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City of Varel
Coordinates: 53 ° 23 ′ 38 "  N , 8 ° 5 ′ 32"  E
Height : 5 m above sea level NHN
Area : 1.5 km²
Residents : 298  (Jun 30, 2010)
Population density : 199 inhabitants / km²
Postal code : 26316
Area code : 04451

Borgstede is a district of the Lower Saxon town of Varel in the district of Friesland with an area of ​​over 1.5 square kilometers.


Borgstede is located about three kilometers west of the city of Varel on the Jade Bay at an altitude of about m above sea level. NHN . Borgstede has a direct motorway connection to the A 29 and is seven kilometers from the coast of the Jadebusen. The place is limited in the southeast by the north end of the Leke and in the southwest by the Mühlenteichstrasse. The motorway now forms the eastern boundary of the Varel district.


Motte Melseburg near Rahling

In Borgstede - the syllable "Borg" is synonymous with "castle" - there were at least two castles. One was in Rahling, which, along with Seghorn , belonged to Borgstede until the 18th century. The other castle is the Rahlingsburg or Melseburg from the 14th / 15th centuries. Century. Along with the cloister courtyard in Lindern, it is the best-preserved hill castle (Motte) in the district of Friesland. The castle was located south of today's porcelain factory. Remnants of bricks and roof tiles as well as ceramic shards can still be found on the surface of the two meter high castle hill. On the hill there was a stone house that served as the residence of the chief family and gave the surrounding peasants protection from attacks by foreign troops.

The Schallenburg was located in Winkelsheide , which at the time also belonged to Borgstede, on Wilhelmshavener Straße between the Großer Winkelsheidermoorweg and the industrial area.

Borchstede and Borgstede are first mentioned in 1428. The Count of Oldenburg owned two farms and 20 Jück land there. Before that, the Varel chief Hayo had owned these farms.

The building register from 1764 lists 16 house people and 34 house people. The registers show that there were a number of mutts in addition to the upper peasant class of housekeepers . The number of köterei, the small farms, has increased steadily since the Middle Ages. The mutts cleared land in the common market ( common land ), which often led to disputes with the householders, who saw their rights of use restricted by the new settlers. The homelands formed the real lower class. They found their livelihood in agricultural daily wages, through summer seasonal work in the Netherlands ( Holland going ) or outside of agriculture.

According to earlier records, the core of the village at that time was "achter de gast", that is, south of the Roggen- und Korngast. The arable land is characterized by long-striped plot division. Borgstede belongs to the old settlements of the Geest like Bockhorn, Steinhausen and Jeringhave. The arable land with the farms is on a hill, the meadows are in the adjoining lowlands of the Leke and in the north-west towards Jeringhaver Bäke .

Borgstede Memorial

Borgstede had had a postal agency since the end of the 19th century, which was closed around 1970 as part of a rationalization measure. Around 1890 were among the peasantry Borgstede The villages Winkelheide and angle Heider Moor and "individual houses" in Doodshörne, Höntebarg, Langendamm and Am Mr. Kamp, but also the Torhegenhaus. Today Borgstede is part of the city of Varel and its spatial extent is much smaller. The motorway now forms the eastern boundary of the village. Since the municipality of Varel-Land was dissolved in the course of the regional reform in 1972, its villages have become part of the city of Varel.

As a result of flight and displacement from the German eastern areas, the population rose sharply for a short time after the Second World War. In 1950 784 people lived here in private houses and barracks, e.g. B. between today's Ziegelstrasse No. 2 and No. 10. The number of inhabitants has meanwhile decreased to about 300 people, because no building areas were designated for Borgstede.

The memorial on Bockhorner Strasse was erected in 1922 for the fallen and missing of the First World War . In the 1960s and 1970s, the residents of the villages of Borgstede and Winkelsheide made donations to ensure that an additional plaque was installed. On the day of national mourning , the fire brigade and the village community lay a wreath and provide the honor guard.


The school building in Borgstede

The first schoolmaster in Borgstede was Dirck Bruns (1675-1724). The Borgstede school night, consisting of the villages of Borgstede and Winkelsheide, included a piece of garden and farmland behind the school as well as a pasture on the Korngast.

In 1847 93 girls and boys went to the Borgsteder school. The school, built in 1845, had only one classroom. When the number of school-age children rose to 150 in 1864, a second class was added and a secondary teacher was hired.

School nights were repealed by the municipal code of 1910, and the school system was subordinated to the political municipalities. The Borgsteder school burned down in 1916. Until the new school was built in 1919, a two-room barrack served as a makeshift.

The two classes of the new school were not enough after the Second World War. With the families newly settled as a result of flight and displacement, the number of school-age children rose to 260 in 1949. In 1950, the extension building could be occupied, so that four classrooms were now available. There were two years in each class. Due to the sharp decline in student numbers, the school was to be closed in 1975. Due to the parents' protest, this could be prevented, so that the former elementary school could initially be continued as a primary school . In 2014 it was finally closed due to a lack of students. The school building was sold to the Vareler Orphan Foundation. Primary school students from the Von Aldenburg School, a special needs school, are now being taught there.

The advanced training school (vocational school) was built in 1903 in Büppel and Neuenwege and merged in Borgstede in 1910. She was housed in a barrack behind the school building. Until it was closed in 1938, trainees were taught there.


The station is on the Varel-Bockhorn-Neuchâtel line, which was built in the 1890s. In 1867 the Oldenburg-Varel-Wilhelmshaven railway was opened to traffic. It was not until 1891 that the state parliament decided to expand the Oldenburg railway network with numerous branch lines. The Varel-Borgstede-Bramloge line was opened on January 1, 1893, and the Borgstede-Bockhorn connection on December 1, 1893. From the branch line to Bramloge, a track branched off in front of the Mühlenteich station in the direction of the forester's house. The connection with the Friedrichsfeld airfield only existed during the Second World War. The route can still be seen today in the Seghorner Forest.

In 1975 the Borgstede train station was closed. Until 1992 goods were still transported on the Varel branch lines. Although the Federation for the Environment and Nature Conservation BUND and the local brickworking industry campaigned for the preservation of these railways, the line was gradually dismantled from 1992 onwards.

It is also worth mentioning that in 1932 the Dangast painter Franz Radziwill painted the picture “The railway line from Borgstede to Varel”, which is in the Oldenburg City Museum.

Community leader Diedrich Wilken

Diedrich Wilken with his family and servants (1895)

From 1885 to 1931 Diedrich Wilken (1856–1931) was the head of the rural community of Varel. He took over the office of community leader from his father-in-law Carl Wilhelm Hayessen, who had led the rural community since it was founded on May 1, 1856. In 1935 the name was changed to the municipality of Varel-Land. The proposed designation "Waplingen" had been rejected. The first parish council in 1856 had 18 members. In 1885 the seat of the municipal administration was moved from Obenstrohe to Borgstede. The community office with registry office - there had been a registry office in the community since 1875 - was first located in house Korngast 4, later in building Korngast 6, built in 1888.

The Wilkensche Hof was first mentioned in a document in 1555 with Mette Wilken. From 1890 to 1911 Diedrich Wilken was a member of the state parliament in Oldenburg. During this time he contributed to the creation of the Oldenburg Horse Breeding Act of 1897. Because of his services, the Grand Duke awarded him the title of Economic Councilor. At Diedrich Wilken's instigation, after the First World War, a settlement was built in Altjührden-West - mainly for those returning from the war - which was named Wilkenhausen after him.



Schwarting brickworks No. 1 (1890)

In 1839/1840 Johann Rencke Kronsweyde built a brick factory with a ring kiln . This brick factory, which was later bought by Johann Schwarting and then referred to as Plant 2, no longer exists today.

The second brick factory was built in 1869 on the Korngast. When Johann Schwarting died in 1906, his son Carl took over the two brick factories. Karl Günter Schwarting has managed and expanded the legacy since 1945 and at the end of 1984 transferred the management of the factory to his daughter Hilke.

Plant 2 was shut down in 1963 when a tunnel kiln was built on Plant 1 for the two ring kilns of the two brickworks. The ovens are no longer heated with peat, but with natural gas. In the summer months, seasonal workers from Lippe worked in the brickyards.

Until around 1950 the clay came from neighboring villages, from the state forest, then from more distant villages and still from the state forest. Originally, the clay was transported by horse and cart, from around 1890 to the mid-1950s by light rail and today by truck. The Lehmberg north of Bockhorner Straße was created at the time because the mining rights in Hansens Busch were limited to 50 years until 1975.

Due to the sharp drop in demand in the construction sector, Schwarting was forced to sell the company. From 2008 until the closure at the end of 2009, Wienerberger Ziegelindustrie GmbH from Hanover was the owner of the plant for a short time. The production of Bockhorn clinker bricks was relocated to Kirchkimmen near Hude, among others. Today there are no more brickworks in Borgstede.


In 1912, the Agricultural Reference Cooperative eGmbH Borgstede (LBG) and the Spar- und Kreditskasse eGmbH Borgstede were founded. In 1934, the savings and loan fund moved its headquarters to Varel. Today it bears the name Raiffeisen -Volksbank Varel-Nordenham eG.

In the course of time, a number of cooperatives were taken over as branches, namely in 1929 the Bockhorn agricultural cooperative with the Steinhausen branch, which had been in existence since 1881, the Obenstrohe cooperative in 1934, the Hohenberge cooperative in 1938 and the Neuenwege cooperative in 1950. In 1953 another office was set up in Ellenserdamm. In the meantime, these branches have been closed due to rationalization measures.

Today's LBG is located in the Bockhorner Strasse 12 building. In 1971/72 the old residential and commercial building at Bockhorner Strasse 25 was sold and a new office was built on the opposite side; a warehouse as well as a drying and transhipment facility were added in 1977/78. In 1970 the goods department of the Seghorn savings and loan association was merged with the LBG. Mergers took place with the Raiffeisen goods cooperatives RWG Zetel including the Sande branch in 1982 and RWG Horsten in 1987, so that at that time the company was called Agricultural Reference Cooperative Borgstede-Zetel-Horsten eG.

In 1999 the merger between LBG Borgstede-Zetel-Horsten eG and RWG Spohle took place . Since then the company has been called Raiffeisen-Warengenossenschaft Ammerland - Friesland eG. In recent years, sales in the traditional land trade business have declined. Since then, however, new business areas have been opened up. Today, you can fill up at the cooperative around the clock and take advantage of a wide range of products in the building materials trade and in the home and garden market.

The Viehverwertungsgenossenschaft Varel eGmbH (VV) was founded in Varel in 1924. Until 1961 the business was handled in the house of LBG Borgstede. In the early years, the building at Bockhorner Strasse 25 housed the LBG, the savings and loan fund and the cattle disposal cooperative. Due to the convenient location, Borgstede was retained as the VV's place of business. In 1961 she moved into a new building between the B 437 and the railway line.

In 1976 there was a separation in the business process for a few years, namely in the cattle disposal cooperative (VV) and cattle and meat marketing (VFV). In 1979 the company took over the slaughterhouse in Wilhelmshaven , which was sold again in 1989. The fresh meat market in Bockhorn (former dairy) and the livestock farm in Jever , which has since been affiliated , were also given up again. In 1983 the separate marketing of livestock and slaughter cattle was abolished and the former cattle exploitation was continued under the company name Vieh- und Fleisch-Vermarktung (VFV) Varel eG. After that, there was an unstoppable business decline. In 1995 the company had to cease business operations due to insolvency.

Village community, rural community and fire brigade

In the two villages of Borgstede and Winkelsheide there is a civic association called Dorfgemeinschaft Winkelsheide-Borgstede e. V., a rural people's association and the volunteer fire brigade .

The family association founded in 1950 dissolved in 1999. Some of the members then joined the Dorfgemeinschaft e. V. at. The citizens' association represents the interests of the two villages externally and takes care of the village beautification, the children's playgrounds and the traffic situation in the two villages.

The lantern parade, which has been taking place since 1963, and the memorial service on Memorial Day are carried out with the assistance of the volunteer fire brigade. The annual big Easter fire is organized by the village community.

Borgstede and Winkelsheide are also affected by the " Höfesterben ". The Landvolkverein has only a few members who run a farm. Traditionally, harvest crowns are tied by the rural folk association, together with the rural folk associations of the neighboring towns. One of them will be hung up during the Thanksgiving service in the Varel Castle Church. Another harvest crown in the town hall is intended to symbolize the togetherness between urban and rural populations.

Fire station in Borgstede

In 1908 the "Voluntary Fire Brigade Borgstede-Jeringhave" was founded. After many name changes, it has been called "Voluntary Fire Brigade Borgstede-Winkelsheide" since 1974.

In 1908 the syringe house was completed in Winkelsheide and a trolley with a kettle was purchased to supplement the existing manual pressure syringe, in 1922 a wooden tower for hose drying was added to the syringe house and a motorized syringe was acquired in 1933. The syringe house was converted into a fire station with a flat roof (1974–1980). The fire station has been on the site of the former school night on Ziegelstrasse in Borgstede since 1980. Today, the Borgstede-Winkelsheide volunteer fire brigade and two other local fire brigades provide fire protection and general help in the city of Varel. It has the status of a base fire brigade .


  • Paul Henk: General and community political history of the city of Varel , Varel 1920
  • Hermann Oltmanns: Ortsfamilienbuch Varel on CD-ROM (Hrsg. Oldenburgische Gesellschaft für Familienkunde), Oldenburg 2002
  • Gerold Pieper: The village of Borgstede and Wiemkens diary from the 19th century , 2nd edition, Varel 2003, ISBN 3-924113-05-X

Individual evidence

  1. City of Varel - figures, data, facts ( Memento of the original from April 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed May 7, 2014 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. ^ Nordwest-Zeitung: Education: Borgstede keeps its elementary school . In: NWZonline . ( [accessed October 19, 2018]).