Bez + Kock Architects

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Bez + Kock Architects Generalplaner GmbH
legal form GmbH
founding 2001
Seat Stuttgart , Germany
management Martin Bez, Thorsten Kock
Number of employees 34
Branch architecture
As of December 31, 2018

Bez + Kock Architekten is a German architecture firm based in Stuttgart ; In 2018, Bez + Kock Architects were awarded the architecture prize of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia .


The Bez + Kock office was founded in 2001 in Stuttgart by Martin Bez and Thorsten Kock. Currently (2020) the architecture office employs around 50 people, five of whom are members of the management.

Architecture competitions are of central importance for the office: Bez + Kock Architekten receive the majority of their orders from competitions they have won. The successfully contested competition is understood as an ideal typical expression of a comprehensive quality standard for architecture. Outstanding examples of successful competitions are the Upper Austrian Regional Library in Linz (1st Prize, 2006) and the Anneliese Brost Music Forum in Bochum (1st Prize, 2012). Both projects are among the key works of the office.


The approach of viewing each building task as unique creates independent answers that respond individually to the specific framework conditions. This is not only evident in new buildings, but also particularly when dealing with existing structures. At the Anneliese Brost Music Forum in Bochum (2016) , for example, the secularized St. Mary's Church becomes the foyer of the new building and at the same time the focal point of the architectural design. The 70 meter high church tower remains as a widely visible and familiar symbol - the nave mediates between the newly designed multifunctional room in the north and the likewise new concert hall in the south of the property.

At the Upper Austrian State Library in Linz (2009), the listed old building from the 1930s was supplemented by a six-storey new building so that the former courtyard could become the spacious, light-flooded heart of the new library. In the new construction of the Lohr town hall (2017), the sculptural, heptagonal structure reacts to the special urban situation: Although the building is oriented towards the historic old town and the nearby bank of the Main, its polygonal shape means that it does not show any rear sides. Using the same brickwork on the facade and the interior walls creates a building that plays with the boundaries between interior and exterior space.

The Museums- und Kulturforum Südwestfalen in Arnsberg (2019) reacts to specific topographical framework conditions and an existing baroque building: The new building is located on a 45 degree steep slope between the listed Landsberger Hof, built in 1605 and the nearby Ruhrstrasse. Its ground floor is around 20 meters below the entrance level of the representative existing building. The extension building is directly connected via a bridge-like connecting structure that docks onto the first basement of the Landsberger Hof and accentuates this transition with three inclined window openings in the direction of Brückenplatz.

Office partner

Martin Bez (* 1967 in Stuttgart ) studied architecture at the Technical University of Karlsruhe and the ETH Zurich from 1989 to 1996 . After working at Jourda & Perraudin Architectes in Lyon (1996–1997) and Kaag + Schwarz Architects in Stuttgart (1997–2000), he taught from 2003 to 2011 at the University of Stuttgart with Thomas Jocher and Arno Lederer . From 2017-2018 he took on a substitute professorship at the TU Darmstadt in the field of design and industrial methods of building construction.

Thorsten Kock (* 1966 in Giengen an der Brenz ) studied architecture from 1987 to 1995 at the University of Stuttgart and the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. He then worked at Kaag + Schwarz Architects (1996–1998) and Wulf Architects (1998–2000) in Stuttgart. From 2004 to 2007 he taught at the University of Stuttgart with Thomas Jocher and Arno Lederer ; From 2010 to 2019 he taught at the Stuttgart University of Technology with Tobias Wulf . He has been a member of the design advisory board of the city of Nürtingen since 2018 and of the design advisory board of the city of Offenbach am Main since 2020 .

Both are members of the BDA Association of German Architects Baden-Württemberg and have been judges regularly since 2009.

Project photos

Buildings (selection)

Competition successes (selection)

  • 2020 Lecture Center Philosophikum I of the Justus Liebig University Giessen , 2nd prize
  • 2020 Alte Amtskellerei, Bad Neustadt an der Saale , 2nd prize
  • 2019 Kulturhaus auf der Freiheit, Schleswig , 3rd prize
  • 2019 Volkstheater Rostock , 3rd prize
  • 2019 City Hall and Town Hall, Essen , 2nd prize
  • 2018 Green Adventure Center in the Luisenpark Stadtpark Mannheim , 1st prize
  • 2018 day care center with family center, Miltenberg , 1st prize
  • 2018 New Apostolic Church, Pforzheim-Brötzingen, 1st prize
  • 2018 BDB Music Academy, Staufen, 1st prize
  • 2017 Beuth University of Applied Sciences laboratory building, Berlin, 2nd prize
  • 2017 IGS Integrated Comprehensive School, Rinteln , 1st prize
  • 2017 Council and community center, Holzwickede, 1st prize
  • 2017 Lecture hall building on the campus of the HGU Geisenheim , 1st prize
  • 2016 East building of the Federal Court of Justice, Karlsruhe, 2nd prize
  • 2015 Chancellery of the German Embassy Gaborone (Botswana), 1st prize
  • 2015 Natural science tract of the Augustinianum grammar school, Greven, 1st prize
  • 2015 “Mainzer Tor” youth center, museum depot and archive, Miltenberg, 1st prize
  • 2014 Chancellery and residence of the German Embassy in Cairo (Egypt), 3rd prize
  • 2014 Festhalle Roth, 1st prize
  • 2014 Student House Campus Westend University of Frankfurt am Main, 2nd prize
  • 2013 Chancellery and residence of the German Embassy in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), 1st prize
  • 2013 Service Center for Citizen Services of the City of Ulm, 1st Prize
  • 2013 Raiffeisenbank, Ravensburg, 1st prize
  • 2013 Kulturhistorisches Zentrum Westmünsterland, Vreden, 1st prize
  • 2013 Flamingoweg youth and community center, Stuttgart-Neugereut, 1st prize
  • 2012 Anneliese Brost Musikforum, Bochum, 1st prize
  • 2012 MIN Forum and Computer Science University of Hamburg, 1st prize
  • 2012 Museum and Culture Forum Südwestfalen, Arnsberg, 2nd prize
  • 2011 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Regensburg University of Applied Sciences , 3rd prize
  • 2011 Dormitory for the University of the Bundeswehr Neubiberg, 1st prize
  • 2010 German Embassy in Muscat , Oman, 2nd prize
  • 2010 Maritime Security Center, Cuxhaven, 2nd prize
  • 2010 Lecture hall, seminar and library building, Homburg (Saar), 2nd prize
  • 2009 German Consulate General, Yekaterinburg , 1st prize
  • 2009 Faculty of Computer Science and Computer Center of BTU Cottbus, 1st prize
  • 2009 New building and extension of the Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences, 1st prize
  • 2009 Extension of the Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences, 2nd prize
  • 2008 St. Martin Catholic Children's Home, Tübingen-Hirschau, 3rd prize
  • 2007 Foot and cycle bridge, Heidelberg-Kirchheim, 1st prize
  • 2007 Foot and cycle bridge with bridge square at Petershausen station, Constance, 1st prize
  • 2006 community center with library, Unterföhring, 1st prize
  • 2006 Upper Austrian Regional Library , Linz, 1st prize
  • 2005 House of Youth, Hamburg-Kirchdorf, 4th prize
  • 2004 University for Television and Film / Museum for Egyptian Art, Munich, 3rd prize
  • 2004 New town center with community center, Poing, 2nd prize
  • 2002 St. Maria Church, Göppingen, 2nd prize
  • 2001 Student residence at Saalepark, Hof , 1st prize
  • 2001 XLAB - interdisciplinary experimental school at the University of Göttingen , 1st prize

Awards (selection)

  • 2020 best architects 21 Award, winners public buildings / Museums- und Kulturforum Südwestfalen, Arnsberg
  • 2020 German Natural Stone Prize 2020, special recognition, DNV German Natural Stone Association / Museum and Culture Forum South Westphalia, Arnsberg
  • 2020 Selection for the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2021, DAM German Architecture Museum Frankfurt am Main / Mainzer Tor - Museum Depot, City Archives and Youth Center, Miltenberg
  • 2019 Exemplary Building Award - Stuttgart 2015 to 2019, Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg / Jugend- und Bürgerhaus Flamingoweg, Stuttgart-Neugereut
  • 2019 Exemplary Building Award - Alb-Donau-Kreis and Ulm 2013 to 2019, Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg / Citizens' Services of the City of Ulm
  • 2019 Shortlisted Architecture Prize Nike of the BDA Association of German Architects / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2018 Selection for the DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2018, DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt am Main / Stadthalle Lohr am Main
  • 2018 German Urban Development Award 2018, German Academy for Urban Development and Regional Planning / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2018 Architecture Prize North Rhine-Westphalia 2018 of the BDA Association of German Architects / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2018 German Design Award Winner 2018 / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2017 Shortlist DAM Prize for Architecture in Germany 2017, DAM Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt am Main / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2017 best architects 18 Award, winners public buildings / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2017 Good Buildings Award 2017 Bochum, BDA Bund Deutscher Architekten / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2017 Fritz Höger Prize 2017, winner Special Mention / Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum
  • 2017 Exemplary Building Award - Tübingen District 2011 to 2017, Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg / Mössingen Police Post
  • 2015 Sustainability: BNB “Green Building”, Federal Institute for Building, Urban and Spatial Research in the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning / New building and expansion of the Deggendorf University of Technology
  • 2014 Hugo-Häring Award, Association of German Architects BDA Baden-Württemberg State Association / Mössingen Police Post
  • 2014 German computer center award in the category - energy and resource-efficient computer centers / new faculty for computer science and computer center of the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
  • 2013 Exemplary building award - District Heidenheim 2005 to 2012, Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg / Showroom company Rathgeber, Herbrechtingen
  • 2010 best architects 11 Award / Upper Austrian University and State Library, Linz
  • 2010 best architects 11 Award / student housing complex at Saalepark, Hof
  • 2007 Galileo Architecture Award - Creative Building with Sandwich / XLAB - Interdisciplinary Experimental School of the University of Göttingen
  • 2006 Architecture and Technology Award / XLAB - interdisciplinary experimental school at the University of Göttingen
  • 2006 Stahl-Innovationspreis / XLAB - interdisciplinary experimental school at the University of Göttingen
  • 2005 German Brick Prize / student housing complex at Saalepark, Hof
  • 2004 Award for good buildings 2004 in Franconia, BDA Bund Deutscher Architekten / Studentenwohnanlage am Saalepark, Hof


  • Klaus Meyer: Lokalkolorit, Bürgerdienste der Stadt Ulm, in: db Deutsche Bauzeitung , Issue 1–2, 2020, pp. 22–28
  • Michael Kasiske: Sauerland Museum in Arnsberg, in: Bauwelt , issue 25, 2019, pp. 36–45
  • Ursula Kleefisch-Jobst: Music celebrates high mass, Anneliese Brost Musikforum Bochum by Bez + Kock, in: Werk, Bauen + Wohnen , Issue 11, 2019, pp. 18–24
  • Bettina Schürkamp: Tailor-made suit for an orchestra - Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum; in: DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift , Issue 5, 2018, pp. 56–61
  • Nicole Heptner: Anneliese Brost Musikforum Ruhr, Bochum; in: Peter Cachola Schmal, Yorck Förster, Christina Gräwe (eds.): Deutsches Architektur Jahrbuch 2018, Berlin: DOM publishers 2018, ISBN 978-3-86922-650-7 , pp. 88–95
  • Andreas Rossmann: Flower of the area, Musikforum Bochum; in: Baumeister , Heft 3, 2017, pp. 36–47
  • Roland Pawlitschko: Together as a whole, Upper Austrian State Library in Linz; in: db Deutsche Bauzeitung , Issue 5, 2011, pp. 26–31

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Annual financial statements as of December 31, 2018 in the electronic Federal Gazette
  2. Message on from October 1st, 2018: BDA-Preis NRW 2018 awarded
  3. DBZ Deutsche Bauzeitschrift, Issue 5, 2018, p. 56
  4. ^ Message on from March 6th, 2020
  5. Message from the Sauerlandkurier from 02.09.2019
  6. Presentation on the website of best architects
  7. Message on from April 30th, 2019: BDA announces shortlist 2019