Otto Aichel

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Otto Aichel (1894)

Otto Aichel (born October 31, 1871 in Concepción (Chile) , † January 31, 1935 in Kiel ) was a German embryologist, anatomist, anthropologist and university professor in Santiago de Chile, Halle and Kiel.


Born as the son of the German consul in Concepción, Aichel attended the Ernestinum Celle . After graduating from high school, he began to study natural sciences and medicine at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich . In 1894 he was reciprocated in the Corps Franconia Munich . When he was inactive , he moved to the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen and the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg . He was awarded a Dr. phil. doctorate and licensed as a doctor in 1898 .

He then worked as a doctor at the General Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf and at the gynecological clinic at the University Clinic Erlangen . In 1901 he was promoted to Dr. med. PhD. In 1902 he qualified as a lecturer in obstetrics and gynecology . In the same year he was appointed professor at the Universidad de Chile . Because of a far-reaching error in the report on the Beckert case, he lost his position. In 1911 he took up the position of the Prosector of the Anatomical Institute of the Friedrichs University Halle and received the title of professor. Here he mainly researched cancer . In 1914 he switched to the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel as a prosector . During the First World War he served in medical companies on the war front and as chief physician in the fortress hospital in Antwerp . In 1920 Aichel became head of department in the anatomical institute and a. o. Professor appointed and elected to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina . In 1921 he received a personal ordinariate . He set up an anthropological institute in which the prehistoric finds in Schleswig-Holstein were also examined. In the time of National Socialism he took on a teaching position for anthropology , human heredity and National Socialist racial hygiene from 1933 . At Kiel University, Aichel acted as a liaison to the staff of Rudolf Hess , Adolf Hitler's agent for the entire intellectual and ideological education in the sense of National Socialism . In addition, he was a member of the newly created Higher Genetic Health Court and in this position was responsible for the sterilization of supposedly "inferior" people.




  • On cell fusion with qualitatively abnormal chromosome distribution as the cause of tumor formation , 1911
  • About bog bodies, along with notification of a new case: (2 1/2 year old girl from Röst in Dithmarschen) . In: Negotiations of the Society for Physical Anthropology . Swiss beard, Stuttgart 1927, p. 57-73 ( djvu [accessed October 22, 2013]).
  • The German man , 1933


Web links

Wikisource: Otto Aichel  - Sources and full texts
Commons : Otto Aichel  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 108/563; 83/109
  2. Philological dissertation: On the knowledge of the histological structure of the retina of embryonic teleosts .
  3. Medical dissertation: The Tectum loborum opticorum embryonic teleost animal with consideration of comparative anatomical conditions
  4. Habilitation thesis: About the bladder mole .
  5. The Beckert Case - Murder and Fire in the German Embassy in Santiago de Chile (1910)