Hardheim Office

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The (Upper) Office Hardheim was an office of the Hochstift Würzburg .


In the early modern period , offices were a level between the municipalities and the sovereignty . The functions of administration and jurisdiction were not separated here. The office was headed by a bailiff who was appointed by the rulers. The Hardheim office was called the Oberamt in the 18th century. This was just a name; it was not associated with a superior position over other offices. It was also a central office , that is, a high court district.


Hardheim Castle

The core of the exercise of power in the area was the Lower Hardheim Castle . The owners were the von Hardheim family. In 1447 Konrad IV von Hardheim sold the castle and office to the bishopric. Another branch of the von Hardheim had built the Hardheimer Schloss . After Wolf von Hardheim's death in 1607, this branch of the family also died out. After decades of inheritance disputes, the castle passed into the possession of the Würzburg in 1630. In 1656 the Imperial Court of Justice confirmed the Würzburg ownership. The Hardheimer Schloss then also served as an office building.

The statistics of the Hochstift Würzburg from 1699 name 591 subjects in 7 villages and 1 farm. The following were deducted from the office as annual income of the bishopric: Estimate : 106 Reichstaler, 5 Batzen, excise and ungeld : 303 fl and smoke pound : 553 pounds.

In 1803 the Hardheim office came to the Principality of Leiningen as part of the secularization and then in 1806 to the Grand Duchy of Baden .


At the end of HRR the Office included the market Hardheim and the villages Bretz Willingen , court Stetten , Höpfingen , Pülferingen , males Thal , Steinfurt , Schweinsberg and Waldstetten .


The cents comprised the official places except Richtstetten (Centherr was the Amorbach monastery here ) as well as the following farms and mills: Dechants or Wölfertsmühle, Lindenmühle, Steinmühle, Mittelmühle, Schlempershof, Birkenfelder Hof and Hochfelder Hof.

See also
