Anton Jamnik

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Auxiliary Bishop Anton Jamnik (2012) in Ribnica
Anton Jamnik's coat of arms

Anton Jamnik (born July 27, 1961 in Dobrepolje - Videm , Yugoslavia ) is a Slovenian Roman Catholic clergyman and auxiliary bishop in Ljubljana .


Anton Jamnik received the sacrament of ordination for the Archdiocese of Ljubljana on June 29, 1987 .

On November 15, 2005 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him . the titular bishop of Vina and ordered him auxiliary bishop in Ljubljana. The Archbishop of Ljubljana, Alojz Uran , donated him episcopal ordination on January 8, 2006 ; Co - consecrators were the Pro-Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life , Archbishop Franc Rodé CM , and the Bishop of Maribor , Franc Kramberger . Anton Jamnik is also Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Ljubljana.

Anton Jamnik was appointed Grand Officer by Cardinal Grand Master Carlo Cardinal Furno in 2001 and invested in the Papal Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem , and in 2004 appointed as the first Grand Prior of the newly founded Lieutenancy of Slovenia.

Web links

supporting documents

  1. ^ A certificate from Slovenia , OESSH Newsletter No. 41, 01/2016
predecessor Office successor
- Croix de l Ordre du Saint-Sepulcre.svg Grand Prior of the Lieutenancy of Slovenia of the Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem
Stane Zore