba. Imprenta y litografía del Diario de Córdoba, Córdoba 1875. 31 pp. (December 25).
  • Carta Pastoral del Sr. Obispo de ésta diócesis insertando un notable documento -la unidad católica- de SS al Sr. Cardenal Arzobispo de Toledo. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba 1876, núm. 6, pp. 94-109.
  • Pastoral del Prelado: trata de la conservación y organización del Seminario Conciliar de S. Pelagio ... In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1876, núm. 12, pp. 237-248.
  • Circular sobre el establecimiento de Círculos Católicos. Cordoba 1877.
  • Carta pastoral de SEI sobre la santificación de las fiestas y cumplimiento del precepto pascual. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1877, núm. 5, pp. 93-103.
  • Pastoral de SEI with motivo de la alocución 'Luctuosis' de Su Santidad. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1877, nº 7, pp. 139–149.
  • Pastoral sobre el 50 aniversario episcopal de Pio IX. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1877.
  • Dos palabras acerca de los caracteres generales de la filosofía escolástica y de la filosofía alemana. In: La defensa de la Sociedad , tomo 13, 1878, pp. 321-355.
  • Raymundo Lulio. In: La Ciencia Cristiana , 6, 1878, pp. 210-226.
  • Pastoral de BE sobre la Santa Cuaresma. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1878, núm. 4, pp. 45-57.
  • Historia de la filosofía. 3 vols. Madrid 1878-1879. Segunda edición. 4 vols. Agustín Jubera, Madrid 1886. French translation: G. de Pascal: Histoire de la Philosophie. 4 vols. Lethielleux, Paris 1890-1891.
  • Carta Pastoral sobre el dinero de San Pedro. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1879, núm. 1, pp. 2-14.
  • Carta Pastoral sobre la Encíclica de SSLeón XIII acerca del matrimonio cristiano. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1879, núm. 2, pp. 46-54.
  • Junta de fomento de los Círculos Católicos de Córdoba. In: La Ciencia Cristiana , 12, 1879, pp. 95-96.
  • Pastoral sobre la encíclica 'Aeterni Patris'. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1879, núm. 13, pp. 634-655.
  • Biografía de Osio. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1879.
  • Un teólogo español del siglo XVI: Pedro Soto. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1880; and in: La Ciencia Cristiana , 13, 1880, pp. 97-119.
  • Carta al Conde de Orgaz. In: Boletín de La Unión Católica 1, 1881, 36; and in: La Ciencia Cristiana 17, 1881: 184.
  • Carta Pastoral sobre la encíclica de SS y los sucesos de Roma. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1881, num. 13, pp. 531-542.
  • Carta Pastoral con motivo de la peregrinación a Roma. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1882, 5, pp. 175-184.
  • Circular presentando la Encíclica 'Cum multa' de León XIII. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córdoba , 1883, 3, pp. 13-18.
  • Pastoral de despedida del Excmo. Prelado. In: Boletín Oficial del Obispado de Córboba 1883, núm. 5: 195-202.
  • Carta Pastoral del Excmo. y Revmo. Sr. Dr. D. Fr. Zeferino González, Arzobispo de Sevilla. Imprenta de E. Hidalgo, Sevilla 1883, 44 pp.
  • La causa principal originaria, ya que no la única, del malestar que esteriliza y detiene la marcha de la sociedad por los caminos del bién, es esa gran negación oculta y encarnada en el principio racionalista: la negación de Dios, la cual es principio generador del mal en todas sus formas. (Lectures in front of the Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Políticas en la recepción pública del Excmo. E Ilmo. Sr. Arzobispo de Sevilla Dr.D.Fr.Zeferino González, el día 3 de Junio ​​del año de 1883). Imprenta de A. Perez Dubrull, Madrid 1883, 123 S; held and recited in 1874.
  • Un recuerdo a las religiosas del Arzobispo de Toledo o sea la Instrucción pastoral del Emmo .... a las religiosas de los conventos de su jurisdicción. Toledo 1886, 63 pp.
  • Carta Pastoral al inaugurar su segundo pontificado. Seville 1886.
  • Una rectificación. In: Los Lunes de El Imparcial , May 27, 1889.
  • La antigüedad del hombre y la prehistoria. In: Crónica del Primer Congreso Católico Nacional Español. Madrid 1889, Vol. 1, pp. 245-294.
  • Protocol for: Historia del Colegio Mayor de Santo Tomás de Sevilla. For Enrique de la Cuadra y Gibaja. Imprenta de E. Rasco, Sevilla 1890, 2 vols. (Written in Somió, August 28, 1890).
  • El lenguaje y la unidad de la especie humana. In: La España Moderna , tomo 23, November 1890, pp. 81-102.
  • La Biblia y la Ciencia. 2 vols. Imprenta de A. Pérez Dubrull, Madrid 1891. (2 editions).
  • Carta al MRPHonorato del Val. (Written in Vergara, July 22, 1891). In: La Ciudad de Dios , 25, 1891, pp. 503-504.
  • Opinión sobre el descubrimiento de América. In: La Ilustración española y americana , año 36, núm. 38, October 12, 1892 (400th anniversary).
  • Las relaciones entre el habla castellana y la mística española (Discurso de ingreso en la Real Academia Española, 1893). In: Memorias de la Real Academia Española , tomo VII, 1896, pp. 490-537.


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Individual evidence

  1. Filosofía.org
predecessor Office successor
Juan Alfonso Albuquerque Berión Bishop of Cordoba
Sebastián Herrero Espinosa de los Monteros
Joaquín Lluch y Garriga Archbishop of Seville
Bienvenido Monzón y Martín
Juan de la Cruz Ignacio Moreno y Maisonave Archbishop of Toledo
Miguel Payá y Rico
Bienvenido Monzón y Martín Archbishop of Seville
Benito Sanz y Forés
Victoriano Guisasola y Menéndez Patriarch of the West Indies
Miguel Payá y Rico
John McCloskey Cardinal
Egidio Mauri