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Ballei (historically also Balley ) referred to an administrative district or an order province of a knightly order from around the 13th century , usually with several priories ( commanderies and comedians ). The Ballei is probably modeled on the administrative organization of Sicily and has its roots in the official state of the Normans .

The name Ballei comes from the Middle Latin ballivus "overseer" and the Middle Latin baillivus "royal or feudal lordly official, mostly of subordinate rank", back to Latin baiulus " porter ". The further origin is unclear.

German medal

The administration of a ball of the Teutonic Knight Order was subordinate to the Landkomtur .

The Balleien Austria, An der Etsch and in the mountains, Alsace-Swabia-Burgundy and Bohemia were temporarily subordinate to the Grand Master as so-called Chamber Balleien.

The German Balleien and later the possessions in Italy , Greece and Spain were subordinate to the German master .

Historical balles of the Teutonic Order

(The places in brackets name the seat of the Landkomturs )

German Balleien Italian ballei More balles
  • Chamber of Commerce Bohemia
  • Romania (Achaia, Greece )
  • Armenia Cyprus

Today's Balleien of the Teutonic Order

The third branch of the Teutonic Order, the Institut der Familiaren (abbreviation after the name "FamOT"), is divided into the Balleien

  • Austria with the commanderies "An Enns and Salzach" and "An der Drau"
  • Germany based in Frankfurt am Main and the commanderies "An Isar, Lech and Donau", "An der Donau", "Franken", "Am Oberrhein", "An Tauber, Neckar and Bodensee", "An Rhein und Main", "On the Rhine and Ruhr", "On the Weser and Ems" and "On the Elbe and the Baltic Sea"
  • Ad Tiberim ( Italy )
  • On the Adige and in the mountains ( South Tyrol ) with the Commandery "Am Inn and Hohen Rhein"
  • Ballivia in Bohemia, Moravia et Silesia ( Czech Republic and Slovakia )
  • Ljubljana Priory in Slovenia
  • and the independent Commandery "Alden Biesen" in Belgium

Order of St. John

The Balley Brandenburg of the Knightly Order of St. John from the hospital in Jerusalem - the Order of St. John - is the independent since 1382 and since 1538 Protestant (today) branch of the 1099 founded Roman Catholic (called since 1530 the Hospitaller Order of Malta ).

Order of Malta

Several ballei were grouped together in priories and a ballei consisted of several coming.

See also


  • Ballei. In: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon. An encyclopedia of common knowledge. Volume 2: Atlantis - scarab beetle. 4th, completely revised edition. Publishing house of the Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1885.
  • JF Niermeyer, C. van de Kieft (eds.): Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus. = Medieval Latin Dictionary. = Lexique latin médiéval. = Middle Latin dictionary. Volume 1: A - L. 2nd, Corr. Edition. Brill, Leiden u. a. 2002, ISBN 90-04-12899-9 .
  • K. Borchardt: The Military-Religious Orders in the Crusader West. In: AJ Boas (Ed.): The Crusader World. London / New York 2016, pp. 111–128. (

Individual evidence

  1. Niermeyer et al. a. (Ed.): Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus. 2002, p. 106.
  2. Niermeyer et al. a. (Ed.): Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus. 2002, p. 102 f.
  3. Niermeyer et al. a. (Ed.): Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus. 2002.
  4. Alois Walde , Johann Baptist Hofmann : Latin Etymological Dictionary. First volume: A - L (= Indo-European Library. Department 1: Collection of Indo-European text and handbooks. Series 2: Dictionaries. Vol. 1, 1). 5th, unchanged edition. Winter, Heidelberg 1982, ISBN 3-533-00668-9 , p. 93.
  5. Miletin in Böhmen, a topographical attempt, by Joseph Ladislaus Jandera, Prague 1830, page 14 u. 15, Moravian = Bohemian balley , 1241

Web links

Wiktionary: Ballei  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations