Aristarch Apollonowitsch Belopolski

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Aristarch Apollonowitsch Belopolski

Aristarchus Apollonowitsch Belopolski ( Russian Аристарх Аполлонович Белопольский ; born July 1, jul. / 13. July  1854 greg. In Moscow ; † 16th May 1934 in Pulkovo ) was a Russian astronomer and astrophysicist .


The Belopolski family came from Belo Polje in Serbia . Aristarch Belopolski's father Apollon Grigorjewitsch Belopolski († 1883) was the inspector of the 2nd Moscow high school and later the inspector of the Moscow- Yaroslavl railway. For material reasons he had not been able to study medicine . His interest in science drew him to the house of the historian Alexei Olenin , where he met and married the governess of Olenin's grandchildren, a doctor's daughter and a graduate of a music school in Hamburg . The couple had sons Aristarchus, Olimp and Alexander.

Aristarch Belopolski attended the 2nd Moscow high school from 1865–1873 and then studied at the physics and mathematics faculty of Moscow University with a degree in 1877. He fondly remembered his teacher Fyodor Bredichin , with whom professors Nikolai Zinger , August Dawidow , Fyodor met weekly Sludski , Alexander Stoletow and Nikolai Zhukovsky met. In 1877, under the direction of Bredichin, he systematically photographed the sun on behalf of the sick Witold Zeraski . 1878-1888 he was an assistant at the Moscow Observatory . At Bredichin's instigation, he was accepted into the preparatory service for professors at Moscow University. On the basis of his photographic observations of the sun, he wrote a master’s thesis on sunspots and their movements, which he successfully defended in 1886. He attributed the observed heterogeneities to the faster rotation of the inner solar layers relative to the outer ones. During the solar eclipse in 1887, he photographed the solar corona in Jurjewez .

In 1888 Belopolski moved to the Pulkowo Observatory , where he initially worked as an adjunct astronomer and from 1891 as an astrophysicist. With the transit instrument he determined the star - parallax . He examined the rotation of Jupiter and showed that the rotation of the equator is not the same as that of the higher parallels . He used a spectrograph to photograph the star spectra . With the help of the Doppler effect , he determined the radial velocities of around 200 stars, especially those of the Cepheids . He found that the radial velocity of the δ- Cephei changes periodically as does the brightness and that this is typical for stars of this type. In 1895 he successfully defended his doctoral thesis . In the same year, like Keeler at the same time, he investigated the radial speeds of the rings of Saturn . Their observations confirmed the theory of Maxwell and Kowalewskaja that the rings are not a single body , but clusters of small planets with different speeds. In 1896 he discovered the double star -character of Castor B . His cometary studies led to 12 publications in which he described the relationship between the type of comet's tail and its chemical structure.

Postage stamp of the Post Office of the USSR with the astronomers FA Bredichin, WJ Struve and AA Belopolski on the occasion of the reconstruction of the Pulkovo Observatory in 1954

In 1896 Belopolski took part in an expedition to the Far East and in 1907 in an expedition to Central Asia . In 1904 Dmitri Mendeleev published his theory of ether , which he also based on Belopolski's data.

In 1908, Belopolski became vice director of the Pulkowo Obervatorium and in 1916 director, succeeding his friend Oskar Backlund . After the October Revolution he gave up the office of director in 1918 in order to free himself from administrative work. In 1921 his textbook on astrospectroscopy was published . In 1933 he became honorary director of the Pulkovo Observatory. Shortly before his death, he took part in an expedition to the North Caucasus to determine the location for a new astrophysics observatory.

Belopolski was buried in the Pulkovo cemetery. In 1954 his astrophysical work was published and a postage stamp appeared with astronomers FA Bredichin, WJ Struve and AA Belopolski on the occasion of the reconstruction of the Pulkovo Observatory in 1954.

The following were named after Belopolski:

Memberships, honors

Web links

Commons : Aristarch Apollonowitsch Belopolski  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Hockey, Thomas: The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers . Springer Publishing, 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-31022-0 .
  2. a b c Тихов Г. А .: Шестьдесят лет у телескопа . Государственное Издательство детской литературы, Moscow 1959 ( [accessed September 26, 2017]).
  3. ^ Gerasimovic, BP: Aristarch A. Belopolsky . In: Astrophysical Journal . tape 80 , no. 2 , 1934, p. 81 .
  4. Aristarkh Belopolski: Les taches solaires et leur mouvement . In: Memorie della Società degli spettroscopisti italiani . tape 16 , 1888, pp. 17 .
  5. ^ AA Belopolski's grave (accessed September 26, 2017).
  6. ^ Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
  7. (1004) Belopolskya (accessed September 26, 2017).
  8. Премия имени А.А. Белопольского (accessed September 26, 2017).