Battlefield 3

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Battlefield 3
Battlefield 3 Logo.png
Studio SwedenSweden EA Digital Illusions CE
Publisher United StatesUnited States Electronic Arts
North AmericaNorth AmericaOctober 25, 2011 October 27, 2011 November 2, 2011
European UnionEuropean Union
platform Windows , Xbox 360 , PlayStation 3
Game engine Frostbite 2
genre Ego shooter
Game mode Single player , co-op , multiplayer
control Mouse , keyboard , gamepad
system advantages
  • Windows Vista or newer
  • CPU: 2 GHz dual core
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Graphics card: 512 MB DirectX 10 compatible
  • Sound card: DirectX compatible
  • Required storage space:
  • without add-ons 20 GB
  • with add-ons 35 GB
medium DVD-ROM , Blu-ray Disc , download
copy protection Origin
Age rating
USK from 18
PEGI recommended for ages 16+

Battlefield 3 (abbreviated: BF3 ) is a first-person shooter that was developed by the computer game manufacturer DICE and published by Electronic Arts on October 27, 2011 . It is the direct successor to the game Battlefield 2 published in 2005 . Battlefield 3 is the first game that was developed on the basis of the in-house graphics engine Frostbite 2 . As a successor, Battlefield 4 was released on October 31, 2013.

The game consists of a single and a multiplayer mode, both of which will be played in the near future. In the single player campaign, the player takes on the roles of various military personnel from the US and Russian armed forces . In multiplayer, Russia and the US are at war. The players fight either for the Russian Army or for the US Marine Corps . The battlefields are located in many different places on earth, from downtown Paris to the Iraqi desert.


In addition to the series-typical multiplayer mode and the single-player mode known from Bad Company 2 , Battlefield 3 also includes a co-op mode .

Single player


The campaign plays in 2014: The United States fought with military means the terrorist organization PLR (People's Liberation and Resistance; freedom and resistance of the people ) near the Iran-Iraq border.

The game starts with a US Marine raiding a train in New York . When he is overwhelmed, there is a flashback in the form of a video sequence in which Sergeant Blackburn, a US Marine, is interrogated by two CIA agents eight hours earlier with the aim of finding out as much as possible about a terrorist attack in New York. They show him the picture of a man Blackburn can immediately identify: his name is Solomon, who, according to Blackburn, wants to carry out a terrorist attack on New York. The agents then question him about Operation Swordbreaker .

In retrospect, Blackburn is played on the Iraqi- Iranian border, nine months before the interrogation. His unit is sent out with orders to find and evacuate a missing US patrol. The company ends in a catastrophe: Although his team can find and secure the severely decimated team despite several skirmishes, it is attacked by enemies, surprised by a strong earthquake during the evacuation and buried under rubble. Blackburn wakes up hours later to find that most of his unit has been killed or captured by the PLR. Together with a teammate and other Marines, he manages to escape the city with the help of a V-22 Osprey and to get through enemy lines to a US base. In the meantime, the PLR ​​are gaining more and more influence in Iran , so that the Americans are forced to send a larger force of marines to invade Iran to avert the new threat.

Back in the interrogation, the agents inform Blackburn about an air operation over Tehran , which the player plays in the subsequent mission as Lt. Jennifer Hawkins performs. The air strike that was supposed to kill Al-Bashir failed, however, but the invasion continued anyway. Blackburn's team then conducts an operation in central Tehran with the aim of breaking into a bank and obtaining information. You will find a suitcase in the bank that contains a nuclear warhead . It turns out that the other two warheads have disappeared in the case. Blackburn's team is then surrounded by PLR troops and calls for support. Then you play Sgt. Miller, who tries to help the sergeant's troops in an M1 Abrams tank. He and his team manage to evacuate the sergeant's troops in a helicopter, but Miller's team is surrounded by the PLR ​​and taken hostage. Miller is later executed in front of the camera by Solomon after a monologue by Faruk Al-Bashir, the leader of the PLR.

In the next mission, Blackburn's team captures the Iranian General Al-Bashir, who lost control of his car when Blackburn was shot and caused a car accident. Seriously injured and shortly before his death, Al-Bashir has now realized that Solomon had betrayed him and reveals his plan to detonate atomic bombs in Paris and New York. Blackburn's team tracks down Kaffarov, a Russian arms dealer who previously worked with Solomon. They are surprised by Russian soldiers and almost completely wiped out. Only Blackburn, Montes and their superior Cole can flee. Meanwhile, a Russian Spetsnaz team led by Dima storms Kaffarov's villa and interrogates him. Dima reveals the Solomon's plan to Blackburn. Meanwhile, Cole arrives at the mansion and wants to have Dima captured, but is gunned down by Blackburn because Dima had persuaded Blackburn that there would be many victims if he does not kill Cole. Then Blackburn is caught and taken to the said CIA interrogation. He learns that Dima and his team wanted to prevent the explosion in Paris, but found only a dummy in pursuit of the warhead. His team was seriously injured by a detonation. The CIA agents do not believe Blackburn, however, because Solomon is said to be a reliable CIA agent who was placed in the PLR.

After the interrogation, Blackburn and Montes are able to escape his capture by the CIA. Blackburn storms the said train in the first mission and is overwhelmed by Solomon. However, he can free himself and trigger the explosive device in the rear car, which derails the subway. Blackburn later wakes up and escapes via the sewer system, where he is picked up by Montes in a stolen police car. Together they pursue Solomon, who can bring their car to an accident. Shortly afterwards, Solomon approaches them and kills Montes. He then delivers a fight with Blackburn, where Solomon is defeated and killed by him and Blackburn can secure the atomic bomb.

Finally, the player sees Dima, irradiated by the atomic bomb explosion in Paris, in his apartment, as he writes the events in a book. Shortly afterwards, he takes a gun to kill himself. But he is disturbed by a knock on his apartment door.


The co-op mode enables two players - six online - to complete team-based missions on three different levels of difficulty (easy, normal, difficult). When a mission is successfully completed, the player receives points, which gradually unlock new weapons for multiplayer mode. In addition, every 160,000 points the player is rewarded with a service star that unlocks new dog tags.


In addition to the co-op mode, there is also the well-known online multiplayer mode. This can be played with up to 24 players on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 consoles and with up to 64 players in the PC version in different game modes with different goals.

Game modes

In Battlefield 3 there are a large number of different game modes that differ in their mission goals, the number of different parties competing against each other and the weapons and vehicles that can be used in them.


One of the oldest and most popular game modes with many players is Conquest . It is all about capturing and holding flags, also called operational objectives or "objectives" in English, which are set up at different strategic key points on the map between the two bases of the opposing parties. At the beginning of a game, all flags are neutral and therefore do not yet belong to a particular team. A flag can be captured both as a foot soldier and from a vehicle, the respective player only has to be in a defined area around the flag. Now the progress made by the player when neutralizing (if the flag previously belonged to the opposing team) and then when taking it is indicated by a small round bar. The more players on a team are in the vicinity of an objective, the faster the flag can be neutralized and captured. All team members can enter from the menu at a flag held by their team. The team that first ran out of so-called tickets loses the game. At the beginning of the game, each team has the same number of tickets, which become fewer and fewer as the game progresses for two different reasons; Firstly, due to the differences in the flag that the two teams have, the more objectives one party has compared to the other, the more tickets are deducted from the worse team per unit of time and, secondly, the consumption of one ticket per player who was killed and not resuscitated and therefore has to enter again through the menu. There are two different versions of Conquest on all maps in the PC version of Battlefield 3: Conquest and Big Conquest. Big conquest is usually characterized by larger map sections with more flags and more (different) vehicles per team. Only the normal version of Conquest can be played on the consoles. A small exception to the game principle, which is otherwise always the same on all maps, are the modifications Conquest: Assault, which is only available in the DLC "Back to Karkand", and Conquest: Dominance, which is only available in the DLC "Close Quarters". In the case of conquest: Assault, a team has all flags at the beginning, but it does not have a fixed base as usual, which can have various effects on later game play. In order to make the flag difference fair for both teams at the beginning, the team that owns all operational goals has fewer tickets. Here, too, there is the modification conquest: large assault attack. When conquering: Supremacy is played on very small infantry cards, neutralizing and capturing flags is much faster than on normal cards, but also gives the player fewer experience points. In addition, there are no vehicles available and it is not possible to get back in at mission targets, only with other players in the same squad and at random positions on the map.

Team and Squad Deathmatch

In contrast to conquest, the two game modes Team Deathmatch and Squad Deathmatch pursue a simpler goal; the team that killed more opponents first, who are not resuscitated afterwards and are therefore forced to re-enter via the menu, wins the game. The cards for both modes are usually only a small section of the conquest cards and the time a player has to wait to be able to get back in after his death is significantly less. No vehicles are available on Team Deathmatch, whereas on Squad Deathmatch, a light armored personnel carrier (BMP-2M) appears in a random location on the map. In addition, in Squad Deathmatch there are not two (as in Team Deathmatch), but four teams that compete against each other. Both modes are available on almost all maps.

Rush and Squadrush

The Rush mode is about blowing up certain targets (so-called MCOMs). There are certain many sections on each map, the different bases, in each of which one (in Squadrush) or two (in Rush) MCOMs are and must be blown up by the attacking team. The defending team tries to prevent this. If all targets are destroyed in one base, the defending team falls back to the next, if the MCOMs in the last section are blown up during the game, the attacking team wins. However, it only has a certain number of tickets, one of which is withdrawn each time an attacker dies. When all tickets are used up, the defenders win. These two modes are playable on most maps.


This mode, available on the maps of the DLCs "Close Quarters" and "Aftermath", only deals with infantry combat, vehicles are not available on the small maps. The aim of the game is to be the first to play through a certain number of different weapons. You usually start with a simple pistol and when two enemies have been killed with this weapon, you get another. The final weapon is a knife that must be used to kill another opponent to end the game and emerge victorious.


The looter mode can only be played on the maps of the DLC "Aftermath" and revolves around a modified form of conquest, in which only a pistol is played at the beginning and the individual soldier classes are deactivated in addition to the primary weapon. In the course of the game, the player has the opportunity to pick up various weapons that are in certain places on the map and thus gain an advantage. The maps for this game mode are all small and based on urban warfare, there are no vehicles here.

Tank superiority

In Panzerübermacht everything revolves around the ground vehicles, tank destroyers and battle tanks. Two teams compete against each other and try to hold or conquer a point that is similar to an objective in the mode of conquest. There are a lot of armored vehicles in the respective bases of the teams, but it is also possible, as in other game modes, to join the action as an infantryman. The point system works in a modified form as in conquest. This mode is only available on the maps of the DLC "Armored Kill".

Air superiority

Two teams only compete against each other in combat aircraft, it is not possible to get out. There are three hot air balloons on each of the large maps, which function as objectives as in conquest, only that they have a larger revenue radius to enable jets to conquer a flag. The point system works here in a modified form as in conquest. Air superiority is only playable in the DLC "End Game".

Capture the flag

In Capture the Flag mode, which is only available in the DLC "End Game", the aim is to take the enemy flag from the enemy base and bring it into your own. A point is only scored if your own flag is also there. The team that has the most points at the end of a time limit or that has reached a specified number during the game wins.


Overview of all cards
extension Card name Card type
Main game
  • Grand bazaar
  • Caspian border
  • Operation Firestorm
  • Noshahr channels
  • Operation Métro
  • Tehran Expressway
  • Seine crossing
  • Damavand summit
  • Kharg island
  • Greatly different maps, ranging from pure infantry battles to house-to-house combat with vehicle support to pure vehicle battles with hardly any foot soldiers and aircraft on large maps.
Back to Karkand
  • Attack on Karkand
  • Gulf of Oman
  • Wake Island
  • Sharqi Peninsula
  • Four slightly different multiplayer maps from Battlefield 2 , mainly designed for vehicle combat.
Close quarters
  • thrash metal
  • Operation 925
  • Ziba tower
  • Donya fortress
Armored kill
  • Elburs Mountains
  • Bandar desert
  • Armored Shield
  • Valley of death
  • Enormously large maps designed for vehicle battles
  • Markaz monolith
  • Azadi Palace
  • epicenter
  • Talah market
  • Environment destroyed by earthquakes, which is designed for infantry, but where there are also vehicles for support.
End game
  • Operation riverside
  • Nebandan level
  • Kiasar Railroad
  • Sabalan pipeline
  • Four large maps on which everything is possible except for pure infantry combat (with the exception of Squadrush).

The normal multiplayer mode contains a total of nine maps without DLCs, on which, depending on the map, most of the game modes listed above can be played. It varies in size and type, so there are cards especially for infantry, which focus on aircraft and land vehicles but also a mixture of both. All expansion packs add four additional cards to the main game.

Soldier classes

In Battlefield 3 there are four different classes of soldiers, which differ in the type of their armament and possible uses. Submachine guns, revolvers, pistols, shotguns, and the crossbow can be used by all classes. All soldier classes can be customized. The primary weapon, the secondary weapon, gadget 1 and 2 and a perk can be selected. All primary weapons can be adjusted in three spots depending on the type, for example you can equip a visor or a modified barrel.

Assault soldier

The assault soldier can use an assault rifle as a class-specific weapon, which is the most powerful rifle type in the game. He can heal himself and his teammates with the medicit and has the ability to reanimate fallen teammates if he has activated the defibrillator . Instead of the standard medicit, he can also take another gadget with him, such as a grenade launcher or a short underflow shotgun.


Pioneers are armed with an anti-aircraft missile or anti-tank missile and carbines and can repair damaged vehicles. The RPG-7V2 on the Russian and the SMAW on the American side are available as rocket launchers, which only differ in appearance in the game. Instead, you can opt for the American Stinger or the Russian Igla anti-aircraft missile , which also differ only in appearance, or you can opt for the Javelin , which can be used against vehicles as well as against helicopters or jets, but only against the latter if they have been laser marked by a team member. In addition, instead of the repair tool, the pioneer can carry anti-tank mines or an EOD-BOT. The latter is a remote-controlled robot for repairing vehicles and for setting and defusing explosive charges at radio stations. He is also able to remove enemy mines and explosive devices.


Scouts can operate from a greater distance to the front and eliminate opponents with sniper rifles and monitor and report enemy movements using the MAV drone from the air or the T-UGS from the ground. The T-UGS is a motion detector that can be placed on the floor, which generates a warning tone for nearby enemies and flashes the opponents on the mini-map. Instead of this piece of equipment, a laser marker, the SOFLAM, is also available. This marks land and air units, which other team members then use guided missiles, e.g. B. the Javelin, even if they cannot see the target directly. A radio beacon is available as standard equipment, with which squad members can join the game.

Supply soldier

The supply soldier has all light machine guns to choose from as a weapon. He can provide ammunition supplies and suppressive fire from his machine gun. He can also carry and use either C4 explosives, Claymore mines or a mortar. The mortar fires HE shells or smoke grenades.


Unlike in Call of Duty , the player in Battlefield 3 with all extensions can control 43 different vehicles, divided into different vehicle classes, himself. So there are jeeps, tanks, air defenses, helicopters and other planes. The vehicles can usually be found in your own base, you can often enter them directly from the menu, and sometimes you can find them on flags in the Conquest mode. With the exception of the transport vehicles, most vehicles can be individually adapted in three categories: an active, a passive slot and a weapon slot.

Armored personnel carriers

In the game, light armored personnel carriers, also known as IFVs (Infantery Fighting Vehicle), are often available on small maps in the vicinity of houses to support the infantry in battle. They can also be used to destroy other armored vehicles. They are all very fast and agile and cannot take too much, each vehicle fits six people. There are three different types of them in Battlefield 3: the American LAV-25 and the two Russian BMP-2M and BTR-90.

Main battle tank

The battle tanks, including MBT (Main Battle Tank), are usually available on larger maps with many vehicle battles. Their strength lies in fighting enemy vehicles, but they are also suitable for fighting against infantry. They are not quite as agile, but usually can withstand a lot. By default, 2 soldiers fit into a tank, if enough points have been earned in the tank, a third place is added. Two different models can be used in BF3, the American M1 ABRAMS and the Russian T-90A.

Air defense

A distinction is made between mobile and stationary anti-aircraft guns. Stationary artillery can be found on large conquest maps in the respective bases; the American CENTURION C-RAM and the Russian PANZIR-S1 are available there. Mobile anti-aircraft guns are seldom found on large conquest maps or on maps of intense vehicle battles; the American LAV-AD and the Russian 9K22 TUNGUSKA-M can be used. In addition to airspace defense, they are also suitable for fighting against infantry and unarmored vehicles. They are each operated by one person.

Attack helicopter

Attack helicopters are available on many larger maps and are particularly good at destroying all ground targets. The crew consists of a pilot with access to unguided air-to-surface missiles and air-to-air heat seekers, as well as a rifleman who operates an on-board cannon and selectable air-to-surface missiles. The American version is called AH-1Z VIPER and the Russian MI-28 HAVOC.


When it comes to jets, a distinction is made between fighter-bombers, which are only available in rush mode, and fighter jets, which are mainly found in conquest mode. The fighter-bombers are very effective against other vehicles, but they are relatively sluggish and difficult to control. The American A-10 Thunderbolt and the Russian SU-25 TM Frogfoot are available . The fighter jets are very fast and maneuverable and are therefore well suited for fighting other aircraft. You can choose from the F / A-18E Super Hornet and F-35 on the American side and the Su-35BM Flanker-E on the Russian side .

Scout helicopter

Scout helicopters can be found on different maps. They are intended for fighting infantry and unarmored vehicles, but can be used very individually depending on the equipment. You are very slow, but very agile. The American version is called the AH-6J LITTLE BIRD and the Russian Z-11W.

Transport vehicles

There are also a large number of other transport vehicles that cannot be equipped, both for the air and for the ground, with weapons and without weapons, all of which have different purposes.

Weapon system

Players can choose from over 85 different weapons and 10 different pieces of equipment. As in Battlefield: Bad Company 2, the individual weapons must first be unlocked. Weapons can now also be activated for money. The weapon system differs massively from previous Battlefield parts. While previously only the visor and the type of ammunition could be changed, other components of the weapons can now also be changed: the visor, bipod and barrel are freely configurable. Initially, each weapon has either only one attachment or no attachment at all; these must first be unlocked by killing the corresponding weapon.

Dog tags

In addition to firearms also can dog tags are personalized. These can be collected by eliminating opponents with special knife attacks. However, you cannot use the collected tokens yourself, but only view them in your collection in the “Battlelog”. Dog tags can be activated by reaching high ranks, by collecting "Service Stars" for weapons, by participating in pre-order campaigns and by completing orders.


In Battlefield 3, as with its predecessors, you start without a rank or grade , but the first is unlocked very quickly. The 45 ranks go from Private First Class to Colonel . When you have reached the Colonel , you can collect so-called Service Stars for this rank , the activation of each Service Star requires the same number of points. The ranking system ends at Colonel Service Star 100 .

Squad system

Just like in the previous game Battlefield 2, it is possible to create squads. The squad leaders do not receive orders from a commander, as in Battlefield 2, but issue orders themselves, since there is no commander in Battlefield 3. A maximum of four players can be included in a squad. The squad leader can mark targets himself (for example a flag or a radio station) so that the squad members can attack in a targeted manner. In addition, the members of a squad can equip previously unlocked specializations to support their squad.


In cooperation with ESN, developer DICE has set up a comprehensive online portal called Battlelog in the style of a social network for all platforms , through which one can view the statistics of friends, invite them to play together and chat. PC version players must launch all game modes through this website, making Battlefield 3 one of the first PC games to not have a classic game menu. However, it is possible to start the game without an internet connection. If this is done, the conventional single-player mode is started directly from the desktop or workstation and thus starting via Origin and a linked web browser is bypassed. However, only the single player campaigns can be played with this method. On July 1st, 2013 Battlelog was updated to the newest version 2.6.2. This made the function visible to control and configure Battlefield game server via RCON , an admin tool. However, this option is currently not in operation and, according to developers, will not be available until the release of Battlefield 4.

Extensions (DLCs)

Overview of the extensions
Extension name Back to Karkand Close quarters Armored kill Aftermath End game
Release date December 2011 June 2012 September 2012 November 2012 March 2013
Content Number of new cards 4th
Other content
  • 10 weapons
  • 10 orders
  • 1 game mode
  • Dog tags
  • 4 vehicles
  • 10 weapons
  • 10 orders
  • 2 game modes
  • Dog tags
  • 5 orders
  • 1 game mode
  • 5 vehicles
  • 20 vehicle activations
  • 10 orders
  • 1 game mode
  • 1 weapon
  • 5 dog tags
  • 3 modified vehicles
  • 5 orders
  • 2 game modes
  • 3 vehicles
  • 1 weapon

Battlefield 3 Premium

The chargeable additional service Battlefield Premium has been available for all three platforms since June 4, 2012. For a one-off payment, it includes all five expansion packages (DLC) that will appear as well as special additional content, strategy guides, events, priority in the queue when joining servers, early access to the expansions and the option to reset player statistics.

Back to Karkand

The first Back to Karkand DLC was released for all platforms in December 2011 and was free to download for all limited edition buyers of Battlefield 3. It contains four well-known maps from the predecessor Battlefield 2 , which have been significantly embellished with the new engine, as well as weapons and vehicles as well as a game mode ( Conquest: Assault ) from the predecessor. For PlayStation 3 players, Back to Karkand was available a week earlier.

Close quarters

The second DLC was released in June 2012 at the same time as Battlefield Premium Close Quarters . Instead of large maps with vehicles Close Quarters limited to the urban warfare and low cards, similar to Call of Duty . In addition to four maps, the expansion contains new missions, weapons and two game modes. The DLC Close Quarters has been playable for Premium Members on the PS3 since June 4th; on the PC and Xbox 360, the release will take place one week later on June 12, 2012. Battlefield players without Premium Membership received two weeks after the Premium members - June 19 (PS3) and June 26 (PC and Xbox 360) - Access to the new downloadable content.

Armored kill

With the third DLC, the focus is again on vehicles, tanks and planes. According to DICE, "Bandar Desert" was the biggest Battlefield 3 map of all time. In contrast to the previous expansions, Armored Kill does not bring any weapons, but significantly more new vehicles and also the ATVs known from Bad Company 2. In addition, two completely new vehicle classes were implemented: on the one hand, tank destroyers (presumably incorrectly translated "tank destroyers") and mobile missile artillery for each faction. The DLC also includes 4 new maps that play in completely different scenarios. Bandar Desert is set in the desert while Alborz Mountain is set in rugged mountains. With the third map called Death Valley, the second night map in Battlefield 3 is introduced after Tehran Highway. The last card is called Armored Shield and is set on green, open farmland. Parallels to two maps can be found here, on the one hand the fields of Bad Company 1 and 2 Map Harvest Day and the green, forested scenario that is already included in the game with Caspian Border. In addition, the DLC includes a new game mode called "Panzer Übermacht", in which only armored vehicles are used to fight for a single flag. Only one card is available for this in the game. This game mode is borrowed from the "Team Deathmatch" mode and is generally a "King of the Hill" game mode, which has never existed in the history of Battlefield. Armored Kill was released for Premium Members on the PS3 on September 4th and was available for regular buyers on September 18th. On Xbox and PC it was released a week later for Premium members on September 11th and for everyone else on September 25th.


The fourth DLC was Aftermath on November 27th on the PS3 and a week later the PC and Xbox 360 versions for premium players, which will then be reserved for the same for two weeks and will then be made available to all players. In addition to a new weapon, the crossbow, which offers the possibility of silently knocking out opponents, four new cards are included with Epicenter , Azadi Palace , Talah Market and Markaz Monolith , which are set in Tehran and the surrounding area, which has been destroyed by the earthquake. Similar to Close Quarters, the urban warfare should be brought back to the fore. There is also a new game mode called “Looters”, in which players armed only with a knife, a pistol and a grenade need to search the map for better equipment.

End game

On March 5, 2013, the fifth and final DLC for the Playstation 3 was released. A week later, on March 12, 2013, the PC and Xbox 360 versions were released. With the expansion, motorcycles got into the game, which were last included in the first part Battlefield 1942 . On December 21, 2012 the developers released an exclusive trailer for premium members. Like all previous DLCs, End Game 4 also included new maps, Operation Riverside, Kiasar Railroad, Nebandan Flats and Sabalan Pipeline. The maps are designed for vehicles, but much smaller than in Armored Kill. Other special features are the Capture the Flag game mode, which was previously only available in Battlefield 1942, and Air Superiority, which is a game mode based only on aerial combat.


publication Rating
PS3 Windows Xbox 360
4players 80% 85% 80%
Computer picture games 1.95 1.95 1.95
GamePro 91% k. A. 91%
GameStar k. A. 94% k. A.
IGN 9/10 9/10 9/10
PC Games k. A. 94% k. A.
Metacritic 85% 89% 84%

The game was heavily criticized because of the software " Origin " required to play . The Electronic Arts Terms and Conditions allow the software to search the player's PC for pirated copies, other software, etc. At the end of 2011, the terms and conditions were relaxed, but still allow the collection of user data.

Another point of criticism was the shortcuts introduced in 2012 that allow players to unlock all unlockable items in a class or vehicle for real money.

Battlefield 3 has also been criticized by the PETA . In single player mode the player is forced to kill a rat in a "sadistic way".

On July 22, 2015, Russian separatists released a video allegedly showing US Stinger missiles in the area of Luhansk Airport . The video has been questioned from many quarters as to the authenticity of the weapons. Among other things, the words "TRACKING RAINER" on the guns caused discussions, as the original copies mostly read "TRACKING TRAINER". It is therefore assumed that the weapon labeling was adopted from Battlefield 3 , as "TRACKING RAINER" can be found on Stinger missiles in the game.


  • The publisher Electronic Arts stated in a press release the dealers who will offer Battlefield 3; Steam was not listed in any country. The reason for this is that EA is starting its own download platform and this is not allowed with Steam partners.
  • Battlefield 3 is one of the first games to require an account with EA's Origin platform . This affects both retail and download versions of the game. With the release on October 27, 2011, servers of the Origin distribution platform failed, which significantly delayed the actual release.
  • Before the release of the main game, a much simpler version for iOS was planned under the name Battlefield 3: Aftershock . Due to numerous negative reviews, the app was removed shortly afterwards and development stopped.
  • Electronic Arts presented the M4 carbine for demonstration in two versions at gamescom : As a sniper rifle (with a longer barrel and visor with magnification) and as a support rifle (with a shorter barrel, magazine box , red dot sight and mounted bipod).
  • The single player mission "Comrades", during which an atomic bomb attack takes place on Paris, takes place on November 13, 2014. Exactly one year later, Paris was the target of the terrorist attacks on November 13, 2015 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Battlefield 4 will be released in autumn - 17 minute trailer - News - Battlelog / Battlefield 3. In: Retrieved October 21, 2013 .
  2. GDC: EA dies in beauty on Battlefield 4 - heise online. In: Retrieved October 21, 2013 .
  3. Battlefield 3 (PC) in the test - In: GameStar. Retrieved October 21, 2013 .
  4. Battlefield 3 - DICE introduces the new maps of the End Game DLC - News - In: GameStar. Retrieved October 21, 2013 .
  5. Battleblog # 2: With A Bit Of Class on, English
  6. Fact sheet 3 ( Memento of the original from October 24, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , released as part of the gamescom presentation of Battlefield 3 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. Battleblog # 9: Online vehicle warfare refined on, English
  8. Fact sheet 2 ( Memento of the original from October 21, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , released as part of the gamescom presentation of Battlefield 3 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  9. Battleblog # 8: Build your weapon of choice on, English
  10. Battlefield 3 - Class Shortcuts - Battlefield 3 (BF3). (No longer available online.) In: Archived from the original on November 16, 2013 ; Retrieved October 21, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Battleblog # 4: Up Close And Personal on, English
  12. Ranks - Battlefield 3 Wiki Guide - IGN. In: IGN Entertainment. Retrieved October 21, 2013 .
  13. Showcase - Battlelog - Real-time Battlefield 3 Community. (No longer available online.) In: ESN. Archived from the original on October 7, 2014 ; accessed on August 29, 2018 .
  14. ^ Battlelog / Log in. In: Retrieved October 21, 2013 .
  15. Jump up ↑ Battlefield 3 - Back to Karkand - Battlefield 3 (BF3). (No longer available online.) In: Archived from the original on October 6, 2013 ; accessed on October 21, 2013 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
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