Albon (noble family)

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Albon was a family of the Burgundian nobility, who in the middle of the 12th century was transferred by the Archbishop of Vienne to the southern part of the previous County of Vienne as County Albon , from which the Dauphiné ( Dauphin von Viennois ) developed. The family also came into possession of the County of Forez through marriage .

The older branch of the family, the Dauphins of Viennois, died out in 1228, the younger branch, the Counts of Forez, in 1373

Tribe list

  1. Guigues I the Elder received the county of Albon , the southern part of the previous county of Vienne , before 1044 – after 1063
    1. Guigues II the Fat , Count of Grenoble before 1063 – after 1080
      1. Guigues III. the count , first count of Viennois before 1080 – after 1098
        1. Guigues IV the dolphin ( Le Dauphin ) († 1142)
          1. Guigues V. Dauphin , Count of Viennois 1142–1162
            1. Beatrix , Countess of Viennois 1162–1228, ∞ Hugo III. Duke of Burgundy
          2. Marchise ∞ Robert III. Count of Auvergne ( House of Auvergne )
      2. Guiges-Raymond († 1109) ∞ Ida-Raimunde, 1097 heiress of Forez , daughter of Artaud, the last Count of Lyon
        1. Guigues I († 1138), Count of Lyon and Forez in 1107; ∞ Alix or Marie de Beaujeu, daughter of Guichard III. ( House Beaujeu )
          1. Guigues II. , († 1226), Count of Lyon and Forez 1138–1198
            1. Guigues III. , († 1203), Count of Lyon and Forez 1198
              1. Guigues IV. († 1241) 1203 Count of Forez, Count of Nevers 1226, ∞ Mathilde von Courtenay Countess of Nevers , Auxerre and Tonnerre
                1. Guigues V , († 1259), Count of Forez 1241
                2. Rainald (Renaud) , († 1270), Count of Forez 1259; ∞ Isabelle de Beaujeu , † 1297, daughter of Humbert V. de Beaujeu ( House Beaujeu )
                  1. Guigues VI. , († before 1288), Count of Forez 1270
                    1. Johann I , († 1333), Count of Forez before 1288; ∞ Alix, daughter of Humbert I. Dauphin von Viennois ( La Tour-du-Pin house )
                      1. Guigues VII. , († 1360) Count of Forez 1333 ∞ Johanna von Bourbon, daughter of Duke Ludwig I , Countess of Forez 1373-1382
                        1. Ludwig († 1361), Count of Forez 1360,
                        2. Johann II. († 1373) Count of Forez 1361,
                        3. Johanna († 1366) ∞ Berald II. Dauphin of Auvergne († 1399) ( House of Auvergne )
                          1. Anna († 1416) Countess of Forez 1382–1416, ∞ Ludwig II. Duke of Bourbon († 1410)
                      2. Renaud, Lord of Maleval, ∞ Margaret of Savoy - Achaia
                  2. Louis I († 1295), 1272 Seigneur de Beaujeu ; ⚭ 1270 Eleanor of Savoy , † 1296, daughter of Count Thomas II.
                    1. Guichard VI. († 1331) 1295 Seigneur de Beaujeu; ⚭ I 1300 Johanna von Geneva, † 1303, daughter of Amadeus II., Count of Geneva ; ⚭ II 1309 Marie de Chatillon, daughter of Gaucher V. de Châtillon , Connétable of France ; ⚭ III 1320 Jeanne de Châteauvillain, Dame de Semur-en-Brionnais
                      1. Édouard I. de Beaujeu (* 1316 † 1351) 1331 Seigneur de Beaujeu, 1347 Marshal of France ; ⚭ 1333 Marie de Thil, † 1360
                        1. Antoine de Beaujeu (* 1343 † 1374), Seigneur de Beaujeu; ⚭ 1362 Béatrice de Châlon, Dame de Broyes
                      2. Guichard ∞ Marguerite de Poitiers, daughter of Louis I (X 1345), Comte de Valentinois et de Diois ( House of Poitiers-Valentinois )
                        1. Édouard II. (* 1351 † 1400), 1374 Seigneur de Beaujeu ⚭ 1370 Eléonore, Countess of Beaufort-en-Vallée , Vice Countess of Turenne , daughter of Guillaume Roger III. ( House of Rogier de Beaufort ); since the marriage remained childless, Édouard II bequeathed Beaujeu to Louis de Bourbon, the younger son of Duke Louis II. de Bourbon .