Bogdan Klich

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Bogdan Klich

Bogdan Adam Klich (born May 8, 1960 in Krakow ) is a Polish politician. From November 16, 2007 to August 2, 2011 he was Polish Minister of Defense .


Klich is a doctor of medicine and holds a degree in art history from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow . He was a member of the Independent Student Association NZS . He was interned during the state of war in Poland in the early 1980s . In 1999/2000 Prime Minister Jerzy Buzek appointed him Deputy Minister of Defense. In this role he was responsible for Polish contacts with NATO . In 2001 he was elected to the Polish lower house of the Sejm for the constituency of Kraków . He remained a deputy until he at the European elections in June 2004 for the Civic Platform to the European Parliament was elected (EP). There he belonged to the Group of the European People's Party . When the new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk appointed him as Defense Minister in his first cabinet on November 16, 2007 , Klich resigned his EP mandate.

Klich is considered a specialist in international politics. From 1989 to 1999 he was an advisor to the Polish governments on relations with the European Union . In the 1990s, eight Central European countries (Poland, Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Slovakia , Slovenia , the Czech Republic and Hungary ) joined the EU; in April 2003 they signed the accession treaty . Klich published numerous papers on the subjects of foreign policy and international security; he was a lecturer in European Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. On July 29, 2011, Klich announced his resignation as defense minister after the Polish investigation report into the plane crash near Smolensk revealed serious omissions by the Polish armed forces.

Tusk appointed Tomasz Siemoniak as the new Minister of Defense on August 2, 2011 .

Awards and honors

Web links

Commons : Bogdan Klich  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. ^ 'Center for European Studies' at the Jagiellonian University: short portrait
  2. Gazeta Wyborcza, Klich: odchodzę, by nie utrudniać zmian , July 29, 2011
  3. Міністр оборони Польщі Богдан Кліх нагороджений українським орденом "… November 26, 2014, accessed October 26, 2019 (Ukrainian).
  4. ^ Vabariigi President. Retrieved October 26, 2019 (Estonian).