(51823) Rickhus tape

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(51823) Rickhusband
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Epoch:  4th September 2017 ( JD 2,458,000.5)
Orbit type Main belt asteroid
Asteroid family Gantrisch family
Major semi-axis 3.1436  AU
eccentricity 0.2173
Perihelion - aphelion 2.4604 AU - 3.8268 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 11.5563 °
Length of the ascending node 58.0478 °
Argument of the periapsis 347.1398 °
Sidereal period 5.57 a
Mean orbital velocity 16.59 km / s
Physical Properties
Medium diameter 8.731 km
Albedo 0.048
Absolute brightness 14.3 mag
Explorer NEAT
Date of discovery July 18, 2001
Another name 2001 OY 28 , 1994 JM 7 , 2000 KM 25
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . The affiliation to an asteroid family is automatically determined from the AstDyS-2 database . Please also note the note on asteroid items.

(51823) Rickhusband is an asteroid of the outer main belt , which was discovered on July 18, 2001 by the American astronomer Eleanor Helin , on recordings of the Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) project taken with the 120 cm Oschin-Schmidt Telescope of the Palomar Observatory ( IAU code 644) in California .

Rickhusband is part of the Gantrisch family . This group of asteroids was previously called the Lixiaohua family until (3330) Gantrisch was assigned to the group, which, with its 35 km diameter, replaced the 20 km large (3556) Lixiaohua as the largest member of this family. Sometimes the old family name is still used. It is an asteroid family with relatively chaotic orbital parameters seen over a long period of time, since large minor planets in the vicinity of the family (or their orbits around the sun , which intersect the orbits of the family members) such as (1) Ceres , (2) Pallas , (4) Vesta , (10) Hygiea , (52) Europa , (511) Davida and (704) Interamnia influence the orbits of family members and the family is therefore within the sphere of influence of several orbital resonances.

(51823) Rickhusband was named on August 6, 2003 after the American astronaut Rick Douglas Husband , who was killed in the accident on the space shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003. Asteroids were named after all members of the Columbia crew: after Michael Philip Anderson (51824) Mikeanderson , after David McDowell Brown (51825) Davidbrown , after Kalpana Chawla (51826) Kalpanachawla , after Laurel Blair Salton Clark (51827) Laurelclark , after Ilan Ramon (51828) Ilanramon and after William Cameron McCool (51829) Williemccool .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Asteroids dedicated to fallen Columbia astronauts . NASA press release from August 6, 2003
  2. Bojan Novaković, Kleomenis Tsiganis, Zoran Knežević: Dynamical portrait of the Lixiaohua asteroid family . Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2010, # 107, pp. 35–49 ( PDF , English; 1.4 MB)
  3. ^ Orbits of Asteroids named after Space Shuttle Columbia Crew . Jet Propulsion Laboratory press release from August 10, 2003