Anthony J. Celebrezze

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Anthony J. Celebrezze

Anthony Joseph Celebrezze Sr. (born September 4, 1910 in Anzi , Potenza Province , Italy , † October 29, 1998 in Cleveland , Ohio ) was an American politician . Celebrezze has served as Cleveland Mayor, Secretary of Health in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations , and a judge on the US Federal Court of Appeals .


Celebrezze was born in Italy, but at the age of two he moved to the United States with his parents and eleven siblings. He grew up in Cleveland, Ohio. After serving in the US Navy during World War II, Celebrezze studied law at Ohio Northern University in Ada , Ohio and John Carroll University , Cleveland, and earned a Juris Doctor degree . Celebrezze entered the political arena in 1950 as a Democratic candidate for the Ohio Senate . After his election, he remained a member of this body until 1953. During this time he often went on a course of confrontation with his party comrades.

In 1953, Celebrezze resigned as Senator to run for the office of Mayor of Cleveland to succeed Democrat Thomas A. Burke . Although another candidate was sent into the race by his party, Celebrezze prevailed in the open primaries with the support of Governor Frank J. Lausche . Re-elected five times (1961 with 73.8% of the vote), he remained mayor until 1962. Previously, in 1958, he tried to become governor of Ohio; however, his party nominated Michael DiSalle . In 1960 he initiated the Erieview urban renewal , for which the architect Ieoh Ming Pei was responsible.

President Kennedy appointed Celebrezze in 1962 to succeed Abraham Ribicoff as US Secretary of Health. He also held this office under President Johnson, who appointed him a judge on the federal appeals court in 1965. Here he was responsible for the 6th court circuit ( circuit ) and served as a judge until his death in 1998. He was buried in Brook Park , Ohio.


A major achievement of Celebrezze was the reform of welfare and welfare as well as the Medicare health insurance system .


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