District court Schwäbisch Gmünd

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District court Schwäbisch Gmünd 2020
District court Schwäbisch Gmünd with old paint
Rear view of the district court with the neighboring research institute for precious metals and metal chemistry

The District Court of Schwäbisch Gmünd is a court of ordinary jurisdiction based in the Baden-Württemberg city ​​of Schwäbisch Gmünd in Germany .


The district court is located on the edge of the old town of Schwäbisch Gmünd at Rektor-Klaus-Straße 21. It is a three-story office building under a hipped roof, built in 1928 in reinforced concrete and brick by the construction company Hugo Rek (Stuttgart). The Research Institute for Precious Metals and Metal Chemistry and the Hans Baldung Grammar School are in the immediate vicinity .

Judicial district

The District Court of Ellwangen is assigned to the District Court of Schwäbisch Gmünd as the next higher instance .

The district court is responsible for the cities of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Heubach and Lorch as well as the communities of Bartholomä , Böbingen an der Rems , Durlangen , Eschach , Göggingen , Gschwend , Heuchlingen , Iggingen , Leinzell , Mögglingen , Mutlangen , Obergröningen , Ruppertshofen , Schechingen , Spraitbach , Täferrot and Waldstetten .


In the 1980s, the Schwäbisch Gmünd District Court was often in the focus of the public nationwide, as the so-called "blockade negotiations" against - partly prominent - participants in the sit-down in front of the depot for US medium-range missiles from Type Pershing II took place in neighboring Mutlangen.

See also

Web links

Commons : District Court Schwäbisch Gmünd  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Richard Strobel, Die Kunstdenkmäler der Stadt Schwäbisch Gmünd, Vol. 4, 2003, p. 236.
  2. Volker Nick, Volker Scheub, Christof Then: Mutlangen 1983–1987: The stationing of Pershing II and the civil disobedience campaign up to disarmament , Tübingen 1993, 228 pages.

Coordinates: 48 ° 47 ′ 48.2 "  N , 9 ° 47 ′ 22"  E