Alexander Petrovich Malyshev

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Alexander Petrovich Malyshev ( Russian Александр Петрович Малышев ; born June 10 . Jul / 22. June  1879 greg. In the village Beloje, government Kursk ; † 16th March 1962 ) was a Russian physicist and university teacher .


Malyshev, the son of a parish priest, studied at the Kursk Spiritual Seminary with graduation in 1901. In the 1901/1902 school year he was a teacher at the railway school at Kursk I station. In August 1902 he began studying in the chemical department of the Tomsk Technology Institute , where In 1903 he switched to the mechanical department. However, the institute was temporarily closed in 1904. As an intern he was foreman in the construction of the Omsk railway workshops in 1904 , in 1906 as an auxiliary engine driver at the Krasnoyarsk station , in 1908 as an elevator overseer in the ports of the Black Seaand 1909 elevator supervisor on the Baltic Sea . He completed his diploma project with Iwan Iwanowitsch Bobarykow .

Malyshev worked with appointment to the titular council (9th grade class ) from September 1911 as a junior laboratory assistant in the mechanical laboratory of the Tomsk Technology Institute. In 1914 he became head of the laboratory for tear strength there . In the First World War he was in October 1915 after Petrograd seconded to the Putilov factory and in the Petrograd metal work the shrapnel know -Herstellungstechnik. In November 1916 he was in the USA . At the General Vehicle Company , he performed mechanical material tests on the heat treatment of shrapnel materials . At Dayton Metal Products Co , he and Boris Petrowitsch Weinberg carried out the first tests on the mechanical testing of steels for detonators . In Syracuse , he headed a special laboratory for steel testing.

In December 1917, immediately after the October Revolution , Malyshev became an assistant at the Chair of Applied Mechanics at the Tomsk Technology Institute, and from 1919 he held the lecture on Applied Mechanics. In 1920 he became director of the Siberian Prosthetics Institute. In 1921 he was appointed professor at the Tomsk Technology Institute.

In 1923 he went to Moscow and became vice-chairman of the Prosthetics Commission at the Medical Science Council of the Moscow Prosthetics Institute (1925–1928 at the Medical Science Council of the People's Commissariat for Health). He dealt with the development of prostheses for limbs and at the same time managed the design office for textile machines .

In addition, Malyshev headed the Chair of Applied Mechanics at the Moscow Textile Institute from 1924 (until 1959). In 1927 he was appointed professor and from 1930 was dean of the faculty for textile engineering of the textile institute. One of his most important works was the generalization of the structural formula for kinematic chains and gears developed by Pawel Ossipowitsch Somow , which became known as the Somow-Malyshev formula . To study the mechanical process steps involved in the production of flax fibers , Malyschew was sent to Germany in 1927 and to the USA, England , Belgium and France in August 1930 .

In addition, Malyshev headed the machine testing sector in the Textile Research Institute (1929–1931), of which he became director in 1931. In 1933 he was editor of the mechanics department of the hut . In 1934 he became a member of the Mossoviet (Moscow Soviet of Workers, Peasants and Red Army soldiers ). In 1936 he received his doctorate in technical sciences without defending a dissertation . In the same year he became a member of the Council of the People's Commissar for Light Engineering and in 1940 he became a member of the Textile Council of the People's Commissar for General Mechanical Engineering .

After the beginning of the German-Soviet war , Malyshev was evacuated to Tashkent in October 1941 , where he headed the chair for textile machine design at the Tashkent Textile Institute from December 1941 . In 1943 he returned to Moscow and headed the Chair for Theory of Mechanisms and Machines at the Moscow Textile Institute.

Malyshev was buried in Moscow's Vvedenskoye cemetery .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Издательский дом “Личности”: МАЛЫШЕВ Александр Петрович (accessed September 28, 2019).
  2. a b c d e f Helpiks.Org: МАЛЫШЕВ Александр Петрович (accessed on September 28, 2019).
  3. ^ Petre P. Teodorescu: Mechanical Systems, Classical Models: Volume 1: Particle Mechanics . Springer Science & Business Media, 2007, p. 345 .