Office Uerzell

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The Office of Uerzell (until 1699: Office of Ulmbach ) was a judicial and administrative unit of the clerical principality of Fulda and the principality of Nassau-Oranien-Fulda .



In October 900 the Fulda Abbey acquired Ulmbach and the northern part of the Salmünster parish by swap. Abbot Richard von Amorbach transferred the property to the newly founded Neuenberg Monastery in 1023 . On August 23, 1373 Abbot Konrad sold half of the office to the servant Heinrich von Mörle called Beheim with the consent of the convent. Fulda retained the high jurisdiction . In 1381 the widow von Mörles bought the other half of the office. In 1569 the bishopric reacquired the office from the von Mörle family. After Fulda bought the Uerzell estate from the heirs of the von Thüngen family in 1699, the seat of the office was moved there.

Principality of Nassau-Orange-Fulda

The Principality of Nassau-Oranien-Fulda came into being on the basis of the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss 1803. With regard to jurisdiction and administration, the rulers' ordinance on January 8, 1803 reorganized the existing offices. The Uerzell office initially remained unchanged. The office was now called an Office III. Class. By announcement of March 22, 1805 the office Uerzell (and the office Sannerz ) was canceled and assigned to the office Salmünster .

Scope of office

In a wisdom from 1415, the scope of the office was first handed down. At that time the office included Aldinggesesse , Bechtoldes (today desert, location unknown), Hagensmühle (desert, possibly Haigmühle in Hintersteinau ), Hiltwinsmühle (today desert, location unknown), Hornscheissis (today desert, location unknown), Kinderrode (desert in the district Steinau), Corps Salza (unclear which place is meant), low- and Oberstuppach (Wüstung below Rabenstein) Sarród , Ulmbach , Ürzell (the part on this side of Steina ) and winds (now deserted village below Ulmbach, location unknown).

The homage protocol from 1603 lists the following places: Kaltenfroschhof , Klesberg , Rabenstein , Rebsdorf , Sarrod, Ulmbach, Ullrichsberg (today there are Unterullrichsberg and Oberullrichsberg ), Wannhof and Weidenau .

At the end of the HRR, the office consisted of Klesberg, Marborn , Neustall , Rabenstein, Rebsdorf, Sarrod, Uerzell, Ulmbach and Weidenau.



  • Anneliese Hofemann: Studies on the development of the territory of the imperial abbey of Fulda and its offices. 1958, pp. 154-157.
  • Fuldaer Land / Rommerz in the 19th century from Heinrich Jakob Stöhr: Concept, scope and organization of the state of Fulda in the 19th century in the Fuldaer Geschichtsbl Blätter 1934
  • Of the Princely Hochstift Fulda State and Stand Calendar, 1800, p. 95, digitized

Coordinates: 50 ° 23 '29.6 "  N , 9 ° 26' 3.1"  E