666 - Do not trust anyone you sleep with!

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Original title 666 - Do not trust anyone you sleep with!
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2002
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
JMK 12
Director Rainer Matsutani
script Rainer Matsutani
production Bernd Eichinger
music Henning Lohner
camera Hans-Günther Bücking
cut Hana Müllner

as well as short appearances by celebrities as themselves:

666 - Do not trust anyone you sleep with! is a German comedy film from 2002 by Rainer Matsutani . Some of the plot motifs are very freely borrowed from the tragedy Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe .


The film is a modern version of Faust. Frank Faust makes a pact with the devil to win his girlfriend Jennifer back by Walpurgis Night . The devil in "training", Mephisto , is transformed into various celebrities (including Heiner Lauterbach , Boris Becker , Verona Feldbusch and Claudia Schiffer ) with whom Faust is seen. As a result, Faust himself becomes part of the upper class and is on the verge of winning back his girlfriend.

But Mephisto discovers his true sexual orientation. He falls in love with Faust and now wants him to himself. That is why he prevents reconciliation by pretending to have a relationship with Faust, disguised as Claudia Schiffer. Faust, who now suspects Mephisto in every potential partner, even beats up his ex-girlfriend Susi because he thinks she is Mephisto and scares Jennifer even more - until finally the devil, Mephisto's father, intervenes personally because he is not a mockery of the whole hell wants to be. Meanwhile, Jennifer meets her old admirer Ralf Bauer again. In order to prevent a liaison between the two, Mephisto turns into Faust, knocks down Ralf Bauer and reconciles with Jennifer. Ralf takes revenge by also knocking down Faust and walking away with Jennifer. Faust follows them to a restaurant and asks Jennifer to marry them. Without thinking long, she agrees.

But time is of the essence because there is only one hour left until Walpurgis Night. So the devil decides to transform himself into Jennifer and seduce Faust in order to please Hell. Just after Faust and “Jennifer” have reconciled, the real one appears and Faust realizes who he actually slept with.

In order to buy Faust's silence - after all, nobody should find out that the devil also enjoys sex with men, he releases Faust from his pact and he can be happy with Jennifer.


“After his successful cinema debut ' Nur über meine Leiche ' (1995), Rainer Matsutani really didn't produce anything that was really exciting. Now he presents an annoying fist slap of the silliest kind. Because this new version of Goethe's concept has neither charm nor understanding. Even the silly and amateurish guest appearances of numerous embarrassing celebrities from Feldbusch to Becker cannot save anything. "

“ Greetings from Oskar Roehler's Suck my Dick , and Helmut Dietl is parodied when a wonderfully dissolved delivery man no longer knows whether he has just had sex with a beautiful woman or with Armin Rohde. Matsutani manages the best coup in the end, when Mephisto Papa appears personally. The Prince of Darkness is portrayed by Hanns Zischler with winking elegance and satanic coolness. The Wenders, Thome and van Ackeren actors, who always like to cross genre boundaries, are the devil as Charley's aunt from hell. Especially in Zischler's appearances, Matsutani sometimes succeeds in driving the devil of narrow-mindedness out of German comedy. "

“Some may ask themselves whether a film in which Schiffer, Becker and Feldbusch are on the cast list isn't necessarily a horror film, but it's not that bad. Die Schiffer plays better than you think, Boris Becker still has to practice a little and Feldbusch wanted to have children and stop working anyway, right? "

“The result is a highly commercial product - as if tailor-made for the German market. The wonderful scenes with Boris Becker alone should be worth a visit to the cinema. The fact that the Mephistotelian metamorphoses do not reach a Hollywood level in terms of trick technology is easily forgotten, because '666' plays its trump cards in other areas - and with pleasure! "

- kino.de

"Despite numerous celebrities in cameo appearances, it was a very thin joke that took refuge in rough theatrical dilettantism and an intrusive mixture of embarrassments."

The German Film and Media Evaluation FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the title valuable.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Age rating for 666 - don't trust anyone you sleep with! Youth Media Commission .
  2. 666 - Do not trust anyone you sleep with! In: prisma.de. prisma-Verlag , accessed on September 12, 2017 .
  3. 666 - Do not trust anyone you sleep with! In: filmportal.de . German Film Institute , accessed on September 12, 2017 .
  4. kino.de
  5. 666 - Do not trust anyone you sleep with! In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed June 4, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used